
Commento al tuo video: Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove abduction pt5
MCTanman1 SAID: i cannot say if this is true, infact i find it outrageous to an extent, but if byt a very very small probability this is true, then the jews are being antisimetic themselves, because for a fact, the jewish religion, christianity and islam is actually ONE BASIC R RELIGION -- ANSWER--1. il sangue cristiano.pdf(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves)
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
THIS COMMENT CONTINUE IN OTHER VIDEO: 1/2@ IsraelNationalTV - in all my life, I have sinned much: 1. inside my body, 2. inside my soul, and 3. in my spirit because I've always been terrified by the fact: to commit any injustice against: the creatures, as well: even when it comes to sex: you can say that my wife was the first woman that: I have known, "thus: even the most skilled investigator: could not will find anything: against me, if I myself do not want to said: of myself, every thing. thing that, I do willingly because: I hate any: worship of my personality, or that someone can look at myself, as someone of special! however, is the metaphysics (such as a power of discernment) that, did remind me, also, the very rare, that are supernatural events, that others forget: and that God gives to every man, as his statement: about, the fate of each man. since, it is the rationality: "the Glory of God", and because I want to be: an example for every human on the planet? I can prevent: to God, of can talk to me .. because, in fact: as we all know: God is a very nice guy: respectful and polite: about: respect that he wants to have with respect: of the will of all his creatures. so, although I never wanted to hide, to myself and to God, my sin, in a vision: that: has lasted a few seconds while: I was in the sleep-wake: I have seen (without understanding: neither the context nor the place): a door to: 4 before: (that: it was the symbol of my life): the his hinges or hinges: they were all, like this: deformed: deformed: to the point, that the door could not be opened. But, it was Jesus who he was: at the other side of the door, and I could see only spiritually, Jesus begins: once: to make the list of all my sins: "amazing!" I could not to recognize: my guilt: either: approximately: 20% of what was listed, like this: while watching: with "disbelief": in my spirit within me: I see, as, indeed, that all the my sins were listed: by Jesus..those were: really: all my sins! Thus, because: of that revelation, I fall on their knees: and cry and beg, saying: "you can not go away: and let me again in this condition." Jesus does not answer me, but, immediately, all deformed hinges of the door, return to their capabilities! It was evident: God would not has let me: to be prisoner of the my sins. 10 years later: in a painful situation: I'm awake at 5.30: in the morning by my alarm, that reminds me: as: between, half an hour: the my worker must come to me: for to go to do the olives harvest: in one of the days: the coldest of the year, with temperatures below zero: all'inclemenza exposed: in that cold climate: while all my "airways" were completely occluded, from mucus and all my limbs were prey to pain and muscle reomatici: so much that it also: the headache (now, I do not ever suffer: of headache: and much less: of rheumatic pains) but, this condition clearly indicated an "influenza was" in place. Certainly no one would have gone: to do that kind of work so physically demanding: in those adverse conditions! and also I would not have gone. in waiting: to understand: better: my decision: (why: a teacher: for the olives, harvest can be done: only, of Sunday: or: his: free day), or: he can would: even: to have economic damage: if the collection: of the olives: it was made to do: only: through the workers, because: incomes in agriculture are so low, that: 50% of all campaigns: they have been convicted: to be uncultivated in spite: the despair that is the dignified poverty: of our people because of the recession: unemployment, etc. .. all phenomena typical: of the Jewish usury: of the banking seigniorage: and its: fake: "public debt": fictional: such as: for the Masonic bad government,

Commento al tuo video: Jewish ritual murder kabbalah Talmud IMF Grove abduction pt5
