hurt all your priests of satan CIA 666 NWO 187 NATO UK

BUONGIORNO DAL BLOG DELL’ALBA. Facciamo sapere a tutti che stasera Giorgia Meloni è da Bruno Vespa. Da non perdere perché spiega come torna in campo la destra seria per l’Italia. Diffondiamo il link, RaiUno alle 23,30 Porta a Porta
0 risposte 1 Retweet 2 Mi piace Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ma se vi opponete alla realizzazione di una Patria agli ebrei, come pensate di proteggere la vostra Patria? se costringete i Rothschild a fare i satanisti? poi, dovete a voi stessi la vostra distruzione!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

but if you oppose the realization of a homeland to the Jews, How do you plan to protect your country? if you force the Rothschilds to do the satanists? then, you owe your destruction to yourself!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Qatar shariah (galassiah jihadista) gives 20 million jihad Erdogan dollars: to Palestine terrorists through UN: shariah genocide Qatar shariah regala 20 milioni di jihad Erdogan dollari: alla Palestina tramite Onu: shariah genocidio allah a tutti Mogherini akbar Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Qatar shariah (galassiah jihadista) gives 20 million jihad Erdogan dollars: to Palestine terrorists through UN: shariah genocide allah to all Mogherini like akbar Trudeau MAY Biccia Qatar shariah (galassiah jihadista) regala 20 milioni di jihad Erdogan dollari:☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

what does it matter to the UN of the shariah genocide of Christians all over the world and in the ARABA LEAGUE? Omicidio Khashoggi, Sauditi vietano l’ingresso ai funzionari ONU. e cosa importa ad ONU del genocidio shariah dei cristiani in tutto il mondo e nella LEGA ARABA?

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Khashoggi murder, Saudis prohibit entry to UN officials. and what does it matter to the UN of the shariah genocide of Christians all over the world and in the ARABA LEAGUE? Omicidio Khashoggi, Sauditi vietano l’ingresso ai funzionari ONU. e cosa importa ad ONU del genocidio☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

'Extremely Foolish comunists China URSS Maduro Erdogan BOIA'? what's fool? I am ready to destroy 2/3 of mankind! io sono pronto a distruggere 2/3 del genere umano!0 risposte 1 Retweet 1 Mi piace Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

322 Bin Salman ] fag Satan fag CIA fag 666 fag NWO fag 187 fag NATO fag UK fags fag , fag your little demon allah faggot maggot [ burn Satana in Jesus's name, amen DRINK YOUR POISON MADE by YOURSELF, Hallelujah☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

fag Bin Salman] fag Satan fag CIA fag 666 fag NWO fag 187 fag NATO fag UK fags fag , fag your little demon allah faggot maggot☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin Salman] but if I hurt all your priests of satan CIA 666 NWO 187 NATO UK fags, if they were not able to stop me ... how much road do you plan to do: alone: with your little demon allah?☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN ] ma se io ho fatto del male a tutti i tuoi sacerdoti di satana della CIA 666 NWO 187 NATO UK froci, se loro non sono stati capaci di fermarmi... quanta strada tu pensi di fare: da solo: con quel tuo piccolo demonio allah?

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin Salman] I know that your devil Allah is deaf and dumb, but when will I hurt you? then, you will sert me very well: loud and clear!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 13 h13 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN ] io lo so che il tuo demonio Allah è sordo e muto, ma, quando io ti farò del male? poi, tu mi sertirai molto bene!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

– Video Trans aggredisce a colpi d’ascia due persone: “Soffro per amore” perché al pedofilo Mohammed il terrorismo si shariah si, ed ai trans no? quì ci vuole la par condicio
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Trans aggredisce a colpi d’ascia due persone: “Soffro per amore” – Video perché al pedofilo Mohammed il terrorismo si shariah, ed ai trans no? quì ci vuole la par condicio
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Netanjahu ] shalom.. you have been banned by United with Israel. se mi costringi a uccidere Bin SALMAN? poi, dovrai rinunciare al Regno di ISRAELE! im Yitzchak Kaduri Messia☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Junker Bilderberg FMI M5S and Pd "magistratura" tecnocrati Soros UE SpA FED BCE LGBT] stanno facendo un lavoro sporco contro Salvini? no, stanno facendo un lavoro sporco contro il popolo italiano! arriverà il momento che correranno a nascondersi, ma, cadranno lo stesso!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Junker Bilderberg FMI M5S and Pd "magistratura" tecnocrati Soros UE SpA FED BCE LGBT] they are doing a job too dirty against Salvini? no, they are doing too dirty a job against the Italian people! the time will come when they will run to hide, but they will fall anyway!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

