33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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School will never be the same again
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 minutes ago
"School will never be the same again"
c-azzolina the minister #Pd # M5S #DEM destroyed the previous banks which were excellent, and squandered the assets!
the satanists think so
but from 1960 to today
the morality and culture of the Italian people have collapsed
"La scuola non sarà più come prima"
c-azzolina il ministro #Pd #M5S #DEM ha distrutto i banchi precedenti che erano ottimi, e ha dilapidato il patrimonio!
i satanisti ragionano così
ma dal 1960 ad oggi
la moralità e la cultura del popolo italiano sono collassati
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 15 minutes ago
In Iran Greco-Roman wrestling champion executed, sport protests.
the real problem of the sharia systems OCI Riyad Iran
is that any alternative vision / interpretation to the dogmatic one of the State is an apostasy of high treason!
perhaps the plainclothes policeman had threatened the three brothers,
but that doesn't matter to Erdogan and the demonic Islamic court!
In Iran giustiziato campione di lotta greco-romana, protesta lo sport.
il vero problema dei sistemi sharia OCI Riyad Iran
è che ogni visione/interpretazione alternativa a quella dogmatica dello Stato è una apostasia di alto tradimento!
forse il poliziotto in borghese aveva minacciato i tre fratelli,
ma questo non importa Erdogan e al demoniaco tribunale islamico!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 41 minutes ago
Legge elettorale coi LISTINI BLOCCATI la truffa di Pd e M5s .. puoi sputare contro il popolo pur di mantenere la poltrona .. Quindi Zingaretti non solo ha tradito i suoi elettori invitandoli a votare Sì al referendum su una riforma che il suo partito aveva respinto in Parlamento tre volte su quattro, ma non ha neppure ottenuto il correttivo più importante, cioè una legge elettorale che consentisse agli italiani di scegliersi direttamente i propri rappresentanti in Parlamento. Non a caso la Costituzione prevede il principio dell’elezione diretta dei parlamentari da parte degli elettori.
https://scenarieconomici it/legge-elettorale-coi-listini-bloccati-la-truffa-di-pd-e-m5s-di-giuseppe-palma/#.X10yTNacF-E.twitter
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 an hour ago
Not sure what this is about but it doesn't sound good.
I have been an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years,
and to the EU sharia lgbtq anti-Christ anti-Zionist Bilderberg?
doesn't care
Not sure what this is about but it doesn't sound good.
io sono Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani, da 33 anni,
e alla UE sharia lgbtq anticristo antisionista Bilderberg?
non interessa
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 2 hours ago
every 5 minutes, Muslims kill an innocent Christian, but Imam UE sharia doesn't care!
Europe calls Silvia Romano, new life for the cooperating this is what they entrust to her
ogni 5 minuti, i mussulmani uccidono un cristiano innocente, ma questo a Imam UE sharia non interessa!
L'Europa chiama Silvia Romano, nuova vita per la cooperante ecco cosa le affidano
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
"The pleasure comes directly from God, it is neither Catholic, nor Christian, nor anything else, it is simply divine". "There is no room for an overzealous morality that denies pleasure", an uncompromising morality that according to the Pontiff reflects a "wrong interpretation of the Christian message". "The pleasure of eating is there to keep you healthy, just as sexual pleasure is there to make love more beautiful and ensure the perpetuation of the species".
this is a perfect biblical and theological concept (in true conjugal love),
the fact that Pope FRANCIS has embraced the demonic ideology of the Democratic Party Bilderberg kalergi, or how a tamed slave believes it is right to pay the money to Rothschild at interest, this must not make us lose our theological objectivity
"Il piacere arriva direttamente da Dio, non è né cattolico, né cristiano, né altro, è semplicemente divino". "Non c’è posto per una moralità troppo zelante che neghi il piacere", una moralità intransigente che secondo il Pontefice riflette una "interpretazione sbagliata del messaggio cristiano". "Il piacere di mangiare è lì per mantenerti in salute , proprio come il piacere sessuale c’è per rendere più bello l’amore e garantire la perpetuazione della specie".
questo è un concetto biblico e teologico perfetto(nel vero amore coniugale),
il fatto che il Papa FRANCESCO ha abbracciato la ideologia demonica del Pd Bilderberg kalergi, o come uno schiavo addomesticato ritiene giusto pagare ad interesse il denaro a Rothschild, questo non ci deve far perdere la obiettività, teologica
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
Esiste forse la giustizia in Italia?
senza sovranità monetaria non esiste e non può esistere un concetto di giustizia!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
GRILLO Failed comedian who would like to bring Italy to bankruptcy!
https://twitter com/i/status/1304689243344773120 (quando era onesto, ma oggi ha calpestato tutti i suoi principi)
the virtue of the M5S grillini did not have deep roots, because it was not a Christian virtue .. now they have become the worst technocratic system and the worst corruption with the Democratic Party!
#Grillo 2016 "these moral transvestites" (#Pd and #Renzi made a coup without popular support) must not come close to the constitution "
today, 2020 try to change the constitution with them ... Face with tears of joy ..
#IoVotoNO great !! #ReferendumConstitutional
GRILLO Comico fallito che vorrebbe portare l'Italia al fallimento!
la virtù dei grillini M5S, non aveva radici profonde, perché non era una virtù cristiana.. ora sono diventati loro il peggiore sistema tecnocratico e la peggiore corruzione con il Pd!
#Grillo 2016 "questi travestiti morali" (#Pd e #Renzi hanno fatto un golpe senza supporto popolare) non si devono avvicinare alla costituzione"
oggi, 2020 cerca di cambiare la costituzione con loro... Faccina con lacrime di gioia..
#IoVotoNO alla grande!! #ReferendumCostituzionale
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 3 hours ago edited
#Pakistan, another Christian sentenced to death for blasphemy
and it is as it had happened to Asia Bibi,
Christians are very often slandered out of envy.
and the slanderous testimony of 2 Muslims can sentence you to death without proof!
