no Achad is Giorgio Napoletano and

Achad is Giorgio Napoletano

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

"The alternative to Bergoglio is barbarism". A phrase whispered in confidence by a theologian friend who teaches in the United States is the spark that ignites the reflection on the geopolitics (and not only) of Pope Francis. In Bergoglio or barbarism. Francesco in front of the world disorder (Castelvecchi, pages 224, € 16.50) by Riccardo Cristiano - Vatican expert and former RAI correspondent from the Middle East - our gaze on the courtyard of our global village is illuminated by a firm and dramatic conviction o Bergoglio, the only world leader capable of indicating a global vision, or barbarism.
Freemasons are a bunch of corrupt and criminal perverts!
we leave the role of Catholic to the Pope (who is not doing it well)
and let Unius REI leave the geopolitics that must be destroyed by the universal brotherhood of my third Jewish temple home of all peoples!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎25 minutes ago

Carabinieri commander commits suicide at 52 years old
The victim is Andrea Apicella, 52, an esteemed professional who had only taken over the command of the local barracks for only two years. Some newspapers report that he made the extreme gesture right in the workplace and that his colleagues were the first to sound the alarm after finding him in a pool of blood.
if, as Mayor, or other representative of the institutions, you are not cynical, hypocritical, lobbyist, freemason and delinquent?
those of the Bilderberg Pd Deep State regime, Masonic consociativism the octopus?
they will put you in a constant state of terror

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

BELGRADE, JULY 8 - In Belgrade during the night there was urban guerrilla war between anti-government demonstrators and police around the Parliament. The protests began shortly after the press conference in which President Aleksandar Vucic announced new restrictive measures in Belgrade to contain a renewed wave of contagions and deaths for the coronavirus a curfew for the whole next weekend and a ban on gathering with more than five people indoors and outdoors.
nn are the usual neoliberal Soros Antifa anarchists PD Deep State "the worse for everyone, the better is it for us?"

this is the motto of the 322 "skull and bones" pirates Bush and Kerry
this is golpe in Hong Kong and in worldwide!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

Obama Erdogan neoliberists masonic internationa regime and their accomplices must be sentenced to the death penalty!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

President Donald Trump MAGA PATRIOT
it did well to punish WHO World Health Organization, and all UN agency and CHINA
Why did CHINA take revenge on us, for the virus that made MORGAN FED Bush Deep State CIA?
we are not the priests of satan, wahhabiti, bilderberg regime or esoteric agenda of the democratic party !!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

https://www msn com/it-it/intrattenimento/notizie/platinette-la-frase-choc-che-fa-discutere-l-utero-in-affitto-pi%C3%B9-violento-degli-stupratori/ar-BB16rQrH?ocid=msedgdhp

lorenzoALLAH Mahdi Messiah
Platinette, born Mauro Coluzzi, wanted to specify that asking for a child through the practice of renting a uterus is a murder crime worse than rape.
so he fiercely condemned gay marriage
but not the adoption of children.
Platinette, the shocking phrase that makes one argue "The uterus for rent more violent than rapists"
You are more violent with women than rapists are you pay it because you want something that looks like you, then you liquidate it.
«I am happy that there is a law on civil unions and that those who want to use it do so.
he added. The headline read 'Platinette I can't stand LGBT victimization. The bill against homophobia is not needed '. «They are strong words, they have a fund of truth. If we have to explain an opinion precisely because it is not compliant, it means that the exercise of democracy makes sense. It is equally true that practicing it continuously becomes difficult, "he said.
there is the dictatorship of demonic thought rothschild bilderberg regime.
but honest hom0os e x u a l s realize the satanism and social threat of the Rockefeller lgbtq lobby for goyims slaves

