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PLO official warns of declaration of Palestinian statehood in response to Trump plan

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questo IBAN è stato disattivato perché la CIA google che ha bloccato tutti i miei siti per 14 anni essi sono:
1. osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani;
2. protezione di ISRAELE attraverso il sionismo:quale unica patria mondiale ebraica )
3. (non vi fate ingannare dal contatore del sito) è riuscita a produrre una "fattura falsa" dove ha in calce ha incollato questo mio IBAN, quindi senza avere introitato nessuna somma di denaro,
io sono stato citato per i reati di 409 (sostituzione di persona) e 640 (per truffa)
quindi, oltre al danno (mai nessuno in 14 anni mi ha dato un centesimo) adesso mi devo difendere in sede penale da questa calunnia che i Rothschild (che hanno pensato di distruggere ISRAELE per ottenere la schiavitù assoluta di tutto il genere umano il compimento del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale) e le sue sinagoghe di Satana il MASSONE ISLAMICO tutto il male e le calunnie che loro hanno progettato contro di me
https://satanqueenfagot blogspot com/2020/01/iban-calunniato.html
this is real--> there is one only Allah, one only sharia, one only UMMA, one only jihad Erdogan Iran, one only Mecca, one only OCI 666 idol kaaba, one only Rothschild, one only Fed; one only NWO....
ie, Israel can Not exist.
PLO official warns of declaration of Palestinian statehood in response to Trump plan

PLO official warns of declaration of Palestinian statehood in response to Trump plan

this is real--> there is one only Allah, one only sharia, one only UMMA, one only jihad Erdogan Iran, one only Mecca, one only OCI 666 idol kaaba, one only Rothschild, one only Fed; one only NWO....
ie, Israel can Not exist.
PLO official warns of declaration of Palestinian statehood in response to Trump plan

German foreign minister proposes action plan to fight anti-Semitism, prevent Jews from fleeing Germany

if the Jews flee?
it is because, it is the justice of God that pursues them!
1. no Muslim knows of Christian martyrs, and so it is also for the Jews of the diaspora (because the Israeli Jews of Netanjahu they are very different)!
2. we rightly celebrate the Nazi-fascist shoah ..
3. but, we have 45 million Communist martyrs of Putin, who does not see anyone and who do not deserve a day of remembrance, because Morgan and Soros Talmud said that they are goyims slaves ...
4. but, we have 700 million Christian martyrs from the ARAB LEAGUE OCI Rijadh ISIS sharia Erdogan jihad who sees no one ..
5. today we have extermination camps in North Korea, but Putin and Xi-Jinping said he is not see.
6. The Democratic Party said that the Italian soldiers had died in the Second World War instead they knew they were in the gulags in Siberia Putin KGB digging with bare hands in the ice.
7. of the karst sinkholes the rothschild catto-communists prevented any discussion for 60 years ...
8. why the masons of antichrist Merkel and Macron lgbt, Pd, M5S, Bilderberg? even for them Christian martyrs do not exist
io soltanto, io posso vedere il mio sito soltanto?
auriti blogspot com
ma il mio cellulare non può farlo dice "sito non raggiungibile" "pagine web non disponibile"
che è uno dei miei 120 blogspot che la CIA ha bloccato
questo sito è stato dedicato allo scienziato monetarista Giacinto Auriti:
fondatore Università di Terano.. ecc..
fondatore sindacato antiusura ebraica, FED FMI BM NWO.. ma, internet dice che non è vero

Saudi crown prince’s WhatsApp linked to Bezos phone hack

Reuven Rivlin President of Israel] dear unitewithisrael persecute me [it is true that I always say that you have the szezx of angels ... but, I never thought that you could have been so vindictive against me!
IDF strengthens cyber-defense coordination with US Cyber Command
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#OCI #antichrists, # Moḥammad bin # Salmān Āl # Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; #Riyadh] your Supreme Sanhedrin and all the rabbis made a human sacrifice of 6 million Jews on the altar of the Synagogues through Nazism ... and we cried for this ...
but, when the time comes when we will celebrate the:
*** 700 million Christians killed through Muslims Jihad sharia UMMA,
*** the 200 million Christians killed through the Putin and Xi-Jinping Bolsheviks?
that of the killing of all Christians, etc ... (1st and 2nd world war) etc .. etc ..?
always synagogues of the Jews ENLIGHTENED Rothschild's FED IMF ECB corporations SpA 322 Ja-Bull-On Marduck your brothers high constitutional betrayal the SCAM banking seigniorage they were always the instigators!
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# Moḥammad bin # Salmān Āl # Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; ============
#Riyadh] how, I correct a spelling mistake? unitedwithisrael brand me as spam [if you deserve to be punished? this is God who has to decide it, not me .. I have the task NOT of punishing someone, but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks the all human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you,
and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan:
then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis,
you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
if you deserve to be punished?
this is God who has to decide it, not me ..
I have the task of punishing someone but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks:
the human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you,
and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan:
then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis,
you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
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this TRUMP peace plan cannot succeed, because it recognizes a country or a Palestinian state that cannot exist ...
the Palestinians were created by the ARAB LEAGUE to make a Jewish homeland impossible ... and this shows that the friendship of the ARAB LEAGUE with all the other nations is only a hypocritical fake tacticism!
if the ARAB LEAGUE was honest with Israel or the world it would have disassembled the fictitious homeland of the Palestinians that it 60 years has claimed to found!
but, ISLAM is a predator and as such must be killed!
NoahTheNephilim an hour ago
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Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyadh] if you deserve to be punished? this is God who has to decide it, not me .. I have the task NOT of punishing someone, but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks the all human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you, and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis, you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
antichrist jihad Bin SALMAN sharia law genocide slaves dhimmis kafir infidels impure right] [ in my slave goyim cell phone, in my emails, in my blog spots, together with 5 churches of Satan of the CIA SpA UK gender lgbt sodoma dracula BIDEN cult FED yours friends and brothers which are about 100 criminal hackers?
only you are missing!!!
I made a "blogspot" site to sell items for 10,000 euros, but nobody has visited it to date.
but a satanist called me with his covered number and asked me for a book

