lockdown imposto per consolidare il potere di un governicchio

lockdown imposto per consolidare il potere di un governicchio

criminal Italian government and smear infector Messina, hotspot like a colander another 18 migrants on the run More than seven thousand migrants landed in Sicily in July. The result? Many coronavirus positives. The data show that the infected in Sicily, reported yesterday, most are immigrants. governo italiano criminale e untore Messina, hotspot come un colapasta altri 18 i migranti in fuga Più di settemila migranti sbarcati in Sicilia nel mese di luglio. II risultato? Tanti i positivi al coronavirus. I dati dimostrano che gli infetti in Sicilia, segnalati nella giornata di ieri, la maggior parte sono immigrati.

lockdown imposto per consolidare il potere di un governicchio

Gianfranco you are a total fraud, do you want to lock Christians in the sacristies? Melluzzi is above all a patriot, like you are a traitor and slanderer "where @a_meluzzi did he say he was the representative of all the Orthodox?"
@GDERAMO Gianfranco sei una frode totale, tu vuoi chiudere i cristiani nelle sacrestie? Melluzzi è innanzi tutto un patriota, come tu sei un traditore e calunniatore "dove @a_meluzzi lui ha detto di essere il rappresentante di tutti gli ortodossi?" Gianfranco D'eramo @GDERAMO @giovann58134961
@a_meluzzi I wonder how this theory fits the plans of the self-appointed leader of the Italian orthodox church#italexit@giovann58134961 “The Satanic Temple is proud to announce its Religious Abortion Ritual, a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs,” the group said in a video announcement on YouTube. “Thyself is thy master. Hail Satan!” The disturbing announcement is part of the cult’s new plan to overturn

Toronto Polish Paper Blames Jews for Covid-19 Pandemic
https://unitedwithisrael.org/toronto-polish-paper-blames-jews-for-covid-19-pandemic/#.Xy9f_JQ0iQs.twitterMUSLIMS killed in the name of ISLAM, and under the proxy of OCI Riyad, under the aegis of the UN sharia, for the imperialism of the sharia Erdogan Jihad] [14 Christians killed in Nigeria attack [Jennifer Lee 06 August 2020] Men march along a truck carrying the coffins of people killed by the Fulani herdsmen, in Makurdi, Nigeria on January 11, 2018.Another village raid in Nigeria has reportedly left 14 members of a Baptist church dead.Morning Star News reports that the Christians were killed in a raid in Kogi state that is believed to have been carried out by radical Fulani herdsmen. The attack occurred in the Agbadu-Daruwana area at around 2am on 29 July, police chief Ede Ayuba told the website. He said 13 of the victims belonged to the same family. The lone surviving family member lost his mother, wife, children and extended family. The All Africa Baptist Fellowship said in a Facebook post that the victims were members of Bethel Baptist Church, Morning Star News reports. "They have since been buried," the post said. "All the community members, mainly Christians, have all fled. Please pray for God's intervention against antichrist in the land." The village targeted in the raid was predominantly Christian. One resident told Morning Star News that the perpetrators spoke the Fulani language, and attacked the village armed with guns and riding on motorcycles. "This is not the first time they're attacking our communities, as other villages around us had been attacked in a similar way by these herdsmen," the source said. hanno ucciso in nome dell'ISLAM, e sotto la delega dell'OCI Riyad, sotto l'egida della sharia delle Nazioni Unite, per l'imperialismo della sharia Erdogan Jihad ] [ 14 cristiani uccisi nell'attentato in Nigeria [Jennifer Lee 06 agosto 2020] Uomini marciano lungo un camion che trasporta le bare delle persone uccise dai pastori Fulani, a Makurdi, in Nigeria, l'11 gennaio 2018. Un altro raid in un villaggio in Nigeria avrebbe provocato la morte di 14 membri di una chiesa battista. Morning Star News riporta che i cristiani sono stati uccisi in un raid nello stato di Kogi che si ritiene sia stato effettuato da pastori fulani radicali. L'attacco è avvenuto nell'area di Agbadu-Daruwana intorno alle 2 del mattino del 29 luglio, ha detto al sito il capo della polizia Ede Ayuba. Ha detto che 13 delle vittime appartenevano alla stessa famiglia. L'unico membro della famiglia sopravvissuto ha perso la madre, la moglie, i figli e la famiglia allargata. La All Africa Baptist Fellowship ha detto in un post su Facebook che le vittime erano membri della Bethel Baptist Church, riporta Morning Star News. "Da allora sono stati sepolti", diceva il post. "Tutti i membri della comunità, principalmente cristiani, sono tutti fuggiti. Pregate per l'intervento di Dio contro l'anticristo nel paese". Il villaggio preso di mira dal raid era prevalentemente cristiano. Un residente ha detto al Morning Star News che gli autori parlavano la lingua fulani e hanno attaccato il villaggio armati di pistole e in sella a motociclette. "Questa non è la prima volta che attaccano le nostre comunità, poiché altri villaggi intorno a noi sono stati attaccati in modo simile da questi pastori", ha detto la fonte.

Poland, clashes at anti-homophobic peudo demonstration. and pseudo-peaceful, but, lgbtq are an ideological threat, a satanic theosophy without scientific basis a criminal manipulation of the meanings of human life an ideological crime of the Democratic Party and the Bilderberg NWO FED IMF ECB, certainly not a corporate union. "No tolerance against these followers of a perverse and leftist ideology who violate the law," the Polish government said. Margo the transsexual was also accused of having sprayed a pickup truck according to her "used by ultra-right and clerical groups for homophobic propaganda". Dozens of cities controlled by the ruling sovereign party have declared themselves "zones free of LGBT ideology", often praised by the Catholic Church and the fundamentalist Catholic broadcaster Radio Maryja. Months ago one of the main Polish bishops had defined homosexuality as "the rainbow plague, as deadly for the nation as was the red plague, communism". Technocratic and neoliberal Masonic Europe (the antichrist) has punished Poland by cutting subsidies to Polish cities proclaimed "lgbt-free".https://worldisraelnews.com/thousands-descend-upon-jerusalem-for-anti-netanyahu-protest/Polonia, scontri a manifestazione peudo anti-omofoba. e pseudo pacifica, ma, lgbtq sono una minaccia ideologica, una teosofia satanica senza fondamento scientico una manipolazione criminale dei significati della vita umana un delitto ideologico del Pd e del Bilderberg NWO FED IMF ECB, certo non un sindacato corporativo. "Nessuna tolleranza contro questi seguaci di un'ideologia perversa e di sinistra che violano la legge" ha detto il Governo polacco, Margo la transessuale è stata accusata anche di aver danneggiato con dello spray un camioncino a suo dire " usato dai gruppi dell'ultradestra e clericali per la propaganda omofoba ". Decine di città controllate dal partito sovranista al potere si sono dichiarate "zone libere dall'ideologia Lgbt", spesso elogiate dalla Chiesa cattolica e dall'emittente cattolica integralista Radio Maryja. Mesi fa uno dei principali vescovi polacchi aveva definito l'omosessualità "la peste arcobaleno, micidiale per la nazione come fu la peste rossa, il comunismo". L'Europa massonica tecnocratica e neoliberista (l'anticristo) ha punito la Polonia tagliando le sovvenzioni alle città polacche proclamatesi "lgbt-free".https://worldisraelnews.com/naacp-refuses-to-fire-anti-semitic-branch-president-in-philadelphia/