Pakistan, altro cristiano condannato a morte per blasfemia
ed è com'era accaduto ad Asia Bibi,
cristiani vengono calunniati molto spesso per invidia.
e la testimonianza calunniosa di 2 mussulmani può condannarti a morte senza prove!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
the financial technocratic masonic Jewish conspiracy is the most powerful phenomenon of satanism in the history of this planet, after comes the ISLAM, and then the communists come!
la congiura ebraico massonica tecnocratica finanziaria è il più potente fenomeno di satanismo della storia di questo pianeta, dopo viene l'ISLAM, e dopo vengono i comunisti!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
Shawki Ibrahim Allam Cairo Grand Mufti of Egypt (مفتي الديار المصرية) UAE Abu Dhabi Route, (AUH), United Arab Emirates, i am the jewish messiah [yes Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd (مفتي الديار المصرية) UAE Abu Dhabi Route, (AUH), United Arab Emirates, i am the jewish messiah [yes Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd (مفتي الديار المصرية) ]
if you have not committed another Islamic crime, Quranic war strategy to cheat the KAFIRs to death
to subject them to sharia genocide at the right time,
if you have not condemned Pope FRANCIS with all the solemn commitments you have made with him?
then, you are forced to enter my theocratic kingdom of ISRAEL, to bring down the New World Order peacefully!
se non avete commesso un altro delitto islamico, coranico strategia di guerra di ingannare a morte i KAFIR
per sottometterli a genocidio sharia al momento opportuno,
se non avete condannato Papa FRANCESCO con tutti gli impegni solenni che avete presi con lui?
allora, voi siete costretti ad entrare nel mio teocratico regno di ISRAELE, per abbattere il NWO pacificamente!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 3 hours ago
@ebreieisraele did you take off my friendship only because I told you that I am lorenzoJHWH the messiah of the Jews?
you should have been honored instead!
@ebreieisraele mi hai tolto l'amicizia soltanto perché ti ho detto che sono lorenzoJHWH il messia degli ebrei?
avresti dovuto essere onorato invece!
🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 3 hours ago
all the ideological and constitutional crimes of the Democratic Party M5S DEM] [President CONTE @redrumlisa Vote against #israele at #onu, money at #palestine in #hamas, multiple investigated and denounced for # covid19, will everything be archived?
Who knows .. Meanwhile, #trento is also being investigated and on 17/10 there is the first hearing, I don't think they're joking there.
I am ready to bet that everything will come, with the usual and unmistakable nonchalance that distinguishes our judiciary, ARCHIVED !!!
I'd be happy if he ended his days in jail
NoahTheNephilim 4 hours ago
in the a _n _u s there are fecal bacteria, which are also demons of hell,
20 years ago? I've seen them (this is not a problem for me, since even if I am a sinner, I always generate despair among demons). therefore, sodomy is an infestation, the one rebellious to the Torah will remain possessed ..
Genesis 18.20. Then, the Lord said «The cry (of the angels) against Sodom and Gomorrah is too great, and their sin is very serious. 21. I want to go down and see if they really have done all the evil of which the cry has reached me; I want to know it!".
the three men at the oaks of Mamre speak in the singular
and this is the second revelation of the Christian trinity.
nell'a n o ci sono i batteri fecali, che sono anche demoni dell'inferno,
20 anni fa? io li ho visti(questo non è un problema per me, dato che io anche se sono peccatore, io genero sempre la disperazione tra i demoni). quindi, la sodomia è una infestazione, l'uno ribelle alla Torà ne rimarrà posseduto..
Genesi 18,20. Disse allora il Signore «Il grido(degli angeli) contro Sòdoma e Gomorra è troppo grande, e il loro peccato è molto grave. 21. Voglio scendere a vedere, se proprio hanno fatto tutto il male di cui è giunto il grido fino a me; lo voglio sapere!».
i tre uomini alle querce di Mamre parlano al singolare
e questa è la seconda rivelazione della trinità cristiana.
NoahTheNephilim 7 hours ago
but if an Afro-Islamic drug dealer passes, they can't do anything to him!
Week of checks and checkpoints found drugs and fines two people without a mask
https://pic twitter com/Lgh67RNTPu
ma se passa uno spacciatore afro-islamico non gli possono fare niente!
Settimana di controlli e posti di blocco trovata droga e multate due persone senza mascherina
NoahTheNephilim 7 hours ago
i am the jewish messiah [yes Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd (محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyad]
when the sharia pig OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan gets fat? for him life is a success!
sure, you will be able to kill all the Christians in Africa and you will be able to incorporate the EU into the ARAB LEAGUE (isn't that great?)
but, why did Satan (Masonic Jewish techno-finance) decide to serve Allah now?
... history has already been written on the (Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument located in Elbert County,)
you won't stop 5 billion Muslims anymore, if you don't destroy all forms of life on the entire surface of the planet!
that's what you're going to
i am jewish messiah [ yes Moḥammad bin Salmān Āl Saʿūd ( محمد بن سلمان بن عبد العزيز آل سعود; Riyad ]
quando il maiale sharia OCI Riyad Iran Erdogan ingrassa? per lui la vita è un successo!
certo, voi riuscirete ad uccidere tutti i cristiani in Africa e riuscirete ad incorporare la UE nella LEGA ARABA (no è magnifico?)
ma, perché Satana (tecnofinanza ebraico massonica) ha deciso di servire Allah ora?
... la storia è già stata scritta sul (Georgia Guidestones è un monumento in granito sito nella contea di Elbert,)
non li fermi più 5 miliardi di mussulmani, se non distruggi ogni forma di vita su tutta la superficie di tutto il pianeta!
è a questo che tu stai andando
NoahTheNephilim 7 hours ago
I didn't know that I was part of 1 group,
Yesterday, 10:48 PM
twitter 666 FED IMF ECB Bilderberg Deep State NWO antichrist anti-Zionist assembles us, and delimits us with its filters, then tabs us and prevents us from growing, this is a trap for us!