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiahan hour ago

Platinette, all'anagrafe Mauro Coluzzi, ha voluto specificare che chiedere un figlio attraverso la pratica dell'utero in affitto è un delitto di omicidio peggiore dello stupro.
quindi ha condannato ferocemente il matrimonio gay
ma non la adozione dei bambini.
Platinette, la frase choc che fa discutere «L'utero in affitto più violento degli stupratori»
Sei più violento tu con le donne di quanto siano gli stupratori la paghi perché vuoi qualcosa che ti assomigli, poi la liquidi.
«Sono felice che ci sia una legge sulle unioni civili e che coloro che vogliono utilizzarla lo facciano.
ha aggiunto. Il titolo recitava 'Platinette non sopporto il vittimismo Lgbt. Il ddl contro l'omofobia non serve'. «Sono parole forti, hanno un fondo di verità. Se dobbiamo spiegare un'opinione proprio perché non è conforme, vuol dire che l'esercizio della democrazia ha un senso. È altrettanto vero che praticarlo continuamente diventa difficile», ha precisato.
c'é la dittatura del pensiero demoniaco regime rothschild bilderberg.
ma gli omosessuali onesti si rendono conto del satanismo e della minaccia sociale degli lgbtq lobby Rockefeller per gli schiavi goyims

o85o5 hours ago

That's President Trump! One may not always agree with what he says, but he certainly keeps his word!

blog2038o85o4 hours ago

"One may not always agree with what he says, but he certainly keeps his word!" - I call Trump "diamond in the rough".

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎blog2038an hour ago

noi, qui, noi non abbiamo bisogno di attori TROLL della CIA FED IMF NWO OCI Riyadh in questo server,
tu vattene e cambia mestiere!

kld5 hours ago

It's about time.

Evolution is a Hoax.

The USA spends 400 million almost a billion dollars ever 2 years on the WHO. yet, if they cant help with a covid, and the USA can find out by the internet just as fast. why not save 10 billion dollars over the next 20 yes.
Trump did a cost assessment. ROI return on investment. You could slip a 50 to the garbage man and load a piano into a garbage truck. you slip the WHO a 50 and you get a kick in the back country.

Photobug552 hours ago

Another retreat by the US and another opportunity for Russia or China to step in. Let's not forget that Trump was telling us for months exactly what WHO was telling us. Also as many faults as WHO has, mostly because the UN gave it no enforcement or investigative powers, we are still in a world-wide epidemic. Obviously the US can't handle it on its own. But the US now stands alone.

David RPhotobug5514 minutes ago

1. you make no sense, 2. you are spreading misinformation. I am assuming you are an intelligent person... therefore you have an agenda. What is your agenda?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

there is no reciprocity with the ARAB LEAGUE OCI UMMA jihad sharia religious war and extermination of dhimmis slaves !!
and at the same time
there is no reciprocity with CHINA
in fact we have our bank seizure stolen, scam banking seigniorage regime Bilderberg Deep Satate, and we are full of taxes, bureaucracy, perversions, mafias, freemasons, satanists, abject "Beni Berith" and cannibals of the CIA, we have Merkel Macron and Trudeu cowards corrups
while they don't!

David8 hours ago

So you employ the very man developing the virus, Dr. "Mengele" Fauchi, pay for his research in Bill Gates lab in Wuhan China, and now you want us to believe that alone China is to blame when in fact, you as well as all the rest of the US elites are co conspirators with China and all other governments, globally, including that of Netanyahu. I guess there still are those who fall for that crap. I am not one of them though and more and more people are waking up to the fact, the only a dead Poly Tick, is a good Poly Tick.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì MessiahDavid

begone CIA troll in Jesus's name

blog2038David4 hours ago

David, go break few monuments.

David Rblog2038


lorenzoALLAH Mahdì MessiahDavid R
oIo 666 oIo

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiahblog2038an hour ago

we, here, we don't need CIA FED IMF NWO OCI Riyadh TROLL actors on this server,
go away and change jobs!
this has become a dangerous place for you
you will have accidents!

Matthew Lathum8 hours ago

good job Mr Trump, sorry that you will be gone after november ! Hashem do not allow to divide holy land like you want in your " deal of century". Everybody will punish for desecration holy land along with Achab and Jezebel aka Netanyahu and his wife !