Toronto Polish Paper Blames Jews for Covid-19 Pandemichttp://disq.us/t/3qw5b3gYitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Steve Sss a few seconds ago what will the story tell? history will tell that the Jews (and 10 times more Israelis) are the first victims of the evil that exists in the world! the fact that 10% of the slanders, claimed in this Arctic, can be plausible? this does not mean that Jews as a people or ethnic group are responsible for the evils of the world at 10%. we have already shown other times, how satanists, neoliberals, lgbtq, mondialists, techno-finance transnational masonic regime, deep state, have no patriotism or national religious or ethnic identity they are the 1% of the super rich, shareholders of central banks, multinationals, social networks, that is, they are those who have stolen 99% of the resources, from the remaining 99% of the human race .. that, then many of these crazy splinters Soros Kissinger, Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild have taken the power of the nations .. this is above all a responsibility of the Wahhabis, who insist on denying a Jewish homeland (aka my Kingdom of Israel) to extinguish all Satanism on this planet! cosa dirà la storia? la storia dirà che gli ebrei (e 10 volte di più gli israeliani) loro sono le prime vittime della malvagità che esiste nel mondo! il fatto che un 10% delle calunnie, affermate in questo artico, possono essere verosimili? questo non vuol dire che gli ebrei come popolo o etnia sono responsabili dei mali del mondo al 10%. noi abbiamo già dimostrato altre volte, come satanisti, neoliberisti, lgbtq, mondialisti, tecnofinanza regime massonico trasnazionale, deep State, non hanno patriottismo o identità nazionale religiosa o etnica sono l'1% dei super ricchi, azionisti banche centrali, multinazionali, social network, cioè, sono di quelli che hanno rubato il 99% delle risorse, al restante 99% del genere umano.. che, poi molte di queste schegge impazzite Soros Kissinger, Morgan Rockefeller Rothschild hanno preso il potere delle nazioni.. questa è soprattutto una resposabilità dei wahhabiti, che si ostinano a negare una patria ebraica (alias il mio Regno di Israeel) per spegnere ogni satanismo in questo pianeta!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Opinion What Really Happened at the Port of Beirut?http://disq.us/t/3qw5vt2Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom President RIVLIN ] io ho scritto bene in inglese questa volta? chi è che ha inventato e diffuso i satanisti?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom ANTIFA and democratic party GOLPE lgbtq the SATANISTS Bilderberg Rothschild masonry, occult power NWO FED ] Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Protected’ Religious Ceremony https://harbingersdaily com/satanic-temple-claims-killing-babies-in-abortions-is-a-protected-religious-ceremony/ Some of its members attempt to intimidate peaceful pro-life sidewalk counselors through gruesome protests. In 2016, pro-life advocates outside of a Detroit, Michigan Planned Parenthood faced a disturbing scene when a group from the Satanic Temple arrived to counter-protest wearing baby masks and carrying whips. They held a similar protest on Good Friday in 2017. Years ago, former satanist Zachary King told the Lepanto Institute that the cult performs satanic rituals inside abortion facilities. King said participating in abortions is particularly important for satanists because it is considered the best way to give an offering to Satan. He explained “In Satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished. As far as trying to get Satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.”

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
ANTIFA and democratic party GOLPE lgbtq th SATANISTS ] [ Prior to receiving any anesthetic or sedation, look at your reflection to be reminded of your personhood and your responsibility to yourself. Focus on your intent. Take deep breaths, and make yourself comfortable. When you are ready, say the Third Tenet and Fifth Tenet aloud. You may now undergo the surgery. After the surgery is completed and any anesthetic has worn off, return to your reflection and recite your personal affirmation. Feel doubts dissipating and your confidence growing as you have just undertaken a decision that affirms your autonomy and free will. The religious abortion ritual is now complete. The satanists said they believe in “abortion on demand” in the first trimester – meaning without regulations, restrictions or informed consent. They oppose laws that require abortion facilities to show mothers the ultrasounds of their unborn babies or have them listen to their unborn baby’s heartbeat. They oppose waiting periods that ensure mothers have time to consider informed consent information prior to going through with the abortion. And they want to be exempted from laws that require abortion facilities to bury or cremate the remains of aborted babies. The cult’s plan is to challenge the pro-life laws based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which ensures the government does not unnecessarily interfere with people’s religious freedom. According to the Friendly Atheist, “By saying abortions in the first trimester are a religious ritual for their members, any states that have their own RFRA laws — and most anti-abortion states have them — would theoretically have to show why their restrictions should override the Satanists’ religious freedom.” So far, all of the Satanic Temple’s lawsuits against pro-life laws have failed. In June, a federal appeals court rejected their latest attempt at challenging Missouri’s informed consent law. In 2019, the Missouri Supreme Court dismissed another one of the Satanic Temple’s lawsuits. But every time they lose, they try again with a new approach. The Satanic Temple is heavily involved in abortion activism in the U.S. Breitbart once described its work as a “pro-abortion crusade to come to the aid of America’s largest abortion provider,” Planned Parenthood.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
“The Satanic Temple is proud to announce its Religious Abortion Ritual, a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs,” the group said in a video announcement on YouTube. “Thyself is thy master. Hail Satan!” The disturbing announcement is part of the cult’s new plan to overturn pro-life laws using a religious freedom argument. “Many states have laws that interfere with our members’ ability to practice their religious beliefs,” said Satanic Temple spokesperson Jane Essex. “No Christian would accept a mandatory waiting period before they can partake in communion. No Christian would tolerate a law that insists state counseling is necessary before someone can be baptized. Our members are justly entitled to religious liberty in order to practice our rituals as well.” According to the Friendly Atheist blog, the satanists described their surgical abortion ritual in detail Wednesday. They said it involves two tenets of their religion involving bodily autonomy and adherence to “best scientific practices.” This is how the Satanic Temple described its “ritual” for slaughtering unborn babies in surgical abortions:

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

12 ore fa
Satanic Temple Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Protected’ Religious Ceremonyhttps://harbingersdaily.com/satanic-temple-claims-killing-babies-in-abortions-is-a-protected-religious-ceremony/The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Xi-Jinping from Chyna ] [ Satanist Masons LGBTQ and Islamists will defend Christians and israeli peoples? they are killing them! you have to save them! respect fundamental human rights and demand them! Xi-Jinping ] [ satanisti massoni lgbtq e islamici difenderanno i cristiani? loro li stanno uccidendo! tu devi salvarli! rispetta i diritti umani fondamentali e pretendili! The ruling mullahs are selling off the country to China, just as some African governments did. Beijing appears more than happy to make deals with dictators, ignore their human rights abuses and plunder their nations to advance its own global hegemonic ambitions. I mullah al potere stanno svendendo il paese alla Cina, proprio come hanno fatto alcuni governi africani. Pechino sembra più che felice di fare accordi con i dittatori, ignorare le loro violazioni dei diritti umani e saccheggiare le loro nazioni per promuovere le proprie ambizioni egemoniche globali.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

13 ore fa
Allah akbar, bum bum bum, sharia bum Erdogan bum jihad bum bum bum, Hezbollah IRAN bum bum bum ] [ 1. Il primo ha creato una colonna grigia di fumo che è rimasta per diversi minuti. 2. Anche la seconda, una colonna di fumo rosso, è rimasta per diversi minuti, 3. mentre la terza ha creato un fungo bianco che si è dissipato in pochi secondi. Ciò suggerisce che almeno tre materiali diversi erano immagazzinati in quel magazzino. BUMMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBBUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM ALLAH

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

17 ore fa
World’s largest plane lands in Israel with US-made trucks for Iron Domehttp://disq.us/t/3qtyz1rIslamic world government lgbtq masonic youtube] Muslims and satanists just stab me in the back, and don't dare face me .. that's why they are blocked by me! stop complaining and come forward if you dare! Governo mondiale islamico lgbtq massonico di youtube ] islamici e satanisti si limitano a pugnalarmi alle spalle, e non osano affrontarmi.. ecco perché loro sono bloccati da me! smettete di lamentarvi e fatevi avanti voi se avete il coraggio!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

17 ore fa
Jim Moritz 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 What an a$$...BLOCKED AGAIN! 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Jim Moritz come mai i satanisti a$$ troll CIA $$ FED IMF dicono di bloccarmi, e poi non lo fanno? how come the satanists say they block me, and then they don't?