Faithful can you explain to me better? with a message .... Folded hands
the whole world is owned by Rothschild (Satanist Masons of the Talmud) everything is filtered by algorithms and artificial intelligence,
so you will have a very limited section of users, tens of thousands of following? they work well for you only if you belong to the Masonic financial technocratic system
Non sapevo che io facevo parte di 1 gruppo,
Ieri, 10:48 PM
twitter 666 FED IMF ECB Bilderberg Deep State NWO anticristo antisionista ci assembla, e ci delimita con i suoi filtri, quindi ci scheda e ci impedisce di crescere, questa è una trappola per noi!
Fedele mi spieghi meglio? con un messaggio.... Folded hands
tutto il mondo è proprietà di Rothschild (satanisti massoni del talmud)tutto è filtrato dagli algoritmi e dalla intelligenza artificiale,
quindi tu avrai una sezione molto limitata di utenti, decine di migliaia di following? ti funzionano bene solo se appartieni al sistema tecnocratico finanziario massonico
lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 hours ago
that he rightly hates fascimo, (...) well, from their point of view we are the fanatics! (...)
in fact, Mussolini's mistakes cannot be forgiven
no, there is universal justice, having gassed the Jews, having gone to make the empire in Libya and Ethiopia,
having made friends with the Hitlers all this cannot be forgiven by universal law and natural law!
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom an hour ago
I took FRANCE away from Marine Le Pen for criticizing ISRAEL (I don't forgive certain things)
yet Marine Le Pen had paid ANSA to put all my comments under her tab.
but it is good that all those who vote for the Democratic Party, and are aiding the Islamic genocide, then, they must be ready to pay a heavy toll of blood against their sons!
io ho tolto la FRANCIA a Marine Le Pen per avere criticato ISRAELE (io certe cose non le perdono)
eppure Marine Le Pen aveva pagato ANSA per mettere tutti i miei commenti sotto la sua scheda.
ma è bene che tutti coloro che votano per il Pd, e fanno favoreggiamento del genocidio islamico, poi, loro debbano essere pronti a pagare un pesante tributo di sangue!
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom an hour ago
Algerian lady signed for the resignation of Azzolina, Matteo Salvini, the photo-bomb on Viminale and Conte "Thanks to this Algerian lady" "Blocking the landings means protecting the Italians and also the many immigrants, regular and respectable, who live with us ", underlines the Northern League leader announcing that the Algerian lady
signora algerina ha firmato per le dimissioni della Azzolina, Matteo Salvini, la foto-bomba su Viminale e Conte "Grazie a questa signora algerina" "Bloccare gli sbarchi significa proteggere gli italiani e anche i tanti immigrati, regolari e perbene, che vivono con noi", sottolinea il leader leghista annunciando che la signora algerina https://www liberoquotidiano it/news/politica/24513973/matteo-salvini-foto-signora-algerina-firma-appello-lega-stop-sbarchi-protegge-immigrati-perbene.html#.X10m0uQ-WQc.twitter
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Maurice H a day ago
Always great to see them busting at the seams in Teheran!
Scorpio a day ago
At a time when Israel is experiencing an expansion of its relationships with Arab states at an unprecedented rate, the architect of this long-hoped-for development can not reap the benefit of this miraculous event. It's tragic!
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True Modesty Scorpio a day ago
Hopefully the electorate will come to their senses and President Trump, Israel's good friend, will be in the White House for another four years--and win the Nobel Prize to boot!
Maurice H Scorpio a day ago
No, our people would rather vote Democrat. They still love Roosevelt!
demo(n) cracy instead of Hashem
Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
No where can I find out what the duration of this peace agreement is?
Has anyone read the number of years of this agreement? Israel always sets a time so they can see how well something is or isn't going to work? ...
Paul Bailey Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
Hope it is not "seven years".
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Great-grandma Dorothy Paul Bailey 4 days ago edited
Very understandable, very! Me too but we'll have to take whatever comes and we will Paul because if the pre-trib is wrong, we will have to have even more faith - to believe what normal worldly humans would call - the impossible. ) I assure you we can and the needed faith would come quickly. So if it is that time we may just be obeying Philippians 1:21 in about about 42 to 43 months and then we'll meet in glory! He will never let us down, thank goodness cause we do a good enough job of that ourselves.
Blessings and peace...
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Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq. Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
MOST SUCH AGREEMENTS, TO THE BEST OF MY COGNIZANCE, IS "AT WILL" [and terminable by either party, which, for all practical purposes, requires no notice]. I DO BELIEVE THAT IT, BEING IN THE INTEREST OF ALL, WILL BE LONG LASTING [at least until "the other side" eliminates two of their five daily prayers and, except for a Yom Tov, recite shemonah esra "only" three times a day.
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Great-grandma Dorothy Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq. 4 days ago
Thank you for tell me for I couldn't find anything but beginning dates for past treaty's.
We can only hope it will go smoothly and they have a little time of peace, such as it will be. Sigh. As for those prayers, I think they're scared not to pray. Their god does nothing for them and leaves it all up to them. Nothing like what Elohim has done for the Jews. I have the set of DVD's In Search of a Miracle, Against All Odds and when things get bad in Israel, it's nice to watch and be reminded how He has and does give them miracles.
Nice to see you again Mark as it's been awhile. I added Great to my nickname after my 3rd great-grandson was born August 3rd.
Hope you have a good week and peace...
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
Dorothy the duration is for the Kingdom of God ... they are laying the groundwork for not falling to hell!
sharia (Umma nazi genocide) and FED (multinational) scam banking seigniorage
they are just a road to hell!
Dorothy la durata è per il Regno di Dio... stanno mettendo le basi per non cadere all'inferno!
sharia (Umma nazi genocidio) e FED (multinazionali) scam banking seigniorage
loro sono soltanto una strada per l'inferno!
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Great-grandma Dorothy Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 4 days ago
It's been awhile since we've crossed paths my brother.