Israel jets pound Hamas infrastructure after balloon attacks

Riyad Mecca Idol Kaaba] Thousands of people took part in the torchlight procession in Fiumecello, the city of Regeni. Also present was the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico "2020 year of truth".
but what value could the life of a slave dalit dhimmis Murtidi and Kafir goyim have?
why punish a holy Wahhabite Ottoman jihad of Allah ISIS who have the duty Talmud Synagogue to clean the planet from Christian heresy?
Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyadh]
FOR the POLICE CARABINIERI who have summoned me today?
it was impossible for them (ADSL) to be able to see my website [auriti blospost] but, me with my computer and my SIM? I see it [auriti blospost] well my site ...
maybe 5 groups of secret satanists agents USA German UK and in Italy they have manipulated and blocked my 110 blogspots with the intention of damaging my economic interests ... but having seen their expectations fail because, I have a 100000 euro of goods to sell .. now they have moved on to attacking me in a judicial way, with slanders, of course, but, I have to spend money anyway to defend myself against from nominees who have no money to lose because they are very poor!
while the principals remain hidden
NoahTheNephilim http://disq us/t/3llucpb
NoahTheNephilim 4 minutes ago
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Venice, psychosis for coronavirus gang of teenagers spitting on a couple of Chinese tourists
The gesture may have been motivated by the climate of fear and psychosis that is also beginning to be experienced in our country in relation to the Chinese coronavirus epidemic.
sorry Xi-Jinping sorry,
the democratic party is responsible for identity destruction, bullying in schools, automatic promotions without merico, anarchy, support for offenders and their impunity, poverty, technocracy, bureaucracy, hypocrisy and corruption .. parasitism of the big boys, etc .. and of all the moral degradation of my country,
but, I apologize to you anyway!

IDF strengthens cyber-defense coordination with US Cyber Command

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#OCI #antichrists, #Moḥammad bin # Salmān Āl #Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; #Riyadh ] your the Supreme Sanhedrin and all the rabbis made a human sacrifice of 6 million Jews on the altar of the Synagogues through Nazism ... and we cried for this ...
but, when the time comes when we will celebrate the:
*** 700 million Christians killed through Muslims Jihad sharia UMMA,
*** the 200 million Christians killed through the Putin and Xi-Jinping Bolsheviks?
that of the killing of all Christians, etc... (1st and 2nd world war) etc.. etc.. ?
always synagogues of the Jews ENLIGHTENED Rothschild's FED IMF ECB corporations SpA 322 Ja-Bull-On Marduck your brothers high constitutional betrayal the SCAM banking seigniorage they were always the instigators!
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#Moḥammad bin #Salmān Āl #Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; ============
#Riyadh ] how, I correct a spelling mistake? unitedwithisrael brand me as spam [if you deserve to be punished? this is God who has to decide it, not me .. I have the task NOT of punishing someone, but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks the all human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you,
and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan:
then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis,
you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
if you deserve to be punished?
this is God who has to decide it, not me ..
I have the task of punishing someone but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks:
the human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you,
and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan:
then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis,
you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
come, io correggo un errore ortografico? unitedwithisrael marca me come spam [ if you deserve to be punished? this is God who has to decide it, not me .. I have the task NOT of punishing someone, but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks the all human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you, and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis, you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!
se tu meriti di essere punito? questo è Dio che lo deve decidere, non io.. io ho il compito di punire qualcuno ma di riunire tutto il genere umano come una gallina riunisce sotto le sue ali tutti i suoi pulcini il genere umano.
io non posso salvare israeliani e cristiani senza di tu, e se tu sei diventato pazzo, come Erdogan allora, tu penserai che senza cristiani e israeliani, tu potresti sconfiggere la sinagoga di satana Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO senza di noi!
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Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyadh] if you deserve to be punished? this is God who has to decide it, not me .. I have the task NOT of punishing someone, but of reuniting the whole human race like a hen gathering under its wings all its chicks the all human race.
I cannot save Israelis and Christians without you, and if you have gone mad, like Erdogan then, you will think that without Christians and Israelis, you could defeat the synagogue of satan Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO without us!