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

18 ore fa
'Hitler' banner on Arizona bridge leads to four arrestshttps://worldisraelnews.com/hitler-banner-on-arizona-bridge-leads-to-four-arrests/#.Xy5xH3_E_Aw.twitterHoltzmueller lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 18 hours ago "My hovercraft is full of eels. I am no longer infected!" I think now, laddy, we speak the same language, do we not? lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Holtzmueller https://disqus.com/by/Holtzmueller/eih satana! Jews globalists neoliberalists, enlightened, Talmud, and Islamic Koran, sharia, jihad, OCI, UN, USA, neocons, NATO, FED IMF ECB Bilderberg, reciprocally and in opposition to all others, they think that only they will enter heaven .. even if they are slave traders, usurers, Freemasons, racists, dogmatic, parassites, Muslims, LGBTQs, serial killers, technocrats, Darwinians, and slave traders dhimmis dalit and goyims to their God Allah Demon Ja-Bull-On Aru mazda, the owl at the bohemian grove cremation of cure? at their Gogs Allah Owl? he likes them like this " ebrei enlightened talmud, ed islamici corano reciprocamente e in opposizione agli altri tutti, loro pensano che soltanto loro entreranno in paradiso.. anche se sono commercianti di schiavi, usurai, massoni, primatisti, islamici, lgbtq, assassini seriali, tecnocratici, darwiniani, e commercianti di schiavi dhimmis dalit e goyims al loro Dio Allah Demonio Ja-Bull-On Aru mazda, il gufo al bohemian grove cremation of cure? loro a lui piacciono così"

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

18 ore fa
'Hitler' banner on Arizona bridge leads to four arrestshttps://worldisraelnews.com/hitler-banner-on-arizona-bridge-leads-to-four-arrests/#.Xy5uzR_Uq1Y.twitterlorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah leonore35 how could you prove it? courage show it! where have the CIA satan priests failed in these 13 years? you could be successful! come potresti dimostrarlo? coraggio dimostralo! dove i sacerdoti di satana della CIA hanno fallito in questi 13 annu? tu potresti avere successo! Holtzmueller lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah "My hovercraft is full of eels. I am no longer infected!" I think now, laddy, we speak the same language, do we not? lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Holtzmueller you Satan is very infected then you also! commenterjoe9999 Holtzmueller but the EELabcHover...otherstuffCrAft is ImPorTAANTTTQQQWQ!!! I'm starting to catch on as well :) lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah commenterjoe9999 your Satan-Allah Talmud 666 Kuran OCI NWO FED IMF scam banking seigniorage is very infected then you also!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 ore fa
"He is SOROS, a freemason, a usurer, a financial speculator, an accomplice of the Democratic Party and the enemy of all peoples" the worldwide petition to expel Soros starts from Brazil Milan, African kicks police dog during a check reported “È lui SOROS ebreo massone usuraio speculatore finanziario, complice del Pd e il nemico di tutti i popoli” parte dal Brasile la petizione mondiale per cacciare Soros Milano, africano prende a calci cane poliziotto durante un controllo denunciato

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 ore fa
Iran sharia jihad two Lebanese citizens killed in Tehran the victims would be a man and his daughter, Habib and Maryam Davoudi. The double murder allegedly took place near the residence of the former deputy head of the militias of the Iraqi People's Mobilization Forces. iran due cittadini libanesi uccisi a teheran le vittime sarebbero un uomo e sua figlia, Habib e Maryam Davoudi. Il duplice omicidio sarebbe avvenuto vicino alla residenza dell'ex vice capo delle milizie delle Forze di mobilitazione popolare irachene.

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 ore fa
Coca-Cola has paid scientists to downplay the link between its product and obesity ANSWER it is the most dangerous drink on the planet La Coca-Cola ha pagato gli scienziati per sminuire legame tra suo prodotto e obesità ANSWER è la bevanda più pericolosa del pianeta

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

21 ore fa
According to the American 007, the threat of pressure and interference from some foreign countries, such as China, Iran and Russia, looms over the November vote for the White House. In particular, Beijing sees Donald Trump as "unpredictable" and hopes he will not win again. An aspiration that seems natural, given the offensive launched by the tycoon against the Dragon on all fronts. ANSWER absurd, therefore the Chinese prefer BIDEN's world war! everyone knows that TRUMP would never go into a military war against CHINA! Secondo gli 007 statunitensi, sul voto di novembre per la Casa Bianca incombe la minaccia di pressioni e interferenze da parte di alcuni Paesi stranieri, come Cina, Iran e Russia. In particolare, Pechino vede Donald Trump come "imprevedibile" e spera che non rivinca. Un'aspirazione che sembra naturale, data l'offensiva lanciata dal tycoon contro il Dragone su tutti i fronti. ANSWER assurdo, quindi i cinesi preferiscono la guerra mondiale di BIDEN! lo sanno tutti che TRUMP non passerebbe mai ad una guerra militare contro la CINA!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom

22 ore fa
#Cipro,#Grecia,#Egitto,#NATO#Russia#Cina#India#UE] non è vero che FED IMF ECB Enlightened OCI Riyad NWO, sono preoccupati della sovrappopolazione loro stanno indebolendo soltanto le benedizioni di Abramo Israele, la civiltà ebraico-cristiana affinché durante la guerra mondiale, loro scompaiano definitivamente!
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Conte sapeva tutto, incastrato da intervista a Travaglio ha ignorato richiesta zona rossa Alzano e NembroAgosto 8, 2020
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“Cani uccisi dai migranti”, c’era la denuncia ai carabinieri sugli assalti alla sua proprietàAgosto 8, 2020
Poliziotti smascherano Conte non vuole farci chiudere i confiniAgosto 8, 2020
Rivolge la parola a immigrato sul treno lui la stupra a 67 anniAgosto 8, 2020
Folla oceanica per Salvini in Toscana il Pd trema – VIDEOAgosto 8, 2020
Appena tre veri giornalisti sono andati a Lampedusa hanno scoperto la mattanza dei cani e la droga portata coi barconiAgosto 8, 2020
Salvini “Italiani in acqua con la mascherina e fanno sbarcare 15mila balordi che ci portano il virus” – VIDEOAgosto 8, 2020
Napoli, africani fanno il bagno nudi sul lungomareAgosto 8, 2020
Coronavirus, contagio in aumento +347 in 24 oreAgosto 8, 2020
Lampedusa, il sindaco difende i migranti “Non mangiano i cani”Agosto 8, 2020
Altri 10 contagiati a Rimini 7 sono stranieri appena rientratiAgosto 8, 2020
Torino, africano molesta anziana e prende a pugni poliziotto “Non mi puoi arrestare”Agosto 8, 2020
Migrante appena sbarcato rapina commessa armato di coltello bloccato e schiaffeggiato dalla follaAgosto 8, 2020
Ru486 Aborto, la sinistra vuole meno italiani per sostituirciAgosto 8, 2020
Londra chiude i porti e respinge barconi in Francia, Ammiraglio “E l’Italia?”Agosto 8, 2020
La marinaia ballerina insiste “Non ho fatto nulla di male”Agosto 8, 2020
Twitter censura Bitchute su richiesta di SorosAgosto 8, 2020
Cina, lockdown per peste bubbonica consumo carne crudaAgosto 8, 2020
Stati contro cittadini impongono i clandestini infettiAgosto 8, 2020
A Palermo si insegna ai migranti a picchiare Taekwondo MigranteAgosto 8, 2020
Salvini contro il Tg1 “Come il Fatto Quotidiano nasconde scandalo Conte”Agosto 8, 2020
Nonna ai poliziotti “Perché difendete i clandestini non avete figlie?” – VIDEOAgosto 8, 2020
E’ un regime perquisite case di chi protesta contro immigrazioneAgosto 8, 2020
“Bucatevi il gommone e arrivano gli italiani”, il trucco dei trafficantiAgosto 8, 2020
Boom di focolai nei centri immigrati così si diffonde il contagioAgosto 8, 2020
A Lampedusa 70 militari per aiutare i clandestini a sbarcare

14 Christians killed in Nigeria attack

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Meluzzi ”lockdown imposto per consolidare il potere di un governicchio”

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Meluzzi ”lockdown imposto per consolidare il potere di un governicchio”

Il prof Alessandro Meluzzi si scaglia contro il lockdown generalizzato e ingiustificato, che ha danneggiato l’economia italiana, imposto soprattutto con l’obiettivo di mantenere al potere un governicchio che racconta balle per ragioni politiche.