I became a grandma of my third great-grandson August 3rd and decided it was time Great be added. )
Of course you would know that I was looking for confirmation if it was/wasn't 'the' seven years. After all with what I've been seeing in the U.S. for about 3 1/2 months I was wondering if the tribulation had sneaked up on us already.
In my 80 some years I've never seen this country so ungodly, hateful, and cold hearted. It never crossed my mind that the rioters would shot a 10 month old, several 1 year old's and of course older for they were no threat to anyone. Race or nationality shouldn't be a factor, a child is a child. As for us oldsters like me, we've lived our lives but it would be nice to leave this world less traumatic than being beaten to death. Sigh. No two ways about it, the devil and his demons are walking the streets today. And who knows what to expect with the election less than a month away but you know all hell will probably break loose either way it goes.
Take care and Shalom...
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
we haven't come to the end time yet (unfortunately)
the demons Riyad Allah and Satan #DEM Rothschid SpA FED IMF ECB NWO
they are angry because they know they have little left to live
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 days ago
Ah but just think what happens after the tribulation, then there will be 1,000 years of peace with Him as the ruler. And afterwards we will never be separated from Him. It is hard to wait to see Him face-to-face in glory!!!
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Paul Bailey Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
dear Great-grandma Dorothy
the 1000 years are symbolic and are the time of the Church of Jesus.
when God's Kingdom comes? will be eternal!
But today, the Governments and you, you could enjoy my political perfection,
I am one of the 3 Kings who are in psalm 110
dear Great-grandma Dorothy
i 1000 anni sono simbolici e sono il tempo della Chiesa di Gesù.
quando il Regno di Dio viene? sarà eterno!
oggi però, i Governi e voi, voi potreste godere della mia perfezione,
io sono uno dei 3 Re che sono nel salmo 110
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 days ago
Dear heart, I think you're wrong about it being symbolic. If I hadn't been up so very many hours that I'm now having trouble hitting the right keys, I would give you my reasons for saying that but if you'll forgive me it will have to wait until later.
Now you know when you start talking like that I will walk away for a time. So you have a good time until I can return. ) Shalom...
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
thank you for your kindness and benevolence,
I await clarification on the 1000 years,
but St. Augustine also thought like me
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 days ago edited
Saint augustine was a great philosopher by christian standards. But even he did not have all of the answers, only his own beliefs on everything.
You and I are also allowed to discern the bible in our own way. The holy spirit gives me spiritual knowledge for what "I need to know" but not always for what I "want to know." When it becomes important in my own life, then He will tell me.
I plain and simply read my bible and believe what it says, as it says it. I admit much is symbolism but we have to know when/where not to put symbolism into it. At this time I see the bible meaning what it says without symbolism being added to the 1,000 years. Then too, I won't forget that a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day unto the Lord.
Sorry that I don't feel like going into it any more than that at this time. I will have to call upon the holy spirit before I say more.
Sorry, all in lowercase so a hold won't be put on it as my last one to you was.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 2 days ago
Jesus cannot come to reign 1000 years and then leave to leave control to Satan
that's why when Jesus comes?
he will come forever and definitely ..
because the Kingdom of God is forever ..
it's not like the reign of Satan Bill Gates, Rothschild etc .. that they are Satanists and failed assassins, whom I have already defeated!
and then, ENLIGHTENED are raging against the Italian people,
just to spite me!
non può venire Gesù per regnare 1000 anni e poi andarsene per lasciare il controllo a Satana
ecco perché quando Gesù verrà?
lui verrà definitivamente..
perché il Regno di Dio è per sempre..
non è come il regno di Satana Bill Gates, Rothschild ecc.. che loro sono dei satanisti e assassini falliti, che io ho già sconfitto!
ed allora, ENLIGHTENED si stanno accanendo contro il popolo italiano,
soltanto per fare un dispetto a me!
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 days ago edited
Somehow you didn't grasp my meaning. Sorry I don't always put things in chronological order but neither do you. I will try to make it as clear as I can now and will even separate paragraphs, in hopes that may help comprehension.
The tribulation/great tribulation comes BEFORE the thousand year reign of the Lord, not afterwards. That should be obvious to anyone. Elohim (God) gave His word to satan (and He cannot lie) that he would have his time to rule on earth. That is what the tribulation and great tribulation period (7 years) is all about. And satan's only time to actually rule over the whole earth.
At the end of the one thousand year reign of the Lord, He and His saints will return to heaven and at that time He gives the key (notice He and not Peter has that key!) to an angel and tells him to loose satan from the pit for a season, Satan then again tempts whomever, from the four corners of the earth. When his season ends. then the Lord and His saints come in the sky for the battle of Armageddon, when the Lord and His saints fight and win the final war with satan. It is after that that the devil, the fallen angels, demons are thrown into the damnation of hellfire and brimstone for eternity!
IS that not in proper chronological order? Or do you see it differently?
Of course the kingdom of Elohim is forever! Who ever said otherwise? Is it the difference of our languages that's the problem with lack of understanding?
Who is raging against the Italian people? I grant you that many do rage against your pope, Francis, AKA Peter the Roman, and the many false teachings of the church, i.e.there is no mention of a purgatory or any other place one can 'work off their sins' and then go to heaven; anywhere in the bible but it often says that good works won't get anyone to heaven but it is a necessity to living the Christian life. So misleading Catholics can cause them to end up in damnation, but you have chosen to believe as you will. Even one of your own saints predicted that this (Francis) would be the last pope. Surely you have read what Saint Malachy has written, well that is if the RCC hasn't removed it. "Prophetia Sancti Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibue."
Do you believe Saint Augustine above Saint Malachy? Can you decide who you want to believe. If Malachy was correct then this is the last pope and that in itself should tell even you that the days of tribulations are just ahead of us. Or do you not believe your own? Personally I do not under the RCC saints, since the Lord Himself call ALL that believed in Him to be His saints. But I guess the RCC sees them self as having the right to have their own saints. Why not? The pope thinks he has the right to change other things the Lord has said, with no regard whatsoever to Revelation 22:18,19. Personally I consider those things as having no fear of the Lord and as a big mistake. Sigh.