Survey Majority of French don’t know scope of Holocaust

certainly Hitler and Mussolini perceived the Jewish threat ...
their purpose and method was wrong ..
but ISLAM to make its UMMA genocides? for UN ISLAM he is never wrong
certamente Hitler e Mussolini hanno percepito la minaccia ebraica...
il loro scopo e metodo era sbagliato..
ma l'ISLAM a fare i suoi genocidi UMMA? per ONU ISLAM non sbaglia mai
I don't care about the story! God has already judged history .. I speak for today!
if the Jews were Zionists? they would be in ISRAEL ..
therefore all diaspora Jews must all be treated as criminals!
all those who are not Zionists? they are criminals! that's why Islam must be condemned!
if the Jews were Zionists? they would be in ISRAEL ..
therefore all diaspora Jews must all be treated as criminals!

Explosive soccer ball becomes latest Gazan terror tool

we can't legitimize the evil:
ISLAM and Palestinians must be eradicated!
ISLAM is a predator and as such must be killed!
this TRUMP peace plan cannot succeed,
non possiamo legittimale il male:
ISLAM e Palestinesi devono essere sradicati!
ISLAM is a predator and as such must be killed!
this TRUMP peace plan cannot succeed,
because it recognizes a country that is to fake Palestinian state that cannot exist ...
the Palestinians were created by the ARAB LEAGUE OCI Riyadh same today
to make a Jewish homeland impossible ...
and this shows that the friendship of the ARAB LEAGUE with all the other nations is only a hypocritical fake tacticism!
if the ARAB LEAGUE was honest with Israel or the world?
it would have disassembled the fictitious homeland of the Palestinians
that it 60 years has claimed to found!
but, ISLAM is a predator and as such must be killed!
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NoahTheNephilim •
this TRUMP peace plan cannot succeed, because it recognizes a country or a Palestinian state that cannot exist ...
the Palestinians were created by the ARAB LEAGUE to make a Jewish homeland impossible ... and this shows that the friendship of the ARAB LEAGUE with all the other nations is only a hypocritical fake tacticism!
if the ARAB LEAGUE was honest with Israel or the world it would have disassembled the fictitious homeland of the Palestinians that it 60 years has claimed to found!
but, ISLAM is a predator and as such must be killed!

Jews could ‘disappear completely’ from Europe, says chairman of World Holocaust Forum

I honestly don't like this position of mine,
however I don't want to add myself to the list of all those who God JHWH holy will punish
I am not the democracy that someone can choose or cannot choose .. he who disobeys me will be sentenced to death:
I am lorenzoJHWH the King of ISRAEL, and all over the world ..
my name is UniusREI
then, I will have another missed friend, a stubborn enemy criminal punished by God IRREMEDIATELY, to add to my list of millions of Islamic criminals and communist masons, racists and NWO agents Bilderberg, scam Democratic Party golpe Banking seigniorage sharia
when I came to this server worldisraelnews after about a year ago:
your Master Satan he wrote me here once,
he believes that Israel belongs to him ,. and instead I expelled him because Israel belongs to me!
his reign over Israel has ended and mine has begun
I am 14 years old that your Satan he cannot find in all the ARAB LEAGUE and in the whole New World Order a single intellectual who can challenge my justice and this is the biggest problem for Rothschild ...
so your problem is also this as a satanist and secret agent undercover CIA 666 UK?
you don't have a single argument against me!

WATCH Supporters in Congress 'Our True Friends on the Hill,' Edelstein Tells Polosi

everything the Rothschild's esoteric agenda FED IMF NWO democratic party has done and can do?
is to ruin Israel

Tensions run high on Temple Mount as US 'deal of the century' set to be released

OCI Riyadh without reciprocity and laicity... Sweden and its Welfare State in Crisis https://www gatestoneinstitute org/15414/sweden-welfare-crisis
if Rothschild fails
to push the EU into the destruction of a world war against slandered Russia?
certainly Allah uh akbar will hang us to make all European roads bleed!
se Rothschild non riuscirà
a spingere la UE nella distruzione di una guerra mondiale contro la Russia calunniata?
certo ci penderà Allah uh akbar a fare insanguinare tutte le strade europee!

Kings, Princes, and Presidents Arrive in Israel for Holocaust Memorial

only I can speak speak ill of ISRAEL
the whole planet has been warned ..
I did not hesitate to punish Marin Le PEN who is closest to my heart,
so nobody will be deprived of his punishment!

WATCH Israel upset as French president to visit Abbas during Holocaust memorial

very soon with Macron and with the Democratic Party France will become a branch of Turkey.
but it's all Marin Le Pen's fault that he hates Israel
yet in "translate google" this sounds very good ..
maybe you are that Macron TANCHERO?
yet intranslate.googlethis sounds very good ..
maybe you are that Macron TANCHERO?
she is antisemitic and antizionist cult
it's a bottle cap of wine that stinks because it has become vinegar
removed ( brutto figlio dellaCAGNA)
NoahTheNephilim a day ago Removed
Jesus of Bethlehem said Removed
"the children of darkness are smarter than the children of light!"
1. IRAN said "I'm going with Russia comunists", Removed
2. RIYADH said "I'm going with USA satanists", Removed
3. Erdogan the SLURTA Ottoman new empire he jihad has not yet figured out who is to win the world war.
I didn't have Marin Lepen elected
for much less than the anti-Zionism of this tanchero

Iran sleeper cells inside US, making domestic terror real possibility, officials warn

c'é un solo pianeta, ed esiste un solo Allah, che è un Corano di PAROLA INCREATA ISIS,
poi, c'é una sola sharia e quindi una sola UMMA... che è un sistema geopolitico, di dogmatico teocrazia religiosa e imperialismo e bomba demografica inarrestabile...
quindi Erdogan e inoltre Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, OCI e Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyad, poi, non è colpa loro, se nella loro vita hanno letto un solo libro il corano...
quindi per favore cari:
MURTIDI... tutti voi accettate il vostro genocidio islamico con fede rispetto e sottomissione!
CINA RUSSIA USA UE ONU INDIA, ETC... voi estinguetevi senza fare troppe storie!