“Cari amici di “Fatti e Disfatti”, buongiorno.
Il ‘regimetto’, come è stato definito dei
Conte, Zingaretti, Travaglio, Zagrebelsky,

iniziando col presentare i giovani per la loro movida, per preparare il secondo lockdown basato anche sul senso di colpa, trascura di presentare alcuni dati – e non soltanto il fatto che ci si preoccupi solamente dei giovani, ma non della fuga continua di decine, migliaia di migranti dalle quarantene.

Ma non ci informa neanche sul fatto che, laddove si sarebbe potuta contenere all’inizio,
secondo le stesse consulenze di un surreale comitato scientifico, l’infezione ad Alzano e a Nembro, in provincia di Bergamo, si decise invece un lockdown generalizzato che ha prodotto effetti devastanti sull’economia italiana, facendo precipitare del 20% il prodotto interno lordo.
Non è avvenuto così in Svezia, dove peraltro il numero di morti è inferiore a quello dell’Italia e dove, come ben si è visto, la scelta del lockdown non ha modificato minimamente le modalità del contagio.

Ma questo, ahimé, credetemi, è avvenuto anche in Italia, dove i dati dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità ci dicono che, tra coloro che hanno lavorato durante la pandemia e coloro che sono stati chiusi in casa, la differenza è da 2,8 al 2,7% di quelli che hanno sviluppato positività al siero.

E quindi? A cosa è servito questo lockdown?
Probabilmente, a nulla. Come a nulla servono le mascherine mentre nessuno si è occupato, per esempio, degli impianti di condizionamento dell’aria, della loro igienizzazione, della loro pulizia.

Insomma, sembra che questo lockdown sia servito soprattutto a consolidare il potere di un governicchio che ancora adesso continua,
su questa vicenda, a seminare terrore e a raccontare una montagna di balle, probabilmente per ragioni politiche. Ma lo vedremo alle elezioni regionali.

Amici di “Fatti e Disfatti”, buongiorno e buon lavoro.”

end financial system

L'autore spiega perché è certo che esplosivi, munizioni e carburante per missili, che sono sostanze altamente volatili e infiammabili, siano stati immagazzinati da Hezbollah nel magazzino di Beirut dopo essere stati spediti dall'Iran. Di Mordechai Kedar, BESA Center Il rapporto ufficiale delle autorità libanesi sulla massiccia esplosione del 4 agosto al porto di Beirut è che un magazzino vicino all'acqua contenente 2.750 tonnellate di nitrato di ammonio è esploso. Affermano che questo materiale è stato nel magazzino per oltre sei anni, con l'approvazione del tribunale, e hanno confermato questa affermazione con la documentazione. Con tutto il rispetto per le autorità libanesi, non compro questa storia. Credo che gli esplosivi, le munizioni e il carburante per missili (che sono sostanze altamente volatili e infiammabili) siano stati immagazzinati da Hezbollah in questo magazzino dopo essere stati spediti dall'Iran. Ci sono diversi motivi per cui credo questo. C'è stata una serie di almeno tre esplosioni, ognuna delle quali ha avuto un risultato diverso.

Allah akbar, bum bum bum, sharia bum Erdogan bum jihad bum bum bum, Hezbollah IRAN bum bum bum ] [ 1. Il primo ha creato una colonna grigia di fumo che è rimasta per diversi minuti. 2. Anche la seconda, una colonna di fumo rosso, è rimasta per diversi minuti, 3. mentre la terza ha creato un fungo bianco che si è dissipato in pochi secondi. Ciò suggerisce che almeno tre materiali diversi erano immagazzinati in quel magazzino. BUMMMMMMMMMMMMM BBBBUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMM ALLAH

end financial system

The author explains why he feels certain that explosives, ammunition, and missile fuel, which are highly volatile and flammable substances, were stored by Hezbollah in the Beirut warehouse after being shipped from Iran. By Mordechai Kedar, BESA Center The official report of the Lebanese authorities on the massive August 4 explosion at the Port of Beirut is that a warehouse near the water containing 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate exploded. They claim that this material had been in the warehouse for over six years, with the approval of the court, and confirmed this claim with documentation. With all due respect to the Lebanese authorities, I do not buy this story. I believe that explosives, ammunition, and missile fuel (which are highly volatile and flammable substances) were stored by Hezbollah in this warehouse after being shipped from Iran. There are several reasons why I believe this. There was a series of at least three explosions, each of which had a different result. The first created a gray column of smoke that remained for several minutes. The second, a column of red smoke, also remained for several minutes, while the third created a white mushroom cloud that dissipated within seconds. This suggests that at least three different materials were stored in that warehouse.

Dear Reader,

Something strange is happening in America...

According to MarketWatch, ordinary Americans are being put on ‘restriction lists' that ban them from certain businesses.

What exactly is going on and what does it mean for you and your money?

I recently got on the phone with international asset expert Nick Giambruno – one of the most widely-followed financial analysts in the world – to get his thoughts.

In the past decade, he's met with various presidents, prime ministers, and heads of state to dig into big world events and figure out the details behind the scenes.

That's how he and his firm became renowned for accurate predictions about major world events...

The fall of the Soviet Union...

The 9/11 attacks...

And the 2008 housing meltdown...

Nick's latest prediction, possibly the biggest of his career, will catch anyone with money in an American bank... credit union... or retirement account... completely off-guard.

Giambruno says, "Ban lists are just the beginning. When Americans catch wind of what's coming by the end of this year, the unrest we saw in the first half of 2020 will look like the ‘good old days' in the United States."

He explained that, in the coming months, millions of Americans will have a critical decision to make... comply... or be shut out of the economy completely.

Despite a poor internet connection at his remote location in rural Argentina, Nick considers this situation so dire and urgent, he's rushed to record a video to get his research into the hands of as many Americans as possible, as quickly as possible.

I should warn you This message is controversial... and not at all what you'll hear from the legacy media.

But for right now, you can see this urgent video, right here.


Brian Mansfield
Research Specialist, Legacy Research
Caro lettore,

Qualcosa di strano sta accadendo in America ...

Secondo MarketWatch, gli americani comuni vengono inseriti in "liste di restrizione" che li bandiscono da determinate attività.

Cosa sta succedendo esattamente e cosa significa per te e per i tuoi soldi?

Di recente ho parlato al telefono con l'esperto di asset internazionali Nick Giambruno, uno degli analisti finanziari più seguiti al mondo, per avere le sue opinioni.

Nell'ultimo decennio, ha incontrato vari presidenti, primi ministri e capi di stato per approfondire i grandi eventi mondiali e capire i dettagli dietro le quinte.

È così che lui e la sua azienda sono diventati famosi per le previsioni accurate sui principali eventi mondiali ...

La caduta dell'Unione Sovietica ...

Gli attacchi dell'11 settembre ...

E il crollo degli alloggi del 2008 ...

L'ultima previsione di Nick, forse la più grande della sua carriera, catturerà chiunque abbia soldi in una banca americana ... un'unione di credito ... o un conto pensione ... completamente alla sprovvista.

Giambruno dice "Le liste dei divieti sono solo l'inizio. Quando gli americani capiranno cosa sta per succedere entro la fine di quest'anno, i disordini che abbiamo visto nella prima metà del 2020 sembreranno i 'bei vecchi tempi' negli Stati Uniti".

Ha spiegato che, nei prossimi mesi, milioni di americani avranno una decisione fondamentale da prendere ... conformarsi ... o essere completamente esclusi dall'economia.