M5S and Pd "magistratura" tecnoacrati Soros UE SpA FED BCE LGBT] they are doing a job too dirty against Salvini? no, they are doing too dirty a job against the Italian people! the time will come when they will run to hide, but they will fall anyway! Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

M5S e Pd "magistratura" tecnoacrati Soros UE SpA FED BCE LGBT ] loro stanno facendo un lavoro troppo sporco contro Salvini? no, stanno facendo un lavoro troppo sporco contro il popolo italiano! arriverà il momento che correranno a nascondersi, ma, cadranno lo stesso!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

We see a cooling trend, "said Martin Mlynczak of NASA's Langley Research Center." Above the earth's surface, near space, our atmosphere is losing thermal energy.☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

but when the SUN will resume its activity: our weakening atmosphere: it will not protect us and the men will burn: This has been prophesied by Apocalypse, already !! take into consideration the cooling tendency of the NASA climate due to the low activity of the sun.1 risposta 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

grazie alla bassa attività del sole. Vediamo una tendenza al raffreddamento", ha detto Martin Mlynczak del Centro di ricerca Langley della NASA. "Al di sopra della superficie terrestre, vicino allo spazio, la nostra atmosfera sta perdendo energia termica.

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 14 h14 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ma quando il SOLE riprenderà la sua attività: la nostra atmosfera indebolità: non ci potrà proteggere e gli uomini bruceranno: Questo è stato profetizzato da Apocalisse, già!! prendere in considerazione la tendenza al raffreddamento del clima della NASA

1 risposta 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

il super sacerdote di Satana: di youtube Governatore GENERALE: 187AudioHostem (poteri tecnologici e demoniaci alini) che coordinava tutti i Direttori di youtube? lui è impazzito! cosa vi fa credere che voi potreste salvarvi?

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist Bin SALMAN sharia ] What makes you believe that you could save yourselves?1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist Bin SALMAN sharia ] the super priest of Satan: Master youtube Governor GENERAL: 187AudioHostem (super occult supernatural and technological demonic powers) who coordinated all the youtube Directors? he is become crazy! What makes you believe1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

La Corte Suprema pakistana ha confermato oggi l'assoluzione della madre cristiana Aasiya Noreen (meglio conosciuta come Asia Bibi), che ha trascorso nove anni nel braccio della morte nel caso di blasfemia più importante del Pakistan, lasciandola libera di lasciare il paese

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ma quanti altri cristiani innocenti dal demonio Mohammed ad oggi sono morti calunniati innocenti? La Corte Suprema pakistana ha confermato oggi l'assoluzione della madre cristiana Aasiya Noreen (meglio conosciuta come Asia Bibi),

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☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Asia Bibi), who spent nine years on death row in Pakistan’s most high-profile blasphemy case, leaving her free to leave the country but how many other innocent Christians since the demon Mohammed to date have died innocent slanders shariah?☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Pakistan’s Supreme Court today upheld its acquittal of Christian mother Aasiya Noreen (better known as Asia Bibi), who spent nine years on death row in Pakistan’s most high-profile blasphemy case, leaving her free to leave the country☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

hanno cantato: "alleluia", ma Mohammed shariah dall'inferno ha detto "NO!" Omicidio di 20 cristiani, feriti 111 con bombe nella cattedrale filippina durante la messa domenicale ...

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

loro cantavano: "alleluia" ma Mohammed shariah dall'inferno ha detto: "NO!" they sang: "alleluia" but Mohammed shariah from hell said "NO!" Muslims Murder 20, Injure 111 with Bombs in Philippine Cathedral During Sunday Mass ...☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist Bin SALMAN sharia ] when, I will come to pick you up? one will cry like a mouse, and the other will cry like a rabbit! quando, io vi verrò a prendere? uno griderà come un topo ,e l'altro griderà come un coniglio!