Jews could ‘disappear completely’ from Europe, says chairman of World Holocaust Forum

it is necessary and indispensable that the Jews, whom the Bible calls for conversion to the third Jewish temple from their holy holy holy JHWH holy, that they disappear from all the nations of the world, and that like all peoples they too have a homeland kingdom ISRAELE
and they stop to do the perverted Satanists Freemasons and parasites of the banking scam seigniorage in the IMF 666 IMF Owl BM 187 ECB 322 Ja-Bull-On lgbt esoteric agenda NWO NATO OCI Riyadh and bohemian grove cremation of cure... amen

Polish president Israeli foreign minister's remarks 'offensive,' Poles deserve apology

dear Polish President Andrzej Duda
for this unjust offense against the Polish people:
I put all these unhappy partisan and ideologized Israelis with a day of diarrhea at all .. in Rivlin two days!
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin (Russian Владимир Владимирович Путин listen to your becero !!
that the POLES killed by the Nazis and KGB Comunists could support the Nazis?
this Putin the Mole of Lenin and Stalin
he shouldn't say it ..
since we expect to celebrate the 45 million Christians that his Bolsheviks killed!
Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyadh
today they pray at the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, and tomorrow they will go to pray in St. Peter's Square .. and of course, I am always very happy when I see people pray Erdogan the God of love for a religion of Peace sharia universal jihad. .
so what happens now?
can we Christians come to pray in Mecca Kaaba?

Iranian Authorities Arrest Prominent Christian Convert

it could be
mainly because of the Saudi Wahhabis it could really be
ISLAM is the devil
and the EU is the antichrist ..
that's why all this evil has come down against Israel and Christians
they the Freemasons and their Islamic communists lgbt, FED SpA NWO:
they are all going to go down to hell quickly
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in Europe by Rothschild Soros and Bilderberg Synagogue Democratic Party:
1. In 2019, attacks on Christians reached an all-time high.
2. So far, Boko Haram has destroyed 900 churches in northern Nigeria, where at least 16,000 Christians have been killed since 2015.
3. Christians beheaded at Christmas, the West pays no attention
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throughout the NAZI ARAB LEaGUE OCI UN The main problem remains the MEDIOEVAL crime of apostasy, which precludes the road to full religious freedom.
The trap consists precisely in the fact that apostasy is not explicitly prohibited by the Constitution in fact, for all cases not foreseen by the text, the judges refer to "authoritative Islamic sources and fatwas". In cases of apostasy, sharia is usually used and therefore the guilty party can be sentenced to death.
Jesus of Bethlehem said:
"the children of darkness are smarter than the children of light!"
1. IRAN said "I'm going with Russia",
2. RIYADH said "I'm going with USA",
3. Erdogan has not yet figured out who is to win the world war.
IRAN, where the devil is called ALLAH
What happened in 2016 is emblematic four converts to Christianity were arrested on charges of conspiring against national security. The pastor, previously condemned for apostasy, went worse than all 80 lashes, ten years in prison and two years of internal exile. The other three also served their sentences for "drinking alcohol."
now it is clear to everyone even to the communists Putin and Xi.Jinping "the devil is called Allah"
Hunt for Christians in Iran. http://bit ly/30HsZ0G
Christian raids are a sad tradition of Iranian theocracy. Even the United Nations Human Rights Council, often silent about the persecution of religious minorities in reality Muslim, has denounced over the years "arbitrary arrests, aggressions and detentions" that have affected Christians who converted from Islam. Usually, they are accused of making "propaganda against the state".
256 arrests to wipe out "Zionist Christianity". A problem for relations with the Vatican.
now it is clear to everyone even to the communists Putin and Xi.Jinping "the devil is called Allah"
Hunt for Christians in Iran.
Christian raids are a sad tradition of Iranian theocracy. Even the United Nations Human Rights Council, often silent about the persecution of religious minorities in reality Muslim, has denounced over the years "arbitrary arrests, aggressions and detentions" that have affected Christians who converted from Islam. Usually, they are accused of making "propaganda against the state".
256 arrests to wipe out "Zionist Christianity". A problem for relations with the Vatican.

Anti-Israel 'Jewish' Group Covers Up Lebanon Connection

it is a medioeval nome of Jesus of Betlemme..
"in nomine JESU omne enuflectatur
in coeletium terrestrium et infernorum"
that is why my kingdom Unius REI is a universal Kingdom
ie, "in the name of Jesus every knee bends to hell in heaven and on earth "..
in fact the demons dare not blaspheme God, what the freemasons and the abject cultivated by the democratic party do!

