when #DEM there are NO real political arguments?
when #DEM there are NO real political arguments?
then we move on to do cowardly bullying against Sara Netanyahu
quando NON esistono argomenti politici veri?
poi si passa a fare del bullismo contro Sara Netanyahu
Nuove ostilità infuriano tra le forze armene e azerbaigiane intorno al territorio conteso del Nagorno-Karabakh, nel Caucaso meridionale.
Per dimensioni e portata, i combattimenti scoppiati domenica superano le periodiche escalation degli ultimi anni, coinvolgendo artiglieria pesante, carri armati, missili e droni.
Finora ci sono più di 100 morti accertate tra civili e combattenti armeni uccisi in azione. L'Azerbaigian non rilascia dati sulle sue perdite militari, ma si può presumere che siano almeno altrettanto elevate.
I combattimenti sembrano essere guidati da un tentativo delle forze azere di riconquistare fasce di territori occupati dalle forze armene nella guerra del Karabakh dopo il collasso dell'Unione Sovietica. Centinaia di migliaia di azeri di etnia azera sono stati sfollati da queste aree nel 1992-4.
L'escalation segue un anno di tensione una situazione di stallo diplomatico, retorica belligerante e scontri a luglio a nord nell'area del confine internazionale tra Armenia e Azerbaigian.
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
this is another Islamic Sharia jihad Erdogan extermination with the signature of NATO
Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian premier "USA give explanations on F-16 delivered to Turkey"
Yerevan has repeatedly accused Ankara of placing itself in command of ongoing military operations in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Nagorno-Karabakh, Stoltenberg "we observe that there are victims among civilians"
questo è un altro sterminio sharia islamico con la firma della NATO
Nagorno-Karabakh, premier armeno "USA diano spiegazioni su F-16 consegnati alla Turchia"
Yerevan ha ripetutamente accusato Ankara di essersi posta al comando delle operazioni militari in corso nella regione contesa del Nagorno-Karabakh.
Nagorno-Karabakh, Stoltenberg "osserviamo che ci sono vittime tra i civili"
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
#Putin calls for a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh "A huge tragedy" ANSWER
#Erdogan tears up legal documents against Greece;
but, Erdogan uses legal documents to complete the Armenian genocide!
surely you will all pay the bloody consequences of Erdogan!
Putin invoca il cessate il fuoco nel Nagorno-Karabakh "Un'immane tragedia" ANSWER
#Erdogan straccia i documenti giuridici contro la Grecia;
ma, Erdogan usa i documenti giuridici per completare il genocidio degli armeni!
certo tutti pagherete le Erdogan sanguinose conseguenze!
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH38 minutes ago
cursed #DEM #Pd antichrist and anti-Zionist masons #bilderberg Soros Rockefeller lgbtq satanist jews with the #kalergi plan has Islamized the EU, and now the Muslims are driving them out of the EU, just for them it has become a death trap!
about demonic rothschild Jewish identity.
I think the Liberal are causing the problems.
Soros is one of them, if I am not wrong. Now they are persecuted by the Muslim and they leave Europe in thousands. However, Europe is NOT more their country as well.
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Pence won the debate by a mile. Kamala looked like a kid who gives his parents a bad report card.
but in the NWO Nazi EU Bilderberg regime?
they said otherwise
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
NAZI Kamala Harris Praises Investigative Journalism After Ordering Raid On Citizen Journalist’s Home OCTOBER 7, 2020 As the attorney general of California, Harris sent armed agents to steal an undercover journalist’s computers and camera equipment and then attempted to throw him in prison.
https://thefederalist com/2020/10/07/kamala-harris-praises-investigative-journalism-after-ordering-raid-on-citizen-journalists-home/
NAZI Kamala Harris elogia il giornalismo investigativo dopo aver ordinato un'incursione a casa del giornalista cittadino 7 OTTOBRE 2020 Come procuratore generale della California, Harris ha inviato agenti armati per rubare i computer e le apparecchiature fotografiche di un giornalista sotto copertura e poi ha tentato di gettarlo in prigione.
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
Trump, I want Regeneron free for all, the experimental treatment based on synthetic antibodies with which he was treated by Covid.
Trump, voglio Regeneron gratis per tutti , il trattamento sperimentale a base di anticorpi sintetici con cui e' stato curato dal Covid.
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAHan hour ago
The Jewish Central Council of Sweden has called on social media to devote more attention to anti-Semitism, after research showed that 35% of posts about Jews are negative and contain stereotypes about Jewish power.
here we go again "the problem is not with the neoliberal Soros Jews, shareholders Kissinger #BillGates #FED IMF ECB lgbtq, but with all those Freemasons who, like them, have sold their souls to the devil!