0 risposte 1 Retweet 1 Mi piace Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

these are the algorithms of the CIA satan priests, who control their and your invisibility! Internet, the Garante's alarm: "We are on the verge of digital totalitarianism"☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

questi sono gli algoritmi dei sacerdoti di satana della CIA , che loro controllano la tua invisibilità! Internet, l’allarme del Garante: «Siamo sull’orlo del totalitarismo digitale»

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN] if I want? I'll let the hell boil under your feet, and I'll have you swallowed in hell with all the SAUDI ARABIA!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN] se io voglio? io ti faccio ribollire l'inferno sotto i piedi, e ti faccio inghiottire all'inferno con tutta la ARABIA SAUDITA!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN] you should not rule out the hypothesis that the things they taught you could also be false! [naaa frit pulp☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin SALMAN ] tu non dovresti escludere l'ipotesi che le cose che ti hanno insegnato potrebbero essere anche false!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ugly carrion Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [ because when you take the ZIPPO in your sodom, then, do not you prophesy too?☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ugly carrion Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [when Mohammed put his "ZIPPO" in: Aisha 9-year-old sheep: Vagina silver lunar idol in Mecca 666 Kaaba? then, he always went out: the Angel Gabriel and he Mohammed (always: peace be upon him) he wrote the Koran ..☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ugly carrion Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [ perché quando tu prendi il ZIPPO nel tuo sodoma, allora, tu non profetizzi anche tu?

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ugly carrion Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [ quando Mohammed metteva il suo "ZIPPO" dentro: Aisha 9 anni pecora: Vagina idolo lunare di argento in Mecca 666 Kaaba? poi, usciva sempre: l'Angelo Gabriele e lui Mohammed (sempre: pace sia su di lui) lui scriveva il Corano..

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☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin Salman] fuckhead [to prove it's not the fault of united with Israel, now, you're not forcing me to kill your family shariah ummah? per dimostrati che non è colpa di united with Israel, adesso, tu non mi stai costringendo a fare una strage nella tua famiglia?☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Bin Salman] fuckhead [to prove it's not the fault of united with Israel, now, you're not forcing me to kill your family shariah ummah?☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dell'estremismo dal Paese ". Se questi chierici desideravano davvero" denunciare il terrorismo "e" risolvere per porre fine alla minaccia ", avrebbero almeno iniziato risolvendo la fine della sharia del genocidio

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

e religiose del Paese hanno concordato all'unanimità di condurre una lotta comune per l'eliminazione della minaccia in Pakistan" (che hanno distrutto 10.000 autovetture di musulmani). del terrorismo e

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☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

elimination of the menace of terrorism and extremism from the country.” If these clerics truly wished to “denounce terrorism” and “resolve to end menace,” they would at least start by resolving to end the genocide shariah "I rappresentanti delle organizzazioni politiche1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

In Pakistan (quelli che hanno distrutto 10.000 autovetture di musulmani, soltanto: per protestare contro la liberazione di Asia BIBI ), “representatives of political and religious organisations of the country have agreed unanimously to carry out a joint-struggle for the1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Kouider e sua zia hanno rifiutato di accettare la relazione di Imène con Kevin "sulla base del fatto che era" francese e non musulmano ". Un altro caso che mostra l'impatto delle ideologie importate di intolleranza e odio [

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Another case showing the impact of imported ideologies of intolerance and hatred [ Samir Kouider è stato condannato a 30 anni di carcere per l'omicidio del fidanzato francese e non musulmano di sua sorella. La corte ha sentito che Kouider e sua zia hanno rifiutato di [

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☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Samir Kouider has been sentenced to 30 years in jail for the murder of his sister’s French, non-Muslim boyfriend. The court heard that Kouider and his aunt refused to accept Imène’s relationship with Kevin “on the grounds that he was ‘French and non-Muslim.’”1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

sarà la fine di JihadWatchVideo, i giganti dei social media e l'intera organizzazione di sinistra hanno firmato con tutto il cuore la falsa affermazione secondo cui l'opposizione all'omicidio di massa del jihad e l'oppressione della Sharia di donne, gay e altri è "odio".