WATCH Iranian protester risks life to speak to Israeli TV

CHINA, Russia EU, USA India UN] how, this brutal Islam sharia jihad, which is a medieval foundation of genocide and intolerance, which cannot be subjected to theological evolution and social integration and reciprocity:
how can it live in our secularized societies?
this ISLAM has become an extreme threat to mankind ... you will all answer one day in front of my court.
CINA, Russia UE, USA India ONU ] come, questo brutale Islam sharia jihad, che è una fondazione medioevale di genocidio e intolleranza, che non può essere sottoposto a evoluzione teologica e sociale integrazione e reciprocità:
come può vivere nelle nostre società laicizzate?
questo ISLAM è diventato una minaccia estrema per il genere umano... voi tutti risponderete un giorno davanti al mio tribunale.

Explosive balloons from Gaza return to haunt Israel’s south

When do you sell weapons to Muslims?
you will never know when and how they will be used against you ..
Iran, black box Boeing stays here.
Tehran, 'we have no plans to send it overseas' ..
they go one hundred (to hell) that Putin the quail, he will pass over Iran
#Johnson to Putin bolscevico talpa Lenin, never again CIA chemical attack Mossad auto attack 11-09 cremation of cure Owl at bohemian grove .. please ...
British premier's warning in reference to Salisbury.
Punin and his 45 million Christian martyrs killed by him?
they all swore they will never do it again!
disgrace !!! strange .. yet Allah is so merciful in Saudi ARABIA OCI Iran in his genocide Erdogan jihad sharia law ISIS !!!
Yemen, over 100 killed in Houthi attack.
Among victims also civilians. Army, 'response will be ruthless'
expel Jews usureres, and jihad sharia Muslims it was a necessity of survival for the Christian populations, as still today preyed, corrupt, lgbt, devitalized, indebted and paralyzed by Masonic consociativism and its Rothschild Democratic Party and scam banking seigniorage...
and this great evil & disgrace SpA masonic system and esoteric agenda?
today, Israel is also paying for it
espellere ebrei e musulmani era una necessità di sopravvivenza per le popolazioni cristiane, come tutt'oggi predate, corrotte, devitalizzate, indebitate e paralizzate dal consociativismo massonico e suo Partito Democratico Rothschild...
e di questo grande male?
oggi, anche Israele ne sta facendo le spese anche lui

Jordan’s parliament votes to cancel Israel-Jordan gas deal

it is out of envy that Cain turned into an Assassin.
... the Jordanians must take away the management of the temple mount and must be given to the Saudis!

War of words over World War II continues between Poland and Russia

Matteo Salvini "With me Prime Minister, Jerusalem will be the capital of Israel"
all those who do not recognize Jerusalem as capital?
they are all ideological principals of the shoah, and of every Holocaust of the Jewish people in history!
quando il presidente russo Vladimir Putin viene a parlare al Forum mondiale sull'olocausto a Gerusalemme giovedì allo Yad Vashem?
vengo io a dargli un calcio nelle PALLE!
lui prima deve condannare il comunismo e dare giustizia alle sue vittime:
e poi, lui deve porter aprire la bocca
già tutte le truppe sovietiche di Putin il criminale comunista
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин you listen to Lenin's son
hey Vladimirovic caxxo head! the Church with the Second Vatican Council, has changed its theology, has apologized for 1. the crusades, 2. the slave trade, 3. the inquisition, 4. etc ...
however, none of the beasts of 1. demon Allah, 2. demon communist, 3. demon lgbt, 4 .. demon FED ECB IMF NWO the Synagogue of Satan, 5. demon the Masons Bilderberg Soros,
none of them apologized for their past crimes and nobody has changed his fundamentally malignant and intolerant maximalist ideology!
what the Catholic Church has done to open up to the plurality of universal brotherhood?
still remains a one-way gesture of love!
ehi Vladimirovic testa di caxxo! la Chiesa con il Concilio Vaticano II, ha cambiato la sua teologia, ha chiesto scusa per 1. le crociate, 2. il commercio degli schiavi, 3. la inquisizione, 4. ecc...
però, nessuno delle bestie del 1. demonio Allah, 2. demonio comunista, 3. demonio lgbt, 4.. demonio FED ECB IMF NWO la Synagoga di Satana, 5. demonio i massoni Bilderberg Soros,
nessuno di loro ha chiesto scusa per i loro passati delitti e nessuno ha mutato la sua ideologia fondamentalmente maligna e massimalista intollerante!
quello che ha fatto la Chiesa Cattolica per aprirsi alla pluralità della fratellanza universale?
tutt'ora rimane un gesto di amore a senso unico!