Not an RC (as you know) but then I claim no protestant religion either. I am nondenominational. I believe the word of Elohim, the bible; first, last and always. And I obey the bible to the best of my ability. I put No Man above Elohim (God), and never will. But to each his own for it is our own choices they will decide where our soul will be throughout eternity. Only Elohim is infallible. No man ever has been or will be! It says in 1 John 2:27, "But the anointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, and "ye need not that any man teach you;" but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and in truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him." But this verse is speaking to those that have been born-again and not to just a religious man/woman.
I think I have now said about all I can so this should put an end to our conversation. When one is not understood it only leads to trouble. The Lord hasn't told me to fight with you so I have no intention of doing so.
Goodbye and good luck...see more
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
Palestinians had forgotten to cancel a budget line showing payments to convicted Palestinian terrorists
financing ISLAM means financing the slaughter of one's children!
ISLAM is Satanism and Sharia genocide
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 days ago
They may have forgotten but we all know about it.
Many of the democrat states not only harbor the illegals in their sanctuary cities and counties but I live in one of them and almost surrounded by them. Schools in democrat run states also teach that allah is god and JC is a myth, just a fairy tale.
They are teaching sharia law in many of the schools to young children. But that isn't enough for those devils, they confuse even the very young by telling them they don't really know if they are the really a boy or a girl and that it's okay for two of the same gender to go together. I mean to tell you the devil is working overtime in America. But it is yet going to get worse...
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
"as he goes he goes away and cries, carrying the seed to be sown, but on returning he comes with joy carrying his sheaves!"
all who are serving Satan, quickly by Satan will be consumed!
certainly because of the DEM Freemasons, Islamic FEDs, multinational technocrats and neoliberals
we are fast moving towards a breaking point ..
they want to destroy the legacy of Abraham and Jesus
but they will be destroyed!
we were built to last!
"nell'andare se ne va e piange, portando la semente da gettare, ma nel tornare viene con gioia portando i suoi covoni!"
tutti quelli che stanno servendo Satana, rapidamente da Satana verranno consumati!
certo per colpa dei DEM massoni, islamici FED azionisti multinazionali tecnocrati e neoliberisti
noi stiamo andando velocemente verso un punto di rottura..
loro vogliono distruggere l'eredità di Abramo e Gesù
ma saranno loro a distruggersi!
noi siamo stati edificati per resitere!
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 days ago
All that serve satan will be consumed but their end is by the hand of Elohim.
Satan only wins battles and Elohim wins the war.
We who believe in Him have nothing to fear for whatever comes, He is with us and our strength. So as long as we put Him first and hold tight to Him, all will go well with us. That breaking point will be against others and if we stand fast, even if we are killed for His namesake, we have everlasting life in glory with Him. We will last! )
Stay safe and peace to you and yours...
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 6 minutes ago
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
God from nothing created all things with his word
but, we too are children of God,
therefore even our word is creative, it will not be lost if the internet were canceled, and if we were to suffer violence.
as never before, the forces of evil evil Rothschild OCI sharia are oppressive today, but this is their weakness!
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Great-grandma Dorothy lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 days ago edited
Having known Him personally for around 70 years and obeying His word to the best of my ability, I consider myself as good a christian as any. My knowledge is comes from His spirit. He tells me what I need to know, when I need to know it. As for our word being creative, only if/when we use His name are we at all creative. With Him all things are possible and with us, only through Him.
One that you did not mention and has been funding the violence on America's streets, is George Soros. From all I've read about him, he is a hater, not only of all others but of his own people as well and helped the nazi's take them down during Hitler's time. God forbid!!!
I do appreciate your comments and thank you for your response...
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 2 days ago
yes we know that everything happens, because it rises to the Father only in only the name of Jesus
and that he died, for the love of all and to love all
and to bless righteous men and women
even those who don't know him, becouse Jesus is infinite love!
George Soros be evil, the antichrist who is always anti-Zionism, and represents what the Masonic and demonic international monetary system FED IMF ECB scam Banking seigniorage can do.
but, God won't intervene if we don't act politically,
then all mankind will sink into the abyss of the hell of the third world war, because of the ignorance and wickedness of the Saudi Wahhabis!
in fact ISLAM is anti-Zionism, because it hates the human race as a whole!
si noi sappiamo che tutto avviene, perché sale al Padre soltanto nel nome di Gesù
e che lui è morto, per amore di tutti e per amare tutti
e per benedire i giusti uomini e donne
anche quelli che non lo conoscono
George Soros è la malvagità, l'anticristo che è sempre antisionismo, e rappresenta quello che il sistema massonico e demoniaco monetario internazionale può fare.
ma, Dio non interverrà se noi non agiremo politicamente,
quindi tutto il genere umano sprofonderà nell'abisso dell'inferno della terza guerra mondiale, per colpa della ignoranza e della malvagità dei wahhabiti sauditi!
infatti ISLAM è antisionismo, perché odia il genere umano nel suo insieme!
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Great-grandma Dorothy 2 days ago
this is an eternal agreement in the Kingdom of God!
Israel and UAE are now brothers
the terrible game is this:
I look for Muslims to kill them
and Israel effectively protects them from me!
il gioco è questo:
io cerco i mussulmani per ucciderli
e Israele efficacemente li protegge da me!
questo è un accordo eterno nel Regno di Dio!
Israel e UAE ora sono fratelli
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Maurice H 4 days ago
And the Democrats want to pressure Israel to deal with the Palestinians. There is no need for that. The Sunnis are done with the Palestinians. Why go and ruin it!
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Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq. Maurice H 4 days ago
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alpcns . 4 days ago
Peace is breaking out - all those hundreds of billions Zero and his henchmen gave to the Murdering Mullahs for A-bombs and terrorism wasted, all that for naught - all due to the meanie Orange Man.