MCTanman1 SAID: i cannot say if this is true, infact i find it outrageous to an extent, but if byt a very very small probability this is true, then the jews are being antisimetic themselves, because for a fact, the jewish religion, christianity and islam is actually ONE BASIC R RELIGION -- ANSWER--1. il sangue cristiano.pdf(who can do these crimes? He has already decided to do the whole human race: one only bunch of slaves)
2. Grande rabbino Neofito - Il sangue cristiano nei riti erraci della moderna Sinagona.pdf
3. Talmud e cristiani - Pranaitis.pdf
THIS COMMENT CONTINUE IN OTHER VIDEO: 2/2@IsraelNationalTV - because: create an income: suitable for your family on the Murgia of Bari: Puglia? is almost a hopeless task! of course: this says very long: about: millions of Jews totally innocent, that, they have to pay: with their lives: the hatred and all evil: that these rabbis: Kakam: the international bankers of the synagogue Satan: IMF BCE FED. ecc.. : of Illuminati: have deserved to have done: so much evil: against: all peoples through: banking seigniorage: wear, etc. .. etc. .. conspiracy, freemasonry, satanism, etc. .. etc., on that cold morning in the waiting for a decision to be taken: I was hill: my head again: on the pillow for a few seconds like this: In a moment: how 10 years first: : I have a mometo : sleep-wake cycle: namely, that is an reality: natural: as is for all, a common experience .. However, at that moment: I am: on a large plan: at the base of which, after few: rungs: there are a great in front of them: there is a square: "immense", it was like big: that, it was not possible imagine something so great: on planet earth: for, my human eyes: he could not to see: how far would that: this square can end! but what was incredible to see? was to see, such as the square: it was completely full: of people: all dressed in a gray suit: all were serried crowds: decently: one side: with the other: all those people: they were full of love and compassion: for me. and, all together as: with a single heart, saying to God: as if all were: a single living organism: "Lord, you protect him! Lord you give him: the strength." Impressive .. Who am I: in the kingdom of God? if: I'm nobody on earth? while an angel invisible: he said to my right, "are your intercessors!" it was obvious: I was of faced at: the place, that: you Jews call: Sheol, while we Catholics call it: "the holy souls in purgatory" .. but for all, that day .. I was I was: so excited: and encouraged, that, I have risen, on my tractor at 6:00: quickly: and in all that morning, with the temperature: below zero, but: the air was so dry, that has purified: all my "airway", and I have been able to do so: an extraordinary and very productive: an day's work: with my worker: no more to understand: the meaning of that vision: for the next ten years. When they finally: I asked the Lord to stop: my activities of peasant, for to benefit: and for and prevent, the fall of all those souls who: were irretrievably lost: in the abyss of the hell. So, I asked God: of to have more time to stay on the internet. tu scusa me: se io sono stato così: idiota: da: impiegare ulteriori: 10 anni: per non essere riuscito, a capire: subito: come, quei due sogni: fatti: a distanza di 10 anni: erano in realtà: 1). un unico messaggio:(ma, io non ho altre cose: "strane": di cui non ho già parlato: nei miei siti) ed, 2). un unico luogo geografico: poiché, la prima volta, io ero semplicemente: di fronte: a quella piazza enorme: per non: essere riuscito: a vederla. e che: proprio: Io ero: quella porta: del Tempio Ebraico Celeste: attraverso: cui, dovevano: passare: tutte quelle persone: nel giorno del giudizio universale. Così: il mio ministero di: Unius REI: o la metafisica: della "legge naturale": è l'unica possibilità: per entrare nel Regno di Dio: anche: per tutti quegli atei: e per tutti coloro: che: non hanno potuto morire attraverso: l'alleanza che Gesù Cristo, ha meritato: in nostro favore:.. poiché tutte: quelle anime: non hanno commesso: colpe così gravi: tanto da meritare: di cadere nell'inferno: come: avviene: a circa, il 60%: di tutto: il genere umano. Ecco perché: tutto quello, che, io potrei fare, o non potrei fare, su questa terra? per me è relativamente: importante: io credo: che, se io non avrò la guida di Israele: e di tutte le Nazione del mondo? Per sostituire: questo attuale fondo monetario internazionale: con uno: che: sia di proprietà dei rispettivi popoli: come dice la Costituzione? la già programmata 3°WW nucleare: sarà inevitabile!

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