Nonostante una scarsa connessione a Internet nella sua posizione remota nell'Argentina rurale, Nick considera questa situazione così terribile e urgente, che si è affrettato a registrare un video per mettere le sue ricerche nelle mani di quanti più americani possibile, il più rapidamente possibile.

Dovrei avvertirti questo messaggio è controverso ... e non è affatto quello che sentirai dai media legacy.

Ma per ora, puoi vedere questo video urgente, proprio qui.


International firm that predicted 9/11, the fall of the Soviet Union, and
President Trump’s election victory issues urgent warning to American public:


During the lockdown, America’s financial elite secretly launched
the biggest attack on your wealth since 1971. If you have more than
$5,000 in the bank, YOU MUST ACT NOW, before it’s too late

Hi. My name is Nick Giambruno.

I’m the Chief Analyst for Casey Research, one of the most widely followed political and financial forecasters in the world.

Over the past three decades, we’ve been ahead of some of the most massive geopolitical shifts in history

From the fall of the Soviet Union

To 9/11

To the surprising election of Donald Trump.

And today I have another massive shift to share with you.

This one is not a prediction.

It’s playing out, right now

As you’ll see in the next few minutes

A new and astounding plan has been unleashed by the U.S. government with the full backing of some of the most powerful corporations in America.

When this plan goes into effect

Savings could be decimated.

Privacy will be a thing of the past.

And our way of life may be altered in ways we’ve never seen before.

If you’ve got any money in America’s largest banks or in a retirement plan

If you have cash tied up in business contracts

Or, if you simply collect a fixed income from the federal government

Please pay very close attention to what I’m about to share.

At first, when I describe what’s happening, you might be tempted to shrug it off

But that would be a mistake.

Because, as you’ll see, money as we know it could literally disappear.

Today, for the first time, we’re revealing the full details of what’s happening and what it could mean for you in the months ahead.

It all started innocently enough

$1.9 Trillion, Gone Without a Trace

It was 9:07 AM, on a Monday morning

While most people were eating breakfast or watching yet another hysterical pandemic update on TV

A dangerous plan was hatched in our nation’s capital.

Then, as quickly as it appeared – it vanished.

What was it “they” didn’t want you to see?

Through my network of connections, I found an unredacted copy — which I’ll share with you today.

And when you see what’s inside

It might make you furious.

But at least you won’t be caught off-guard when events take a turn for the worse.

At the core of this plan is a $1.87 trillion-dollar scheme endorsed by the likes of:
The Clinton Foundation
The UN
The Federal Reserve.

And even Bill Gates.

In fact, this troubling new patent from Microsoft will all but make this plan an instant reality.

Dozens of U.S. corporations, banks, and power brokers are scrambling to prepare for what’s coming up next.

Some — like McDonald’s, Disney, Shake Shack, Starbucks, Whole Foods, Chick-fil-A, and Amazon’s brick-and-mortar ‘Go’ stores — have already implemented the first step

Maybe you’ve already seen signs like this

Thanks to the COVID-19 panic, cash is becoming “toxic.”

But simply saying “no” to cash is only the beginning.

As I’ll show you, major corporations – from Microsoft to VISA – have already introduced plans that will vaporize every last dollar.

And just so you know, I’m not the only one who’s caught onto this story

Billionaire Ray Dalio, one of the greatest financial minds today, recently suggested we’re living through a “once-in-a-hundred-year reshuffling of how the world works.”

Bill Gates, agrees, saying:

My research indicates we’re about to see a huge shift in the months ahead.

And if you take the right steps today, you could protect yourself and emerge on the other side wealthier than you could ever imagine.

But if you don’t take action, you could wake up to find your savings and retirement accounts have lost much of their value – practically overnight.

As you’ll see, a big financial “shock” like this has happened three times before each time with the same result.

The 1st Shock – 1907

Back in 1907, for example

There was a major financial panic.

That’s when powerful bankers — led by J.P. Morgan — came together to quote-unquote “save the financial system.”

Just as we’re seeing, today

The elites used the panic as a cover in order to covertly pass dangerous new legislation.

And today, the law they passed is recognized as one of the biggest power grabs in American history, costing Americans 96% of their hard-earned dollars with the stroke of a pen.

I’m talking, of course, about The Federal Reserve Act.

On his deathbed in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson expressed deep regret for his role in the creation of the Federal Reserve:

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

The 2nd Shock – 1933

A quarter-century later, in 1933, it happened again

The stock market plummeted 80%. And unemployment soared as construction and manufacturing ground to a halt.

Once again, connected insiders “rode to the rescue” and used the crisis to their advantage

President Roosevelt signed an order under the guise of “stimulating economic growth” and lifting America out of the depths of the Great Depression.

It was called the Emergency Banking Act of 1933.

To the average man, it was seen as salvation

Yet, overnight, FDR’s plan did something radically different

It allowed the Treasury to pay for all his pet programs — from Social Security to the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Civilian Conservation Corps — by making a massive change to the dollar.

At the time, our currency was backed by gold. And coins, like these, were popular.

But with this single act, the government forced Americans to turn in their gold savings.

In fact, the Federal Reserve Bank in New York snatched more than $30 million – worth almost $600 million in today’s dollars – in just one fateful day.

Each one-ounce coin was swapped for $20.67 in paper money. Failure to comply would result in a massive $10,000 fine – or jail time.

And once the government had its hand on the gold?

It changed the price to $35 an ounce effectively stealing 69% of Americans’ savings.

Do you see a pattern here?

Each time a crisis was followed by a massive change to our currency, working Americans have been hurt.

When you know what to look out for, the threat becomes obvious.

The 3rd Shock – 1971

In fact, the last time this happened was back in the early 1970s, during the Vietnam war

On Sunday, August 15, 1971, President Nixon addressed the nation in prime time with a shocking announcement

The cost of the war along with massive welfare programs known as the “Great Society” was threatening to bankrupt America.

So, the President came up with a plan to change the dollar, yet again

He decoupled the dollar from gold, in an effort to (in Nixon’s words) “stabilize the dollar.”

If you’re a student of history, you probably know Nixon’s plan had the exact opposite effect

At that time, the average American had to work about 800 hours to afford a new Ford pickup.

Today, the time it takes has more than doubled.

And the working hours it takes to afford the average house has soared, too.

Meanwhile, the number of hours Americans work to pay for household debt has never been higher.

Can you see why we’re still feeling the effects of Nixon’s financial shock?

Not only did it cause our dollar to plummet

But, by cutting our currency loose from gold — officially converting the US dollar to a “fiat” currency — Nixon essentially allowed the Federal Reserve to throttle up the printing press and accelerate the expansion of the money supply

A problem that still continues to this day.

You don’t have to be a historian or advanced mathematician to understand why. It’s simple supply and demand

The MORE of something that exists in the world, the less it’s worth.

And just look at how they’ve expanded the supply of dollars!

No wonder the spending power of a single dollar has fallen 96% over the past 100 or so years.

Most people simply haven’t noticed.

We’ve adjusted remarkably well

In the 1970s, for example, we sent our wives to work – even those who would rather stay home.

In the 1980s and 1990s, we leveraged up with debt – borrowing our way from one month to the next.

It’s now at the point that to buy a simple car, the average American needs to take out a 7-year loan!

The Seven-Year Auto Loan:
America’s Middle Class Can’t Afford Its Cars

All because the value of our money has collapsed.

But the devaluations we’ve seen so far are nothing compared to what’s coming next.

Over the years, every last bit of value has been stripped from our money.

First it was gold

Then it was paper

And now, it’s about to disappear altogether!

On the surface, this new plan is being spun as a way to protect Americans and the economy

But, as you and I both know, it will be nothing more than an elite-driven financial “coup” in disguise

My hope is that once you see what’s at the doorstep, you’ll be able to side-step the coming financial storm

Protect all the hard-earned cash you’ve saved up for retirement

And maybe even “stick it in their face” with a few strategic investments I’ll show you with the potential to hand you 1,000% or more.