US Congress Introduces Law to Punish Anti-Israel Governments

what path of the devil has your wickedness taken?
1. with the Second Vatican Council the Catholic Church has changed theologically!
2. therefore, there is no longer any political or ideological or theological relationship between the Catholic Church and her historians court of the inquisition or crusades,
3. The Popes have asked for forgiveness, several times, for the past errors of the Catholic Church:
4. unfortunately though ISLAM, Communists, and Rothschild satan synagogue, not only they have never apologized for anything:
but, they are the Satanist Masons FED FMI NWO sharia Communists they have not even denied their criminal and ideological past ..
why, in their Satanism? they still live
1. we cannot judge with our zeitgeist, the zeitgeist of a different historical period!
2. The Inquisition Tribunal was not established to fight Jews (but only Marranian Jews like Rokefeller who still pretend to be Christians and who infiltrated the highest levels of the Church)
3. From the documents received, we know that this court was very modern with regard to the civil rights of the accused.
4. what is disturbing and supremely criminal is the fact that someone uses history (as you do) to justify today's ideological crimes what Islam, communism, synagogue FED NWO 666 Gmos SpA still commit today!
5. and I don't know if you condemn sharia and scam banking seigniorage today!
pity that your friends Morgan, Soros, Epstein, Rokefeller and Rothschild managed to escape
I also know who wrote the mickey book.
all the victims of the court of the inquisition were from 300 thousand to 500 thousand.
then, there were the religious wars and the massacre of the Albigensians.
all christian all the peoples of the Mediterranean
did not reach 65 million ..
try your slander now
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin official of the Russian KGB USSR, president of the Russian Federation] you did not condemn communism so you are morally responsible for the communist extermination of 45 million Christians ..
you will be punished for it!

WATCH 'Execute Anyone Who Won't Trample the Israeli Flag!' Says Iranian Official

becouse sciites are crazy? Ali Khamenei #Iran #ayatollah Iranian Ahmad Alamolhoda, representative of the supreme leader #Khamenei in the province of Khorasan Razavi,
because, you think that the ayatollah regime created Allah,
while, everyone knows that the god Owl FED IMF Bilderberg Enlightened of Marduck lgbt, in hatred of the Bible:
protected and financed Ruhollah Khomeyni:
that the masters of Rothschild and the French and Anglo-Americans who did it that is they created the Ayatollah regime
in order to obtain:
1. the massacre of the Iranian people
2. the destruction of Israel (to fight JHWH),
3. the world war that the IMF 666 (scam banking seigniorage) desperately needs to regenerate a new parasitic and devitalizing monetary cycle, to make all mankind a single herd of foolish sheep.
and why don't you think the Israelis keep me on this page risking their lives against Rothschild for the sake of the innocent Iranian people who fell under your curse?
Ali Khamenei #Iran]
and we Rokefeller Satana, FED, corporations lgbt lobby, freemasons EU Russia USA China UN we cannot say that:
1. what Israel is doing to fight against Islamic hamas mad Erdogan religious maniacs genocide and replacement theology it is wrong, because it is true that Jacob and Rachel were the grandparents of Muhammad, etc ...
is that:
2. what the sharia Erdogan Riyad that go a Kill sharia law all innocent Christian martyrs all over the world is right!
and then, you wont that Russia and China must commit suicide for your absolute evil that kills and tortures Muslims who want to become Christians because God and Jesus did not have to speak to them
Ali Khamenei #Iran]
1. we cannot say that the western masonic demonic system lgbt Rothschild (scam banking seigniorage) must be destroyed and then, that everything will improve by killing only ISRAEL.
2. Or that the criminal demonic system neo liberal and communist is bad while the Islamic Nazi sharia jihad of the Erdogan genocide it is the good one where UMMA is a criminal theocracy where in reality Allah is the devil himself!
this is the truth the main demons of this planet FED China and Riyadh? they do not want to elaborate a civilization of international justice as shared values and rules and they are preparing to fight to increase their sphere of influence

Top Iran leader Trump is a 'clown' who will betray Iranians

Bin SALMAN ] già appunto [ se Dio è in cielo, dove lui posa i suoi piedi politicamente, su questa terra?
io lo so!
un piede poggia sul mio cuore, e un altro piede poggia nel tuo cuore!
ma io non so cosa pensano i wahhabiti dell'ISIS che sono affianco a te, adesso, circa se questo genere umano deve essere salvato o deve essere subito distrutto nella guerra mondiale nucleare imminente
BIN SALMAN ] [ una bambina di 7 anni disse alla sua maestra "ma se Dio è in cielo, dove lui posa i piedi?".
la Maestra è diventata Sindaco di Noicattaro, e la bambina è diventata professoressa al mio liceo scientifico.
ora loro sono entrambe due grandi anime cristiane sante in Paradiso... perché hanno vissuto la fede cristiana in modo eroico dando ogni minuto della loro vita per amore del prossimo ecc.. ecc...

Ukrainian Parliament Marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day For First Time

you 666 and yours 322 Kerry Obama Biden and Bush Rothschild Owl
drink your poison made by yourself
in nomine JESU omne genuflectatur in:
coelestium terrestrium et infernorum
burn SATANA your Rothschild esoteric agenda
burn in Jesus's name amen alleluia

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli gives birth to son, tax case looms

all the priests of Satan, who are the friends of the friends, and of the friends of the LGBT and of the democratic party?
according to satan's bible (a pile of nonsense) do they have a duty to kill children who were born without a soul .. and also all zombies like Nancy Peolosi?
Everybody knows:
even the zombies no longer have a soul, having been thus transformed by the black magic of the Jewish kabbalah
no religion in the world:
despises and tramples on the Torah, more than the Rothschild 666 star on the Israeli flag the FED FMI SPA BAYER GMO ECB NWO Bilderberg swastika of the Jewish religion ..
in fact, also for the religion of satan the fetus is a child that can be sacrificed to satan as a human sacrifice ..
the for Judaism there is no real baby before birth at the 9th month that is, after birth.
the synagogues of satan, and of the black magic kabbalah Saruman; Morgan, Rockefeller, Soros, Rivlin then, they trample:
Genesis 9,6;
Psalm 36.9;
Exodus 21,22-23;
Psalm 139.6-13

Israeli Researchers Shave Years Off Drug-Screening Process

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Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin official criminal comunist Russian KGB USSR, president gulag laogai lager and genocide christians from Russian Federation] all the priests of satan know .. what do I want? I also have the power to be able to demand it!
you are changing the constitution of the USSR 666, the Red Dragon and KGB; well very well!!!
I demand the condemnation of communism, and I claim to erect monuments to the 45 million Christian martyrs that you killed in every country of Russia where these people were deported from!