Evolution is a Hoax.Matthew Lathum4 hours ago

considering that God kicked Israel as a nation to the curb for the last 2000 years, I think the Idea that Trump or Bibi is doing something wrong is out the window.


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David REvolution is a Hoax.7 minutes ago

If you can tone down your accusatory tone towards G-d I would agree with you. Remember, it is us who sinned and G-d reacted. But yes, let G-d return to us, give us leaders like Moses and vessels like the Aron Kodesh and urim v'tumim and we will gladly deal with the occupiers like we did with Sichon and Og.


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TechngroMatthew Lathum4 hours ago

He won't be gone in November.

Do not trust the polls and do not believe for one second that average Americans aren't watching what is going on in their country right now and seeing exactly who is behind it and who the allies of those radicals are. When faced with the choice between handing the country over to Soros-backed Marxists or re-electing Trump, many will, even if they have to hold their nose, vote for Trump.


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David RTechngro3 minutes ago

Well said. Do you agree that the special election in California of those two representatives is an indication of the shift you are talking about?


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎Matthew Lathum8 hours ago edited

no Achad is Giorgio Napoletano and
Jezebel is Elisabeth queen second
and i am your king e messia


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎8 hours ago edited

Mattarella is only the undertaker of the Addams family
the swamp of the democratic party

Chirurgo si lamenta perché deve operare gay al retto durante emergenza Covid denunciato per ‘omofobia’Luglio 7, 2020
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Grillini, dovevano togliere le autostrade ai Benetton e invece gli abbonano anche gli aeroportiLuglio 7, 2020
Campi di rieducazione per ‘guarire’ i ‘razzisti’ leader di sinistra si iscriveLuglio 7, 2020
Ufficiale Trump porta gli Usa fuori dall’OMS ‘cinese’Luglio 7, 2020
Vescovo anglicano “Gesù era nero”Luglio 7, 2020
Rai paga per trasmettere film su Carola Rackete e la Sea Watch coi soldi del CanoneLuglio 7, 2020
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Anziana cieca muore d’infarto dopo lo sfratto del Comune di Napoli per lei niente hotelLuglio 7, 2020
Coronavirus equipaggio Ocean Viking in quaranteaLuglio 7, 2020
La scuola è fottuta arriva il commissario Arcuri, quello delle mascherineLuglio 7, 2020
Selvaggia Lucarelli deferita per avere usato il figlio minorenne come spot pubblicitarioLuglio 7, 2020
I migranti arrivano già infetti la seconda ondata di coronavirus si abbatte sull’EuropaLuglio 7, 2020
Coronavirus aumentano i morti e scendono i nuovi contagiatiLuglio 7, 2020
Bolsonaro si becca il coronavirus sta benissimoLuglio 7, 2020
Marocchino assalta questura, vetrata distrutta a colpi di sprangaLuglio 7, 2020
Ventimiglia, migrante in mutande occupa la strada e causa incidente – VIDEOLuglio 7, 2020
Le mascherine fantasma di Zingaretti nessuna traccia dei 14 milioni di anticipoLuglio 7, 2020
Gay che comprano i bambini contro Platinette “Togliere bimbi alle mamme non è violenza”Luglio 7, 2020
Isis è a Londra africani distruggono statue – VIDEO CHOCLuglio 7, 2020
TAR obbliga italiani a risarcire spacciatore nigeriano “Devono mantenerlo in hotel, ha chiesto asilo”Luglio 7, 2020
Bambino difende la mamma da branco di neri pestato a sangue – VIDEOLuglio 7, 2020
Coronavirus, governo sospende voli dal Bangladesh ma fa sbarcare 1.292 bengalesi dalle OngLuglio 7, 2020
La senatora Cirinnà ha un fratello camorrista arrestato a Roma durante retataLuglio 7, 2020
L’unica cosa semplificata da Conte è lo sbarco dei clandestini quasi triplicatiLuglio 7, 2020
Facebook censura il senatore Pillon ha osato criticare cambio di sesso a 9 anniLuglio 7, 2020
Rapinavano con l’esplosivo banda di rom con base nei campi nomadi del Comune di MilanoLuglio 7, 2020
PIL crolla dell’11%, 1 impresa su 3 verso fallimento e 1 famiglia su 3 senza soldi lui godeLuglio 7, 2020
Troppi infetti, sospesi voli dal Bangladesh ma 1.300 sono già sbarcatiLuglio 7, 2020
Commissione UE “Difendere i confini è illegale”Luglio 7, 2020