Before I get to that, let me introduce myself

Let Me Introduce Myself

As I mentioned, my name is Nick Giambruno, born in Minnesota.

And I love America.

But I deeply distrust its government

With its ever-expanding schemes of confiscation and surveillance, I can’t think of a single good reason to trust most of the folks in charge.

Which is why, a few years ago, I took a step most people might call “extreme.”

I left!

And embarked on a quest to seek out and befriend some of the smartest and most connected financial thinkers in the world

Like former congressman and presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul

Legendary investor Jim Rogers

As well as world-renowned speculator and multi-millionaire Doug Casey, who’s now become my personal mentor

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Doug, Dr. Paul, and Jim Rogers, it’s this:

The world’s most lucrative investment opportunities can be found in times of enormous change, like we’re experiencing today.

In the past decade alone, I’ve traveled to more than 60 countries – including six I’ve called home.

I’ve met with countless heads of state central bankers even presidents and prime ministers.

And I’ve done my best to escape the echo chamber of the American press – to see what’s really going on.

That’s how our firm has been able to predict some of the most significant events in history.

It’s how we saw the 2008 housing crisis coming, long before it was apparent to most Americans

How we predicted a 9/11-style attack four years before planes struck buildings in New York and Washington, D.C

How we accurately foretold the collapse of the Soviet Union

The Occupy Wall St. movement

The dot-com meltdown

And it’s also how we saw President Trump’s victory coming — 16 months in advance — when most people (even in the Republican party) thought he was just a laughingstock.

When you “connect” the invisible dots, it’s much easier to see what lies ahead.

Which brings me back to the critical story I’d like to share with you today

Dot #1:
The Document “They”
Did Not Want You to See

Take a look at this document

What you’re looking at is an early draft of the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act, a bill submitted by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

On March 23rd, Pelosi’s draft was leaked to the public

But then — in a flash — it was quickly redacted

“Scrubbed” from existence.

What was it that “they” did not want you to see?

It’s right here – on page 314 of the 1,119-page draft In Section 101 Direct stimulus payments for families.

Do you see the sections I’ve circled?

In plain black and white, Pelosi’s plan calls for the creation of a new "digital dollar” along with a new “digital dollar wallet.”

Once again, the elites are planning a huge change to the foundation of our financial system.

In a minute, I’ll show you why this is the biggest financial shift since Nixon de-linked the dollar from gold in 1971.

But first, I want you to see for yourself the elite’s playbook in action

Here, you see, in the Pelosi paper, the “digital dollar” was presented as a useful way for Americans to receive their coronavirus stimulus checks

Pretty sneaky, right?

Now, since this was redacted and there is no “digital dollar” provision in the final CARES act

You might think this is the end of the story

However, you’d be wrong!

A New Cash Bill –
Rippling Through Congress

You see, a brand-new Senate bill — almost identical in nature, and backed by a senator with close ties to the Clinton family — quickly surfaced

The very next day.

This new bill is rippling through the highest levels of Congress right now. And if my research is correct, it could pass into law by the end of this year. So, there’s little time left to spare.

And even if the law isn’t enacted that quickly

It won’t matter much.

Because American businesses have already decided to usher in this cashless plan themselves now.

Folks who ignore this shift will soon be blindsided.

So why isn’t anyone talking about it?

That’s why I’m recording this video.

There is no time left to delay. The elites have their crisis. And it’s “full steam ahead.” Which brings me to our next


Dot #2:
Bill Gates’ Creepy “Chip” Patent

Take a look at this brand-new patent filed by Microsoft I got my hands on

Patent 060606.

Creepy number, right?

It came out on March 26th

Just 3 days after Pelosi’s bill saw the light of day.

This could allow the bureaucrats to roll out the digital dollar instantly

And it’s downright creepy.

The title says it all

Cryptocurrency system using body activity data.

In short:

Microsoft has invented an embedded chip that can sense a person’s movement, body temperature, heart rate, eye activity, blood flow — even our brain waves — in order to track all our body’s activity and transmit a digital currency wirelessly.

We First Predicted This
Massive Shift Back in 2016

People thought we were crazy when we wrote about government-backed cryptocurrencies back in August 2016

When we were among the first to predict a Fed-managed “Fedcoin.”

Here’s what we said in 2016:

[It] is going to be something that you’re going to have on your smartphone or just a chip that you put in your hand. People are chipping their dogs and their pets today. Wear that chip yourself and carry all your information and your digital money right with you.”

Uncanny right?

But there’s more

Just a few weeks ago, Visa revealed its own brand-new patent on an electronic currency system that and I quote:

Causes the removal of the physical currency in a fiat currency system.”

Let me repeat:

Causes the REMOVAL of the physical currency.

In other words, Visa’s new system takes paper cash out of circulation – and replaces it with a digital ‘dollar.’

And if that wasn’t enough to raise your suspicion

Take a look at this other section from the patent:

I’ve highlighted the important section It says:

The removal of the physical currency from circulation includes physically destroying the physical currency.

Now, you might be wondering

How are Visa and Bill Gates linked to Nancy Pelosi’s new money plan?

The “Better Than Cash” Alliance

Years ago, you see, Bill Gates pledged to give away his fortune to charitable causes, including vaccine research, family planning, and aid for impoverished countries.

But I’ll bet you never heard about one of Gates’ lesser-known initiatives, the “Better Than Cash Alliance.”

Its purpose?

To accelerate the global transition from cash to digital payments.

Again, it’s right here in black and white.

And the reach of this network is vast, including some of America’s biggest companies like
And you guessed it Visa.

Along with powerful organizations like:
The Clinton Development Initiative
The United Nations
The Global Fund
The United Nations Population Fund.

All told, the “Better Than Cash Alliance” includes 75 different world governments, companies, and major international organizations.

Are you beginning to see just how far-reaching Gates’ sinister scheme is?

I think this last dot will really drive it home for you.

Dot #3:

Take a look at this

Have you heard of ID2020?

This is a global partnership involving GAVI, a vaccine-focused alliance founded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation.

And its stated goal — which you can get right on the project’s own website

[Is to compile] E-passports, digital wallets, building access cards, debit and credit cards, banking information, transit passes, voter information, and health records [all in one place for every person on Earth].”

In other words, a digital ID – attached to a digital dollar!


Because of an eerie presentation the Gates Foundation held in October 2019

And reports he may have negotiated a $100 billion “contact tracing” deal with democrats six months before the pandemic

Many have speculated on Bill Gates’ possible involvement in the outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

I have no way of verifying the accuracy of those claims

But what IS obvious to me and to all my colleagues at Casey Research is this:

Bill Gates is using his vast wealth and power to help ban cash and implement a digital U.S. dollar. As soon as possible!

You may think this sounds like a nutty conspiracy theory. And I’d agree, if I hadn’t seen the proof myself.

The entire financial system is on the verge of a shock unlike anything we’ve seen in decades.

With each passing week, the dominoes are falling faster and faster

To recap – let’s connect these dots once more

Dot #1 Pelosi’s Digital Cash “Cover-up” and a “New Cash” Bill are rippling through Congress as we speak

Dot #2 Creepy patents from Bill Gates and Visa, along with the Better Than Cash Alliance show the government has the full support of America’s largest businesses.

Dot #3 And to top it off, we’ve seen how everything is tied together by ID2020.

Friend, everything I’ve shown you today all leads to one inescapable conclusion:

The cash in your pocket will soon be replaced by an all-digital currency – a digital dollar.

And it doesn’t matter that the final legislation has not been signed yet

As you’ve seen, major U.S. companies are already scrambling to prepare for this transition.

McDonald’s, for example, is experimenting with cashless kiosks

Starbucks has banned cash at many of its locations

And this sign was posted at Whole Foods, owned by Gates’ friend and fellow billionaire, Jeff Bezos:

Look, there’s no reason to believe these changes are temporary.

Even Federal Reserve chairman Jay Powell admits it

In a letter addressed to several congressmen, he confirmed the Federal Reserve is indeed looking into developing a digital currency in the U.S.