Iran police caught on video shooting at those protesting plane shootdown

Other commentators are criminals, who like you accuse innocent people without offering any reasoning and no explanation

New IDF intel assessment Iran could have enough uranium for nuke by spring

what's wrong with these people?
isn't Fayez al-Sarraj the legitimate UN government?
dear Libian people all] you have suffered too much the curse of Muhammad [
1. Khalīfa Belqāsim Ḥaftar CANNOT claim the demobilization of the troops of Fayez al-Sarraj
2. because there is no one in the world who can trust a Muslim ..
3. but I can send his ally to Egypt as an interposing force under the UN flag.

WATCH New footage shows 2 Iranian missiles striking Ukrainian plane

it is not the fault of IRAN, if the UN ( Macron donkey Merkel monkey Trudeau pig) has not condemned the criminal brutalities of Muhammad (because he is the most saturned saint of all Muslim faithful and devoted servants)
ISLAM pretends to be a religion, but, in reality, it is an imperialist ideological system of crazy Maohemmetni, and producers of serial patients all Erdogan sharia jihad ..
now, is there the devil Allah?
and then, also Satan, Belfagor, Putin USSR KGB Lenin Stalin, Antony Lavey and Kerry 322, Albert Pike 187, Rothschild 666 (the mother of all demons and all the crap), OWL, Ja-Bull-On, dong Xi -Jinping the Mao Tze Dong Red dragon of communism, Marduk, lgbt Sodom, etc .. etc ..
all of them were wrong not to submit to him but for Allah Akbar they will certainly repent soon for this rebellion!

Germany Bans Burning Israeli Flags in Response to Anti-Semetic Crime Wave

la bestia Allah è cullata da Putin e dalla NATO
blessing to President Trump & Rivlin] I'm sure the world was programmed by the Rothschilds for go at self-destruction!
obviously, all religions and ideologies have been corrupted and deviated (by Masonic-technocratic finance) to achieve this goal ...
the Guardian of the Convent "Our Lady of the Well" in CAPURSO; he said to me:
"come and take control of this situation"
in fact there was at that time a false seer who saw the madonna, and they did not know how to solve this problem!
so should all governments do with me if they want to survive with their peoples the geopolitics that the Rothschilds have invented and which sees "le piattole" of crazy Erdogan Putin and Xi-Jinping so happy and excited as elephants to discover the reproductive system
blessing to President Trump & Rivlin ]
blessing to President Trump & Rivlin]
the BDS makes itself responsible for the genocide of the Jews .. and this God has never commanded him!
for this reason the Catholic princes never did the genocide of the Jews, because of the Masons of Rothschild conspiracy!
and deny the homeland to the first people of modern history?
yes, this invalidates international law ..
I do NOT believe that intentionally in the Rothschild Kabbalah, they set everything "either the KINGDOM of Israel, or the total destruction"
I believe that we usurers, without a King of Israel controlling them:
they simply followed that loan shark and slave of Satan and Allah
blessing to President Trump & Rivlin ]

IDF Warns Iran Could Have Enough Uranium for Nuke by Spring

blessing to President Trump & Rivlin] IDF Warns Iran Could Have Enough Uranium for Nuke by Spring.
but there is no technological possibility of being able to stop all their missiles ..
the problem is in FED IMF ECB NWO Bilderberg esoteric Agenda USA EU Russia India and China that not having condemned ISLAM sharia and Communism
then, the fault is ours if we have not yet become their prey!

Anti-Israel 'Jewish' Group Covers Up Lebanon Connection

blessing to President Trump & Rivlin ] [ those in the Democratic Party are pathetic they have the naivety of the good savage .. when the Spaniards made the genocide of the Indians Latin America? they made human sacrifices like an industrial chain!
they think that they can make peace with the devil Allah, and with the Islamic genocide of Sharia Erdogan, etc.
and they showed the Muslims peace without reciprocity Nazi termium symbiotic communism UMMA and theology replacing the sharia genocide ..
in fact Erdogan said there is no "moderate Islam"