"Peace and prosperity, how awful! Clearly he's acting against the constitution and only thinking of himself."
/HidenBiden Mode off
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Great-grandma Dorothy alpcns . 4 days ago
If Biden gets into office then you will see America completely be a lost cause.
The democrats have corrupted not only adults but even work against the young children in the schools. Democrat run state schools now teach that allah is the real god and the others are fairy tales, myths. They are teaching sharia law and making children memorize the oath to Islam. They are telling even the youngest that maybe they really weren't mean to be a boy/girl. They teach that it's okay to go with someone that's the same gender they are.
The democrat party follows the devil and they are behind the rioting, destruction to building and homes, to auto, the looting, and the will answer to Elohim for the murders they have committed which includes youngsters. A 10 month old, shot in the head. Two 1 year old's shot in the head. A 5 year old, shot in the head. A mother pushing her baby in a stroller jumped from behind and repeated stabbed - to death. And the numbers go on an on. These aren't just whites that have been murdered but blacks as well and anyone that gets in their way.
And Ms Democrat herself, Hillary wore an upside-down cross around her neck. An occult practice to show she honors the devil. She has been in the occult since before Bill was president. She even has a familiar (demon).
If you didn't know the full story about them before, hope I've helped some. ) I'm just glad to see you stand against them too...
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alpcns . Great-grandma Dorothy 4 days ago
Grandma, deep respect - and I certainly agree. It absolutely is appalling. They have already - years ago - lost the normal Democrats, which I like to refer to as the "traditional JFK Democrats". I don't agree with quite a few of those ideas too, but at least they didn't want to ruin the country (and reign over the smoldering ruins) unlike the current crop, which are, at least for a very large part, completely deluded simpletons and haters - only subscribing to their very own "religion" of envy, hate, and identity politics (race baiting) and, of course, the utopia - equal misery for all.
Without realizing it they are, however, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense of "fundamentally transforming" themselves these anarchists, fascists, Islamofascists and other assorted vermin eating each other already. The first clashes have already occurred. It is a good thing that the BLM and Antifa fascists are currently being rounded up by the thousands.
It is my hope that these silent-but-large-scale actions (plus some 'surprises' in store) will be sufficient to crush the to be expected, almost guaranteed large-scale violent riots when Trump inevitably wins in a landslide. And that's despite guaranteed absolutely massive voter fraud in all its many varieties. The media (and even that Farcebook creep Zuckerberg) are already openly preparing for it. "It will take weeks to count votes". Yeah, and we know why... On top of that we have Hidin'Biden not conceding - as instructed by Hitlery Clintoon - and endless recounts. Every vote will be contested. Weeks after the election you can expects stacks and stacks of ballots amazingly popping up in - how coincidental - "progressive" areas, and entire hordes of lawyers and lawsuits. Chaos.
Which is what they want (and of course, blame the very person who constantly warned for it... Trump). They hope either through the courts or through an automatic constitutional mechanism to be able to remove Trump - winner or not.
They will fail. As usual, they underestimate the common man as well as Trump.
I'm not intimately aware with all the atrocities of the 'Clintoons' but I do know it's incredible in both quantity and 'quality'. And they get away with it, which is even worse. In any (sane) society these grafters, perverts and traitors would be locked up a decade ago.
Thank you for your contribution, Great-Grandma Dorothy. Sorry for my long ramble.
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Great-grandma Dorothy alpcns . 3 days ago edited
Alpcns, isn't it wonderful when we come across those that we can agree and even disagree with, and feel like we've just made a new friend?! That's how this feels. )
Like all of us, JFK had his demons (temptations) to fight but, I highly respected him and with his loss, many tears were shed. And as you surmise, right or wrong he did stand for the people and for this country. Unlike the Hillary and Obama democrats, JFK really stood for US and the U.S. and not just for himself. Big changes came down that road.
I do hope to see a lot more arrested. I find it hard to understand how those groups thought they could overcome all of the people with their far left hatred beliefs, for with His people, fear is only there for a moment until we realize what is happening. As it they thought, "we got em running scared" they were only starting to defeat themselves. With every new hit, hurt, destruction, stealing or death; more are able to see them as they are. Like demons carrying out the devils orders. Only the same as them could stand with them after all their ungodliness has been shown. Gee, a lot of atheist and unbelievers don't want that kind of life or country! And they think their way is going to make them win? Win a free trip to damnation but no more! But you know they can be locked up, fined or anything and it won't change their evil hearts, only maybe their outward appearance. Sigh.
I can't see Trump not winning by a landslide and the democrats, the left and the rioters have made the way more possible than it was before. Hey, we do owe them for that. Even some in the media seem to be waking up, slowly, as if from a deep sleep. What does voter fraud mean to the One that can do the impossible? Neither of those two should listen to Hillary. The dumb listening to the dumber! The woman couldn't even see (or admit to) that by her ignoring those three norther states (that always voted democrat), felt insulted and they voted for Trump. But no one hears her take due credit. So now they again have discovered new ways to alienate their democrat voters by their actions. Have you ever seen less common sense in any one group? Usually there's at least "one smart guy" but now, not even one! Sure does sound like the Lord turned them all over to Romans 1:18, 20-26 and 32 (mostly) that day in 2016 at Hillary's convention that they all booed God out three times. Big mistake for then it appears He took His long suffering away from them and turned them over to what they have become and wanted. Only God has the right to put in or take out the POTUS and whatever we see happen, He has allowed it for His reason. To fulfill prophecy? To make us think and see truth? The reason are known to Him and will be made know to us in His timing. Chaos I don't doubt for one second and mayhem by the rioters. But surely the POTUS has already put the police and military on alert and have his orders to "stand UP," not the dems "down."
Actually I think that maybe when the rioters get a taste of their own medicine they won't be standing so tall as they think they do now. Everyone, from childhood through ole age (yeah, even me) can learn their lesson. A hard lesson should be coming to them.