Even some of President Trump’s most trusted advisors are onboard

In fact, at a recent Senate confirmation hearing, Judy Shelton, President Trump’s Fed nominee, said:

I could go on and on but you get the idea:

The power elites, the biggest businesses, and the most powerful organizations in America are all pushing for a digital dollar.

That’s why Microsoft, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Visa are quickly (and already) implementing changes

I hope by now you’re beginning to see

Nothing can stop what’s happening.

It’s already in motion.

That’s why you absolutely must prepare today.

Right now.

As you saw, each time we’ve seen a big change to our currency, unwary savers have been left holding the bag.

And the value of their savings plummeted

But loss of purchasing power isn’t the only threat we’re facing today.

A new digital dollar combined with the removal of physical “in your wallet” paper money will mean the end of our financial privacy.

Or worse!

It could mean the end of freedom and liberty in America.

My friend, former congressman Dr. Ron Paul explained it this way:

Think about it

Imagine if all your new “digital money” was stored in a “FedAccount” (as the current Senate bill calls it) managed and tracked by decision makers at the Fed.

Not only would they know everywhere you spend money and everything you buy

The digital dollar will also hand them total control over every part of your life!

They could conceivably prevent you from buying sugary snacks or cans of soda if (by ‘their’ standards) you’re a few pounds overweight...

Suspend your passport and driver’s license if you owe taxes...

Stop you from buying gas or a plane ticket if you refuse the latest vaccine or virus tracing app...

Or even ban you from buying guns and ammunition.

But worse of all

If “they” deem you a threat for any one of these reasons or a new reason they make up at any time in the future, what’s to stop them from locking you out of your bank and retirement accounts entirely?

That’s what we’ve seen in places like China. They call it a “Social Credit Score.”

And it makes George Orwell’s 1984 seem like a kid’s fairy tale.

Just about anything will be possible with this dangerous new money.

Now, like any technological change, it won’t be BAD for everyone

They could choose to add money to your account – like Pelosi wanted to do with the distribution of coronavirus stimulus checks.

But here’s the rub

If the Fed can add money they also have the ability to reach in and take money straight out of your account!

They could subtract taxes directly from your ledger

Confiscate your retirement savings in the name of “fairness and equality” if and when crooked politicians enact a socialist-style “wealth tax”, as they’ve been talking about

We’ve just added trillions in stimulus

That bill will have to come due at some point.

I believe folks who are successful, and either earn a lot of money or keep a lot of money in their accounts

Will become the Fed’s number one target.

And “a lot” of money isn’t what it used to be. I’ve seen recent polls that found that nearly half of Americans aren’t prepared to deal with a $400 emergency!

When the next major financial meltdown happens

The Fed will almost certainly deploy “negative” interest rates to stem the bleeding which could cost you negative 5% interest (or more) on your deposits

Even President Trump supports this savings tax!

I hope you’re beginning to understand why

This is no ordinary disaster.

The replacement of cash with a digital dollar is a disaster on par with the creation of the Federal Reserve Roosevelt’s gold confiscation and Nixon’s dollar shock.

For folks with more than $5,000 in deposits with America’s largest banks, this transformation of the American financial system will decimate their hard-earned savings.

America has seen three major shocks to its financial system since 1907 and each time, simply owning gold and silver wasn’t enough.

So, what should you do?

I’ve just released a brand-new report to show you how you can protect yourself from these coming changes

If you hope to emerge from this financial shock intact, you’ll need to consider buying an asset I expect will soon surpass precious metals as the “hardest money” the world has ever known

For thousands of years, gold and silver have been considered the world’s best safe-haven assets.

But there’s a different asset I’d recommend to any American who wants to protect their privacy, while preserving their wealth with many of the same attributes as gold and silver – without the headaches and challenges of storage and transport.

It’s not a commodity, paper currency, or any stock, bond, or option

And it doesn’t involve gold at all.

But it’s simple to buy and easy to store.

It’s not for the faint of heart, since this corner of the market is volatile...

But I consider it a near-perfect asset for any American who believes in the power of gold to preserve wealth, and the privacy and freedom of using cash.

I’ll show you everything you need to know in my brand-new special report called:

The New “Crisis Currency” Why Every American Should Own at Least $100 of the Hardest Money the World Has Ever Known

And here’s the best part

If you’re willing to do something a bit different than you’ve done before and buy even a few hundred dollars of my favorite new crisis currency before the digital dollar is rolled out

This asset has the potential to hand you enormous gains of 1,000% (or more) over the next few years.

I’m convinced it will soon turn out to be one of the wisest investments you’ll ever make.

But you’ll want to act soon.

If you simply sit and wait for the announcement to be made – you won’t have a chance to move any of your money and you’ll already be too late.

So how will this all play out for the average American?

I don’t have a crystal ball.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if the government simply “bribes” folks to comply

In fact, an IMF working paper I recently ran across suggested the Fed will encourage folks to trade in their cash by paying interest on their deposits maybe they’ll pay 1.5% on Digital Dollar deposits for a period of time during the transition.

At that rate, the digital dollar would pay almost 17 times more than the average savings account. Many Americans would happily comply for half that amount!

But after the official “transition period” passes, the government won’t ask anymore.

They’ll take away the incentive and replace it with a penalty on cash deposits.

They could do any number of things from taxing cash transactions to placing an expiration date on paper currency – beyond which, it would be unusable

I believe they could also go as far as sending you a “hazmat” bag in the mail something like this

And force you to turn in all your paper currency – in the name of public health.

I get it — this scenario seems far-fetched

Like some dystopian vision from the future, right?

But as I mentioned before – this is NOT a prediction. We’ve connected the dots. And the wheels are already in motion

Just a few months ago, for example, Sweden’s Riksbank announced the launch of the world’s first central bank digital currency – the e-Krona.

In China, the Central Bank is destroying bills and racing forward with its own plan to replace cash with a digital yuan.

And India Prime Minister Narendra Modi sparked mass upheaval when, overnight, he banned 500 and 1,000 rupee notes – worth about $8 and $15 US Dollar!

Bill Gates applauded the move, saying:

As Microsoft and Visa race to develop biometric and digital currency technologies

I hope it’s becoming clear to you The move to replace cash with digital currencies is imminent

And to make matters worse – the Senate bill I mentioned a few minutes ago revealed the Fed’s target date for the rollout of the Digital Dollar:

January 1st, 2021.

Time is short.

And, again, it doesn’t matter who wins the election. As you saw, even President Trump’s Fed nominee backs this plan!

In fact

Something big just happened a few days ago


U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin named Brian Brooks the next COO of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)!

Who is Brian Brooks?

He was the chief legal officer at Coinbase, widely known as the “blue chip” of digital currency exchanges!

The writing is on the wall – cash will soon be a relic, banished to the dustbin of history.

Which means every detail about your financial and personal life will soon be in the hands of bureaucrats and central planners.

If you’re using any smartphone – Apple or Android – or a personal computer, you’re giving away personal information every time you log on.

You must take steps to protect your privacy today.

To show you everything you need to do, I’ve put together a second special report, called The Ultimate Privacy Guide The Secrets Big Government and Big Tech Hope You Never Discover

I’ll show you how to “internationalize” your digital life, taking your information out of the hands of the U.S. government and big companies like Facebook and Google and basing it offshore.

I’ll reveal the best way to protect your identification from being tracked and monitored, and I’ll show you the two easiest “bulletproof” ways to protect your information.

And finally, I’ll give you a dead-simple way to guarantee your digital security that works 100% of the time. (Almost nobody in America takes this crucial step for privacy and security.)

Without these steps, the government will soon be able to track every financial transaction you make

Where you make it

And what you buy.

You MUST secure your information immediately.

That’s why I’ve put together this second special report.

Given the urgency of this situation, I want to get both of these reports into the hands of as many Americans as possible, as quickly as possible. So, I’ve arranged something special for you today

Normally, the cost to access The Casey Report (we publish 12 investment recommendation reports each year, one per month), is $199 per year.