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

Ignoring a Palestinian Authority (PA) directive to all banks in Palestinian Authority areas that have to accept money for the payment of salaries to the accounts of terrorists and terrorist families killed, at least four banks have refused to follow the dictates of the Palestinian Authority.
The AP Director of the Commission for Prisoners, Qadri Abu Bakr, reported it yesterday. All banks refuse to allow these groups to use their ATM cards.
This was two and a half months after Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) sent letters warning banks operating in AP-controlled areas of potential criminal and civil liability if they continued to help and help the PA pay rewards to terrorists.
dear terrorists, you shouldn't worry
because you can always withdraw your salary from ISIS sharia Erdogan Ursula von der Leyen called Imam Bin laden Pakistan the Taliban Fulani boko Iran Aram a pack of takfiri OCI Riyadh



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Joe Cohen8 hours ago

So, Gantz is off to a great start, ostensibly supporting the pay for terrorism policies of the PA. This man will destroy Israel. The PA and Hamas can sit back and watch.


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎Joe Cohen5 minutes ago

perché ti porti dietro quella povera donna terrorizzata?
quando l'hai uccisa nella Chiesa di Satana?



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Scorpio8 hours ago

The headline of this article defies its conclusion. I'm confused!


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Edgarfletcher Fletcher8 hours ago

Gantz is a PA pimp


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Jay Silverman7 hours ago

Drive them out ASAP. The Torah demands it. Do you think that HaShem is happy about this?


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Neil6 hours ago

Of course they do! The scumbag democrats have embezzled all the funds and there is nothing left!


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masseur19506 hours ago

To do good to the muslim extremists will achieve nothing for Israel. They will keep on lying, cheat, kill, murder. That is what the words of the book of the cult tells them to do, until the Jews and the Christians are extinct.


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Tom Dickson6 hours ago

Shoot the dead all terrorists and let their families starve to death. NO MORE PAY FOR SLAY!!!!!


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blog20385 hours ago

"one of the first decisions of Israel’s new Alternate Prime Minister and
Minister of Defense, Benjamin (Benny) Gantz, was to temporarily suspend
the force of the new law criminalizing the banks participation in the
payment of the terror rewards"
I do not get is - how could it possible for person like this to be Bibi's contender at all.
What's wrong with you, Israelis!

PS. I guess I should not be surprise, just look at the leftist crap that we are electing for our governors and mayors.


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JussSomeBloke4 hours ago

why would Gantz, a Jew, reverse a law that rewarded muslims with a salary for killing Jews ?? Where I come from, that is a traitorous act, and not only was it something he did, but it was one of the very first things he did. Why ??


🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎2 minutes ago

"The alternative to Bergoglio is barbarism". A phrase whispered in confidence by a theologian friend who teaches in the United States is the spark that ignites the reflection on the geopolitics (and not only) of Pope Francis. In Bergoglio or barbarism. Francesco in front of the world disorder (Castelvecchi, pages 224, € 16.50) by Riccardo Cristiano - Vatican expert and former RAI correspondent from the Middle East - our gaze on the courtyard of our global village is illuminated by a firm and dramatic conviction o Bergoglio, the only world leader capable of indicating a global vision, or barbarism.
Freemasons are a bunch of corrupt and criminal perverts!
we leave the role of Catholic to the Pope (who is not doing it well)
and let Unius REI leave the geopolitics that must be destroyed by the universal brotherhood of my third Jewish temple home of all peoples!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎12 minutes ago

Carabinieri commander commits suicide at 52 years old
The victim is Andrea Apicella, 52, an esteemed professional who had only taken over the command of the local barracks for only two years. Some newspapers report that he made the extreme gesture right in the workplace and that his colleagues were the first to sound the alarm after finding him in a pool of blood.
if, as Mayor, or other representative of the institutions, you are not cynical, hypocritical, lobbyist, freemason and delinquent?
those of the Bilderberg Pd Deep State regime, Masonic consociativism the octopus?
they will put you in a constant state of terror



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎12 minutes agoHold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.