Biased Professors Exposed for Promoting Anti-Israel Boycotts in Class

Usa, Trump tweets Pelosi's photo with hijab (fake). The speaker "What sadness" The photo published by the president portrays Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, the Democratic senator, dressed in traditional Islamic clothing (photoshopped), posing in front of the Iranian flag, with the inscription "The corrupt democrats who make all to run to the aid of the ayatollahs ". Donald Trump reposted him from an anonymous pro-US and anti-Iranian profile.
Pelosi's evil malignancy that transforms her into a drunk woman, this demonic feeling (acidity and old age) has been hidden by the photosh, and this is a great gift from TRUMP the gentleman ..
but the women of the Democratic Party have to tell me why they don't protest for the Niqab, which transforms 10-year-old girls into attractive brides suitable for that crazy pig of Salman and Erdogan new Ottoman empire and genocide population bomb new Ottoman empire?
My Precious President RIVLIN] will not be easy for us, to be able to save the Catholic Church from the stupidity of Pope Benedict XVI becouse, today that is the demonic Kingdom of the Rothschilds lgbt FED Satanism and the new World Order!
in these 50 years, 45,000 priests have abandoned the ministry for a woman.
many got sick and died from having suppressed the "drives",
We couldn't get 500,000 priests for this forced anti biblical and anti-avengelic castration!
and the religious staff left at 60% is dominated by puzzling religious scruples for having lived a sinful sexuality!
My Precious President RIVLIN] there is no single religion in the world today that can be legitimized by natural law.
and that's why we can't condemn the religion of Satanism itself La Vey, Albert Pike, Pelosi, Zingaretti, Bush and Kerry Biden and Obama, Merkel and Macron they are the new LGBT pontiffs of lucifer in the world!
My Precious President RIVLIN] you know, it's only because of the Rothschilds that I can't be too friendly with you!
but of course you do not know a theological reality, because the rabbis will never tell.
the fullness of spiritual power in Israel does not belong to the synagogue religion.
but it belongs to political power ..
when you understand your enormous spiritual power you can become an effective world mediator of wisdom like the Pope
My Precious President RIVLIN] it is not edifying to see how Muslims know how to exterminate each other through the fault of sharia, rather than through the same sharia as the fetid communists Putin and Xi-Jinping they do not come to do the sharia genocide our!
mio Prezioso Presidente RIVLIN ] non è edificante vedere come i mussulmani, si sanno sterminare tra di loro per colpa della sharia, piuttosto che, per colpa della stessa sharia dei comunisti fetidi Putin e Xi-Jinping loro non vengano a fare il genocidio sharia di noi!
my Precious President RIVLIN] perhaps because of my tiredness yesterday my last comment was lost!
but, I sent the Egyptian army to Libya as an interposing force under the symbols of the UN.
AFTAR must not take with violence what he can democratically achieve with the vote!
all religions have always been enslaved by political power, today, it is Masonic technocratic, and speculative financial ..
today power is in the Democratic Party Rothschild - Bilderberg deep State esoteric 666 lgbt agenda FED NWO IMF, etc ..
which allows and spreads the "promuovendo attivamente il BDS",
after all, the flaws of the right are amplified while those of the left are minimized!
"Regional elections, Emilian bishops 'vote' Pd. But Salvini Catholics are with me"

Lebanese protesters back in streets following brief lull

yes. dogmatic Islam Wahhabita Quranic-sharia hezbollah etc ...
grips the whole human race in a deadly grip!
we must pray for the peace and prosperity of the dear Lebanese people

Iran police caught on video shooting at those protesting plane shootdown

if you want to offend me or do you want to fight me?
ok this is useful but do it loyally,
bring arguments and let's discuss .. enough to bully, enough to slander me in your group without motivation
when, you are around the altar of satan all hooded together with your 5 miserable acolytes doing dirty things you put Bush's branchy horns on your head to demonstrate your hierarchical superiority?
you must be another CIA Satan priest pretending to be a Christian ..
you did a personality murder against me without setting up any explanation or demonstration
Putin, Xi-Jinping, Bin SALMAN] I can assume that Satan's beasts Morgan Rothschild and Rockefeller want to obey me,
but that the beasts of Allah and communism prevent it ..
and this is your crime of lese majesty against me!
.. now you will have to suffer the consequences
all the crimes of immigrants
but if they are Afro-Islamic Sharia and Nigerian mafia from the Democratic Party, Bilderberg Erdogan and Soros?
this is not known
It is difficult to find the identity of the criminals because the antichrist EU Bilderberg Soros hide it
The police of Monza are investigating the matter and, according to the investigations carried out so far, have been able to ascertain that the perpetrators of the attack would be two North African citizens.

Netanyahu to Israeli Held in Russia ‘Citizens of Israel Are Thinking of You’

Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin USSR military and Bolshevik fool and communist officer of the Russian KGB, president of a rogue state the Russian Federation where did the girl have this human trafficking? in his ovaries?
we are talking about 7.5 grams of marijuana that if you shoot yourself in the eye it also lengthens your sight ...
what is this "human trafficking"?
eih Putin ah PUTTAN noi stiamo parlando di 7,5 grammi di marjuana che se ti spari in un occhio ti allunga anche la vista...
cosa è questo "il traffico di esseri umani"?

Jordan’s king says relationship with Israel is on ‘pause’

certainly sharia is an unsurpassed impediment to peace,
but, even the Rothschild SpA Bayer FED IMF NWO your devil
is worse than this!

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Trieste non molla: "Via il green pass e scuse ufficiali per gli scontri".
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


Obama moderate terrorists Biden

Obama moderate terrorists Biden
jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS UMMA Riyad

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?
Adesso preparatevi alle conseguenze!

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione
domande alle quali non aveva mai risposto nessuno: moneta, credito, usurocrazia e valore indotto.

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!
Giacinto è nella comunione dei Santi!