Even at that price, it’s a steal compared to the millions of dollars we put into our research each year, and the gains we’ve given our subscribers the chance to see.

But right now, you can try our work totally risk-free and at a huge discount to the normal price.

Before I give you the specifics, however, there’s another guide I want to send to you

How to Earn Massive Profits in the Approaching Dollar Shock

Throughout history, folks who have been able to see financial shocks coming have had the opportunity to earn incredible profits

After the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, for example, the dollar’s value collapsed by more than 70% over the course of the next decade.

But between 1913 and 1920, folks who invested in silver could’ve earned an incredible 120%.

The same thing happened in 1933, when Franklin Roosevelt ordered the confiscation of gold. The government paid just $20.67 per ounce to folks who complied and immediately hiked the value to $35 with the stroke of a pen – essentially stealing 69% of their hard-earned money.

Meanwhile, investors who shifted some of their nest-egg into Homestake Mining beforehand could have captured gains of 147% in just two years.

That’s the difference between seeing a $10,000 stake plummet to $3,100

Instead of seeing it soar to over $24,700.

And in 1971, Nixon crushed the dollar’s value when he ended its convertibility to gold.

Sending prices of everything from cars, to houses and gasoline soaring.

But again, folks who were able to connect the dots before the shock could’ve turned a few ounces of gold into an absolute fortune – returning more than 5,200% at its high.

And I expect a similar result as the digital dollar is rolled out.

Soon, I predict gold will shatter its all-time high

I think $5,000 per ounce is a conservative prediction

And I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached a new record high of $10,000 per ounce by the end of this bull market.

In fact, according to Bloomberg, the U.S. Mint has shut down gold coin production at the same time demand for gold is soaring.

So, supply is being CUT just as demand is about to explode

And according to my research, this is just the beginning of a much bigger move

The Federal Reserve is printing money a trillion dollars at a time

And folks are scrambling to get their hands on gold to protect them from the storm.

My friends in the industry are telling me physical gold is nearly impossible to keep in stock at any price.

That’s why my team and I have rushed to publish a third special report to show you three ways to capture huge gains as government money printing sparks a gold mania in the months ahead.

It’s called The Biggest Gold Mania in History 3 Opportunities to Capture Massive Gains

In it, I’ll show you three ways to earn explosive gains in the emerging historic gold mania.

The first strategy is the easiest way I’ve seen to get exposure to physical gold — even if your local dealer runs out and the mint remains shuttered for the foreseeable future!

The second gold play is a low-risk, high-upside strategy with a proven history of turning $100 into $32,000

I’d wager fewer than 1 in 100 folks knows about this obscure gold play, but in addition to huge upside, it can also be incredibly powerful during an economic recession

And here’s the best part You can invest using any standard brokerage account.

And finally, I’ll show you a stock I consider my #1 play for the approaching gold mania.

You see, many folks hesitate to invest in gold because it doesn’t pay a yield or dividend, like many sound investments do...

But I’ve found a low-cost way to earn “gold dividends” by investing in a gold play I expect will see enormous growth in the next few years.

In fact, combining the spectacular economics of this firm’s projects and the government’s nonstop money printing I expect this strategy could conservatively double investors’ money over the next few months

And it could turn into a much bigger windfall as the bull market plays out.

How much will you make
in this historic gold mania?

It’s impossible to say for sure

After all, all investments carry some degree of risk, and past performance is never a guarantee of future results.

But I wouldn’t be surprised if this brand-new bull market rewards patient speculators with 5-baggers, 10-baggers, or higher returns – if you choose the best companies.

Normally, you’d have to pay $199 to access these reports.

But today, you can access all of this work totally risk-free and at a 75% discount off the normal rate.

You’ll get:
Our next 12 monthly investment recommendations in The Casey Report.
The New Crisis Currency Why Every American Should Own at Least $100 of the Hardest Money the World Has Ever Known
The Ultimate Privacy Guide The Secrets Big Government and Big Tech Hope You Never Discover
The Biggest Gold Mania in History 3 Opportunities to Capture Massive Gains

And the price?

Just $49 for the entire year.

That’s only $4 for each investment we recommend – less than the cost of a cheap lunch.

Why so cheap?


The financial world is on the brink of a massive shift unlike anything we’ve seen in decades.

And I don’t want you to fly blind into this storm.

For almost 30 years, Doug Casey and the world-class team of researchers we’ve put together have warned readers about many threats to individual freedom and the American way of life.

From 9/11-style attacks, to the mortgage meltdown a decade ago we’ve given countless Americans the courage and know-how to prepare and protect themselves through turmoil.

And, of course, prosper along the way.

Just like

I have never seen results like this before and I see this going much higher.”Pitts W.

I’m up anywhere from ‘only’ 70% to over 300%. Thanks for the great recommendations!”*Stuart R.

In about two months, your advice has generated about $100,000 in my retirement account. I’m thrilled.”*Gregory S.

* The investment results described in these testimonials are not typical. Investing in
securities carries a high degree of risk; you may lose some or all of the investment.

You won’t find deeper research on this major financial shock anywhere else.

In fact, 99.9% of people right now are clueless this is even under way!

Here’s How to Get Started

That’s why I want to send you The New Crisis Currency, The Ultimate Privacy Guide, and the Biggest Gold Mania in History along with 12 issues (one year) of The Casey Report for just $49.

Remember, the target date for the next Shock is January 1, 2021.

That’s just months away.

So, I’ve come up with a plan to make sure you know precisely what’s happening and what to do next.

Each month I’m going to write to you – and highlight the opportunities and risks I see developing in the markets. And share specific recommendations.

That way, you’ll be well-prepared for America’s 4th financial shock and armed to take advantage of the massive distortions we’re about to witness.

But look

The Senate is reviewing a law right now that would make the digital dollar a reality by January 1st, 2021

But, in a way, that date doesn’t even matter

Because businesses are ALREADY banning cash today!

All the evidence shows

There’s not much time left to prepare.

Americans who choose to ignore what’s going on all around us

And those who refuse to believe such a massive shift can happen in the United States

Will be absolutely blindsided.

But if you heed my warning, you’ll not only have the opportunity to protect your hard-earned money but you’ll also have the chance to grow your wealth by as much as 10 times or more with a few well-timed investments.

And I’ve made it affordable and easy for you to do everything you need to do beforehand.

You’ll pay just $49 to receive everything I’ve promised.

And if you don’t agree with me that this is the best deal in financial research, simply let my Florida-based customer service team know in the first 60 days, and they’ll refund your entire payment.

And here’s the best part:

Even if my work isn’t right for you, I insist you keep all three of the special reports I’ll send today, and we’ll part as friends.

In the days ahead, nearly everyone in your life will be blindsided by this financial shock. That’s why this information is so critical.

With the Casey Research team by your side, you’ll be one step ahead of Bill Gates, Nancy Pelosi, and the Federal Reserve and you’ll never feel like you’re flying solo, a blindfold on your eyes.

The next step is up to you.

For just $49, you can find out everything you need to know to protect yourself and your family when you join today.

America’s next financial shock is imminent and unavoidable.

Paper money will soon be replaced by a digital dollar.

And your liberty, freedom, and way of life will be forever changed.

Will you be prepared?

I recommend you take the first step.

Click the “Order Now” button below. You’ll be taken to a secure order form.

There, you’ll have the opportunity to review everything before you complete your purchase. You’ll get immediate access to everything I've shown you


Nick Giambruno
Chief Analyst, The Casey Report
July 1, 2020

© 2020 Casey Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Brian Mansfield
Specialista di ricerca, ricerca legacy

International firm that predicted 9/11, the fall of the Soviet Union, and
President Trump’s election victory issues urgent warningto American public:


During the lockdown, America’s financial elite secretly launched
the biggest attack on your wealth since 1971. If you have more than
$5,000 in the bank, YOU MUST ACT NOW, before it’s too late

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© 2020 Casey Research, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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