Carabinieri commander commits suicide at 52 years old
The victim is Andrea Apicella, 52, an esteemed professional who had only taken over the command of the local barracks for only two years. Some newspapers report that he made the extreme gesture right in the workplace and that his colleagues were the first to sound the alarm after finding him in a pool of blood.
if, as Mayor, or other representative of the institutions, you are not cynical, hypocritical, lobbyist, freemason and delinquent?
those of the Bilderberg Pd Deep State regime, Masonic consociativism the octopus?
they will put you in a constant state of terror


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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎18 minutes ago

BELGRADE, JULY 8 - In Belgrade during the night there was urban guerrilla war between anti-government demonstrators and police around the Parliament. The protests began shortly after the press conference in which President Aleksandar Vucic announced new restrictive measures in Belgrade to contain a renewed wave of contagions and deaths for the coronavirus a curfew for the whole next weekend and a ban on gathering with more than five people indoors and outdoors.
nn are the usual neoliberal Soros Antifa anarchists PD Deep State "the worse for everyone, the better is it for us?"

this is the motto of the 322 "skull and bones" pirates Bush and Kerry
this is golpe in Hong Kong and in worldwide!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎39 minutes ago

Obama Erdogan neoliberists masonic internationa regime and their accomplices must be sentenced to the death penalty!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

President Donald Trump MAGA PATRIOT
it did well to punish WHO World Health Organization, and all UN agency and CHINA
Why did CHINA take revenge on us, for the virus that made MORGAN FED Bush Deep State CIA?
we are not the priests of satan, wahhabiti, bilderberg regime or esoteric agenda of the democratic party !!



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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎an hour ago

https://www msn com/it-it/intrattenimento/notizie/platinette-la-frase-choc-che-fa-discutere-l-utero-in-affitto-pi%C3%B9-violento-degli-stupratori/ar-BB16rQrH?ocid=msedgdhp

lorenzoALLAH Mahdi Messiah
Platinette, born Mauro Coluzzi, wanted to specify that asking for a child through the practice of renting a uterus is a murder crime worse than rape.
so he fiercely condemned gay marriage
but not the adoption of children.
Platinette, the shocking phrase that makes one argue "The uterus for rent more violent than rapists"
You are more violent with women than rapists are you pay it because you want something that looks like you, then you liquidate it.
«I am happy that there is a law on civil unions and that those who want to use it do so.
he added. The headline read 'Platinette I can't stand LGBT victimization. The bill against homophobia is not needed '. «They are strong words, they have a fund of truth. If we have to explain an opinion precisely because it is not compliant, it means that the exercise of democracy makes sense. It is equally true that practicing it continuously becomes difficult, "he said.
there is the dictatorship of demonic thought rothschild bilderberg regime.
but honest hom0os e x u a l s realize the satanism and social threat of the Rockefeller lgbtq lobby for goyims slaves



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o85o4 hours ago

That's President Trump! One may not always agree with what he says, but he certainly keeps his word!


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blog2038o85o4 hours ago

"One may not always agree with what he says, but he certainly keeps his word!" - I call Trump "diamond in the rough".

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎blog2038
noi, qui, noi non abbiamo bisogno di attori TROLL della CIA FED IMF NWO OCI Riyadh in questo server,
tu vattene e cambia mestiere!

kld5 hours ago

It's about time.

Evolution is a Hoax.
The USA spends 400 million almost a billion dollars ever 2 years on the WHO. yet, if they cant help with a covid, and the USA can find out by the internet just as fast. why not save 10 billion dollars over the next 20 yes.
Trump did a cost assessment. ROI return on investment. You could slip a 50 to the garbage man and load a piano into a garbage truck. you slip the WHO a 50 and you get a kick in the back country.