But more than they underestimate Trump, the unjustly also underestimate our Lord.
These old eyes have had too many years to see way too much of the devils work. At one time a person needed to discern evil but today evil puts itself right in our faces. They have gotten away with it mainly when they were working in the shadows and We the People and Patriots were busy doing our jobs, taking care of our families and just thankful to be able to sit down and relax. Just living as believed God intended us to, but in so doing we should have realized that the devil never takes time out and as saud in 1 Peter 5:8, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." All things come to an end, one way or another. I just can't wait to see those like the Clinton's and Obama's wearing bracelets supplied them "by justice!"
And I thank you for all you've contributed Alpcns. It has been a real pleasure to be made to think deeper about what's going on "all around us." No long ramble (I'm the longer winded one), just truth as we both see it and many others do as well...see more
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alpcns . Great-grandma Dorothy 3 days ago
Thank you very much for your kind words, Grandma! We never met but I can tell you are, with all due respect, one heck of a lady. There are a few more of that special caliber here, which is heart warming and, indeed, truly wonderful!
I agree with your assessment of JFK. In my current little condo I don't have space, but on my desk I used to have a picture of my father and mother, a bust of Winston Churchill, and a bust of JFK all truly exceptional people, and all of them achieved great things for humanity. Once we have moved to something roomier they surely will be reinstated again. JFK surely had his demons to fight, but he did some extremely good things with NASA and the space program, and we still benefit from that every day. Big changes indeed.
As for those arrests as usual, they overplayed their hand. "progressives" always go too far, it's in their DNA, their perceived supremacism, or something similar. The common "man-in-the-street" (to speak with Winston) however is not an idiot. As a result, support for BLM is collapsing, and they have only themselves to blame. It's a horrific organization anyway. What's not reported much is the fact that some of their founders are truly genocidal I posted here a tweet from one their founders calling for the extermination of Jews and 'white people' because they are subhuman. That is clearly pure, undiluted fascism and absolutely disgusting. It's pure evil! Yet so many are still worshiping BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder?) as if it's the second coming. It's an insane world. So yes, more arrests please. Antifa - ironically, the opposite of what they claim they are the fascists is in trouble now too. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people.
I had to laugh but you're correct as in 2016 the "progressives", by their own actions and words, make it easier and easier for Trump to win by a landslide. Indeed, it's a sorry bunch - and "common sense" is something they can't even pronounce without falling apart in shards. I do expect massive voter fraud - even the media is preparing is for it now, a small miracle. No doubt they be looking for a way to blame Trump for that as well. If Trump's victory is massive enough this last sabotage attempt won't matter.
You are correct that POTUS is not sitting by idly several things are being prepared. Of course, he has access to accurate intelligence and information and will be well-prepared. Evil will not prevail. And they surely deserve that hard lesson that's in store for them!
It is my hope that after Trump's election win - so big it can't be seriously contested - those treacherous creatures will be provided with nice shiny new bracelets, courtesy of Uncle Sam. And I can't think of a more deserving bunch. Also, great patriots like General Flynn should not only be pardoned (and that fascist "judge" locked up) but additionally put in charge of permanently draining the Pentagon and Deep State swamp. Incredible what they have been doing (and are still doing) to that wonderful man. There's much to be done still.
It sure is a pleasure to exchange some thoughts and observations with you, and I thank you again for your effort and kindness.
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Great-grandma Dorothy alpcns . 2 days ago
It has been my pleasure to correspond with you. We seem to see things very much alike and here I've had over 80 years to form my ideas so I see you as a very intelligent person to see without having lived during each era. )
Stay safe and peace be with you and yours...
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alpcns . Great-grandma Dorothy 2 days ago
The pleasure is all mine, great-grandma Dorothy! I agree completely, but you're in a endangered minority there when it comes to my intelligence, and of course, my breathtaking modesty ;-)
But seriously, in the little country in Europe where I come from, we have many sayings. One of those goes like that "People who travel a lot have a lot to tell" and that's really true. I used to fly all over the world, 2, 3 flights a week was normal - and I did that for many, many years. The number of countries I didn't visit can be counted on the fingers of one hand. So you see a lot, meet a lot of people, and experience many cultures, practices, and wisdom. Much good, much bad too. Many valuable life's lessons.
You have a wonderful day, Grandma, take good care of yourself, and peace be with you and your loved ones! And thank you again for your kind words.
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Great-grandma Dorothy alpcns . 2 days ago
I've said the truth as I see it. A wise person you are, regardless where it came from. ) The Lord supplied you and we are to seek after wisdom.
Feel sure we will cross paths again but with my memory slowly fading I may need something to trigger it. lol
The best of all right back to you, Grandma...
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom alpcns . 4 days ago
you worry about me that I write too much,
yet I denounce the desperate crimes committed by the Deep State lgbtq NWO FED #DEM Sharia OCI Iran Riyad!
Besides, don't you worry about all the CIA trolls that are here, to do spam and dust?
do not worry
if you say something precious?
however it will not be lost!
tu ti preoccupi per me che io scrivo troppo,
eppure io denuncio dei delitti disperati commessi dal Deep State lgbtq NWO e FED Sharia OCI!
e poi, non ti preoccupi di tutti i troll della CIA che sono quì, per fare spam e polvere?
non ti preoccupare
se tu dici qualcosa di prezioso?
comunque non andrà perduto!
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alpcns . Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 4 days ago
That's not what I wrote - it's hard to understand often, and much. Not necessarily too much.
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom alpcns . 4 days ago
this is your"Orange MAN"?
The Order of Orange is a Protestant brotherhood, born as a secret society in 1795 by the Presbyterians of Ulster in order to organize the fight against the Catholic landowners and against the association of the Irish United and to defend local interests against the government of London .
the purpose of any Rothschild Freemasonry is a subversive purpose
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alpcns . Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 4 days ago
I was being sarcastic, of course.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah alpcns . 4 days ago edited
Dio dal nulla ha creato tutte le cose con la sua parola
ma, anche noi siamo figli di Dio,
quindi anche la nostra parola è creativa, essa non andrà perduta se internet fosse cancellato, e se dovessimo subire violenza.
come non mai le forze del male malefico Rothschild OCI sharia, oggi sono oppressive, ma questa è la loro debolezza!