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

YouTube (Pd 666 censurato) per reprimere il "contenuto borderline" che si avvicina a violare i suoi "standard di comunità" ma non lo fa Questa sarà probabilmente la fine di JihadWatchVideo, dal momento che i giganti dei social media e l'intera organizzazione di sinistra

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☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

This will likely be the end of JihadWatchVideo, since the social media giants and the entire Leftist establishment have wholeheartedly signed on to the spurious claim that opposing jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays and others is “hate.”☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

YouTube (Pd 666 censored) to crack down on “borderline content” that comes close to violating its “community standards” but doesn’t This will likely be the end of JihadWatchVideo, since the social media giants and the entire Leftist establishment have wholeheartedly signed1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

ugly carrion Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [come forward to answer all your crimes and all your murders of eugenics brutta carogna Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo [ vieni avanti a rispondere di tutti i tuoi delitti e di tutti i tuoi omicidi di eugenetica

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [because you became Muslim too] I do not think that you will continue to laugh like a stupid, when the gangs of Muslims will stab your son, and when they will rape your daughter. in fact that OCA of May UK? she does not laugh anymore!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [because you became Muslim too] I do not think that you will continue to laugh like a stupid, when the gangs of Muslims will stab your son, and when they will rape your daughter. in fact that OCA of May UK? she does not laugh anymore!☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 15 h15 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo [ perché ti sei fatto mussulmano anche tu ] non credo che, tu continuerai a ridere come un ebete, quando le gang di Islamici ti pugnaleranno il figlio, e quando ti stupreranno la figlia. infatti quella OCA di May UK? lei non ride più!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [why did you become Muslim like you Mogherini: to ruin all the homosexuals of the planet? ] in fact in the Qur'an there are 100 counts of accusation to be able to kill a beast of satan like you!0 risposte 1 Retweet 0 Mi piace Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo [ perché ti sei fatto mussulmano anche tu come Mogherini: per rovinare tutti gli omosessuali del pianeta? ] in effetti nel Corano esistono 100 capi di accusa per poter ammazzare una bestia di satana come te!

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

dear Justin Trudeau LGBT the Antichrist [why did you become Muslim like you Mogherini: to ruin all the homosexuals of the planet? dear Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo [ perché ti sei fatto mussulmano anche tu come Mogherini: per rovinare tutti gli omosessuali del pianeta?

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

In effetti, ti avvicini agli uomini con desiderio, invece che con donne. Piuttosto, sei un popolo trasgressivo. '...

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

aahh ecco perché Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo odia IRAN ] [Nessuna sorpresa qui. Il Corano contiene numerose condanne sull'attività omosessuale: "E Lot quando disse al suo popolo:" Commetti tale immoralità come nessuno ti ha preceduto di tra i mondi?

1 risposta 0 Retweet 1 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Indeed, you approach men with desire, instead of women. Rather, you are a transgressing people.’☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

aahh ecco perché Justin Trudeau LGBT l'Anticristo odia IRAN ] [ No surprise here. The Qur’an contains numerous condemnations of homosexual activity: “And Lot when he said to his people, ‘Do you commit such immorality as no one has preceded you with from among the worlds?1 risposta 0 Retweet 0 Mi piace
☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 16 h16 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Quale giustizia dei MASSONI Pd permetterebbe mai una condanna a soli 5 anni per aver sparato ad un ragazzo provocandone la morte? Giustizia per Marco Vannini!

Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 17 h17 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

TRUMP Donald told me Erdogan è una CAGNA

☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️ Unius REI ☦️Governor brotherhood✞kingdom worldwide @UniusRei 17 h17 ☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

TRUMP Donald told me: "those CIA sluts: they have already deceived me, with false news when I made the first missile attack against Syria, in fact the chemical weapons were those of the" white helmets "of Erdogan"☦️burn satana ☦️demonio shariah Allah ☦️owl ☦️Marduch burn JaBullOn Baal SpA: burn in Jesus's name, alleluia! Allah la cagna di Satana drink your poison made by yourself ☦️ in Jesus's name! amen ☦️alleluia! ☦️

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Trieste non molla: "Via il green pass e scuse ufficiali per gli scontri".
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


Obama moderate terrorists Biden

Obama moderate terrorists Biden
jihad Erdogan sharia ISIS UMMA Riyad

Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?

Avete preferito questo al Regno di Dio?
Adesso preparatevi alle conseguenze!

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione

La risposta dei Comuni alla disperazione
domande alle quali non aveva mai risposto nessuno: moneta, credito, usurocrazia e valore indotto.

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!

Giacinto, dal Cuore di Dio prega per noi!
Giacinto è nella comunione dei Santi!