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiahan hour ago

Platinette, all'anagrafe Mauro Coluzzi, ha voluto specificare che chiedere un figlio attraverso la pratica dell'utero in affitto è un delitto di omicidio peggiore dello stupro.
quindi ha condannato ferocemente il matrimonio gay
ma non la adozione dei bambini.
Platinette, la frase choc che fa discutere «L'utero in affitto più violento degli stupratori»
Sei più violento tu con le donne di quanto siano gli stupratori la paghi perché vuoi qualcosa che ti assomigli, poi la liquidi.
«Sono felice che ci sia una legge sulle unioni civili e che coloro che vogliono utilizzarla lo facciano.
ha aggiunto. Il titolo recitava 'Platinette non sopporto il vittimismo Lgbt. Il ddl contro l'omofobia non serve'. «Sono parole forti, hanno un fondo di verità. Se dobbiamo spiegare un'opinione proprio perché non è conforme, vuol dire che l'esercizio della democrazia ha un senso. È altrettanto vero che praticarlo continuamente diventa difficile», ha precisato.
c'é la dittatura del pensiero demoniaco regime rothschild bilderberg.
ma gli omosessuali onesti si rendono conto del satanismo e della minaccia sociale degli lgbtq lobby Rockefeller per gli schiavi goyims

Photobug552 hours ago

Another retreat by the US and another opportunity for Russia or China to step in. Let's not forget that Trump was telling us for months exactly what WHO was telling us. Also as many faults as WHO has, mostly because the UN gave it no enforcement or investigative powers, we are still in a world-wide epidemic. Obviously the US can't handle it on its own. But the US now stands alone.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
there is no reciprocity with the ARAB LEAGUE OCI UMMA jihad sharia religious war and extermination of dhimmis slaves !!
and at the same time
there is no reciprocity with CHINA
in fact we have our bank seizure stolen, scam banking seigniorage regime Bilderberg Deep Satate, and we are full of taxes, bureaucracy, perversions, mafias, freemasons, satanists, abject "Beni Berith" and cannibals of the CIA, we have Merkel Macron and Trudeu cowards corrups
while they don't!

David8 hours ago

So you employ the very man developing the virus, Dr. "Mengele" Fauchi, pay for his research in Bill Gates lab in Wuhan China, and now you want us to believe that alone China is to blame when in fact, you as well as all the rest of the US elites are co conspirators with China and all other governments, globally, including that of Netanyahu. I guess there still are those who fall for that crap. I am not one of them though and more and more people are waking up to the fact, the only a dead Poly Tick, is a good Poly Tick.

David, go break few monuments.

Matthew Lathum8 hours ago

good job Mr Trump, sorry that you will be gone after november ! Hashem do not allow to divide holy land like you want in your " deal of century". Everybody will punish for desecration holy land along with Achab and Jezebel aka Netanyahu and his wife !

Evolution is a Hoax.Matthew Lathum

considering that God kicked Israel as a nation to the curb for the last 2000 years, I think the Idea that Trump or Bibi is doing something wrong is out the window.

TechngroMatthew Lathum

He won't be gone in November.

Do not trust the polls and do not believe for one second that average Americans aren't watching what is going on in their country right now and seeing exactly who is behind it and who the allies of those radicals are. When faced with the choice between handing the country over to Soros-backed Marxists or re-electing Trump, many will, even if they have to hold their nose, vote for Trump.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎Matthew Lathum

no Achad is Giorgio Napoletano and
Jezebel is Elisabeth queen second
and i am your king e messia

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

Mattarella is only the undertaker of the Addams family
the swamp of the democratic party

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Trieste non molla: "Via il green pass e scuse ufficiali per gli scontri".
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


Obama moderate terrorists Biden

Obama moderate terrorists Biden
jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS UMMA Riyad

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?
Adesso preparatevi alle conseguenze!

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione
domande alle quali non aveva mai risposto nessuno: moneta, credito, usurocrazia e valore indotto.

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!
Giacinto è nella comunione dei Santi!