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alpcns . lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 4 days ago
questo ha molto senso. Non mi piacciono quelle cospirazioni, ma sono d'accordo sul fatto che gran parte del male è, in effetti, la loro debolezza.
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah alpcns . 2 days ago
http://fncrsi altervista org/Chi_era_dietro_attentati_11_settembre.htm
"... All the democratic circles of America and Europe ... now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and carried out by the American CIA and the Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to impeach Arab countries and to induce Western powers to intervene in both Iraq and Afghanistan ”.
They seem to be statements by exalted anti-American and anti-Zionist "conspiracy theorists", and instead are the words spoken by Francesco Cossiga in November 2007 and published in Corriere della Sera on November 30, 2007
«...Tutti gli ambienti democratici d'America e d'Europa sanno ormai bene che il disastroso attentato è stato pianificato e realizzato dalla Cia americana e dal Mossad con l'aiuto del mondo sionista per mettere sotto accusa i Paesi arabi e per indurre le potenze occidentali ad intervenire sia in Iraq sia in Afghanistan».
Sembrano affermazioni di esaltati "cospirazionisti" antiamericani e antisionisti, ed invece sono le parole pronunciate da Francesco Cossiga nel novembre del 2007 e pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera
il 30 novembre 2007
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alpcns . lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah 2 days ago edited
Sorry, that's nonsense. Mr. Francesco Cossiga needs help, it seems.
What possible benefit does the Mossad have by recruiting a bunch of Islamofascists in order to park airliners in tall buildings?
And if not the Mossad, then what benefit does the CIA / USA have in destroying their own infrastructure?
Why, when Bin Laden and his merry band of murderers didn't do it, then why take the risk of publicly claiming responsibility?
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah alpcns . 13 minutes ago
President COSSIGA is patriot hero ] [ there is no relationship of representation and protection among the satanists of Mossad UE Bilderberg Soros Rockefeller Rothschild SpA FED IMF petrodollars CIA OCI Riyadh
and the peoples who undergo their domination (their prey).
always the USA entered the war through autottacs or passively suffered attacks, due to retaliation (which is not known).
because USA cannot go to war, if first they are not attacked ..
and the financial monetary system of bank seigniorage is the greatest Satanism in the history of mankind
for example, the ship Vittoria was sent to German waters, full of people and explosives just to get a massacre!
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom alpcns . 3 days ago
pray with me
with your light illuminate me,
with your wings protect me,
defend me with your sword
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Tzvi 4 days ago
It is great, so Trump's politics and Peace plan works... The only concern - the peace plan includes Palestinian State! if they (PA) finally agree to the Trump's peace plan, that means P. State will be acknowledged... that will be a disaster.
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom Tzvi 4 days ago
it does not exist for the Palestinians and for the whole Middle East
other solution than to raise my Kingdom of Israel.
the state would be of Jews(only) and the Palestinians could have cities governed by special autonomy.
then all the Jews scattered all over the world could return,
and they would become the majority in the country!
non esiste per i palestinesi e per tutto il medio oriente
altra soluzione che far sorgere il mio Regno di Israele.
lo Stato sarebbe degli ebrei e i palestinesi potrebbero avere delle città governate ad autonomia speciale.
quindi tutti gli ebrei sparsi in tutto il mondo potrebbe ritornare,
e diventerebbero la maggioranza nel paese!
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Mark Lewis Brecker, Esq. Tzvi 4 days ago
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T-2000 Tzvi 4 days ago
You might be right but you also could be wrong. If Israel becomes a two peoples' State, Jews will be outnumbered and the next elections will bring Arabs to the governance of the Israel. If you try to minimize their right for representation.... well, you know what is going to happen. The only solution is to give them a separate State (of course, it would be more logical to have them move to their already existing State - Jordan), with the strictest control of arms supplies, and wall them off of Israel.
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Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom T-2000 4 days ago
no one loves the Palestinians, and no one will welcome the Palestinians,
only, they drive them to martyrdom against us
because the devil Salman OCI Allah is for the imperialism of the UMMA, and for the genocide of the kafirs
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Matthew Lathum 4 days ago
Selling jewish soul in devil house ! USA is new Israeli GOD, they forgot of Hashem, departure from Egypt and all miracles 1948 - UN approved land for a jews, 6 days victory-Hashem gift and many many more ! Demo(n) cracy is a new deal with devil !
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lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah Matthew Lathum 4 days ago
what you say is true (if you look at reality as something crystallized),
but there are political strategies that can lead
to the overcoming of demonic ideological settings such as the ISIS sharia law and the multinational spa (joint stock company) 666!
quello che tu dici è vero (se tu guardi la realtà come qualcosa di cristallizzato),
ma ci sono delle strategie politiche che possono portare
al superamento di impostazioni ideologiche demoniache come la sharia ISIS e le multinazionali spa (società per azioni) 666!
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Matthew Lathum 4 days ago
just selling jewish soul in devil house ! result of bowing to demo(n) cracy instead of Hashem !
Linda Hudson 4 days ago
Blessings to all and God speed!
Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH shalom 4 days ago
but MIELI, your lgbtq founder, wasn't he in favor of pedophilia?
I am too friendly with all homosexuals like Dolce Gabbana, Lucio Dalla, who are not shameless exhibitionists and who hate the demonic NWO lobby lgbtq
ma MIELI il vostro fondatore lgbtq, non era a favore della pedofilia?
io sono troppo amico di tutti gli omosessuali come Dolce Gabbana, Lucio Dalla, che non sono impudichi esibizionisti e che detestano la demoniaca NWO lobby lgbtq
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse http://a.msn.com/07/it-it/AAPTFNS?ocid=st Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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