Il Consiglio Centrale Ebraico di Svezia ha chiesto ai social di dedicare una maggiore attenzione all'antisemitismo, dopo che una ricerca ha mostrato come il 35% dei post sugli ebrei è negativo e contiene stereotipi sul potere degli ebrei.
ci risiamo "il problema non è degli ebrei Soros neoliberisti azionisti Kissinger #BillGates #FED IMF ECB lgbtq, ma di tutti quei massoni che come loro hanno venduto la loro anima al diavolo!
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH2 hours ago
You’re entitled to you own opinion but you’re not entitled to your own facts.-Pence
*mic drop @Calvin_United
Debate summary Kamala Unprepared, angry, went off topic many times.
Pence Calm, well spoken and prepared.
Pence won by a mile. Kamala was grossly unprepared.
Bandiera degli Stati UnitiCalvin UnitedBandiera degli Stati Uniti
We can disagree and still come together as Americans - Pence
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
#MAGA #Trump "1. Biden is inept, 2. Dem and the media are corrupt"
77-year-old sliping Joe Biden has "very low IQ", No, no, Joe Biden is just seriously ill!
and then, the satanists always obey MORGAN SpA FED NWO that's why they are perfect they are actors under the direction of the Churches of Satan
#MAGA #Trump "1. Biden è inetto, 2. Dem e i media sono corrotti"
Il 77enne sliping Joe Biden ha "un quoziente intellettivo molto basso", No, no, Joe Biden è soltanto gravemente malato!
e poi, i satanisti ubbidiscono sempre a MORGAN SpA FED NWO ecco perché sono perfetti sono degli attori sotto la regia delle Chiese di Satana
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎
Very true. All the Globalist Dictatorship are Satans Spawns and antichirist
antizionist 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 🕎 🕎 🕎 🕎
#criminals #BillGates, Soros SpA FED IMF NWO and his friends #Rockefeller Obama BIDEN
have invested shares in the creation of covid19 (CIA 2004 project) and
have invested shares in the vaccine so they are not the ones who can
solve the pandemic. 2. to address the complex and historical issue of racial injustice we must
first solve the problems of "herd and bullying and beatings" of blacks
against whites since the years of elementary school.because it is
undeniable that #BLM #Antifa was born as a devastating terrorist
movement that the #DEMs fueled to subvert the constitutional order and
to overthrow the government
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎
Why is Kamala talking in third person the whole debate?
In reply to @Calvin_United
because they are a legion of Rockefeller demons:
DO NOT forget and They DO NOT forgive
perché loro sono una legione di demoni Rockefeller:
🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH2 hours ago
Why is Kamala talking in third person the whole debate? @Calvin_United
because they are a legion of Rockefeller's demons DO NOT forget
is They DO NOT forgive
perché loro sono una legione di demoni Rockefeller:
NON dimenticano e NON perdonano
Evolution is a Hoax.36 minutes ago
PROOF Hillary is going to Jail;
https //www youtube com/watch?v=KFVMttEyLZs
Evolution is a Hoax.43 minutes ago
TRUMPS latest Video about Regeneron and his treatment:
https //www youtube com/watch?v=lw78cZIAROU
when #DEM there are NO real political arguments? then we move on to do cowardly bullying against Sara Netanyahu quando NON esistono argomenti politici veri? poi si passa a fare del bullismo contro Sara Netanyahu
Qual è il ruolo della Russia?
La Russia svolge ruoli diversi, spesso contraddittori, nel conflitto. Attraverso legami bilaterali e l'Organizzazione del Trattato di sicurezza collettiva, Mosca fornisce all'Armenia garanzie di sicurezza, ma queste non si estendono alla zona di combattimento nel Nagorno-Karabakh, che è internazionalmente riconosciuta come parte dell'Azerbaigian. Mosca fornisce anche armi ad entrambe le parti ed è uno dei copresidenti del gruppo di Minsk che media il conflitto.
La Russia ha chiesto un cessate il fuoco, ma a differenza delle precedenti escalation su larga scala, non ha ancora convocato una riunione delle leadership politiche o militari armene e azere.
Mosca ha un rapporto difficile con il nuovo leader armeno dopo il 2018, Nikol Pashinyan, e Yerevan preferirebbe senza dubbio gestire l'escalation il più possibile da solo. La Russia non è stata in grado negli anni '90 di schierare forze di mantenimento della pace sul terreno nel Nagorno-Karabakh. I timori armeni sul fatto che l'assistenza di Mosca sarebbe arrivata con vincoli allegate spingono alla cautela nel chiedere il sostegno russo.
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎14 minutes ago
this is another Islamic Sharia jihad Erdogan extermination with the signature of NATO
Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian premier "USA give explanations on F-16 delivered to Turkey"
Yerevan has repeatedly accused Ankara of placing itself in command of ongoing military operations in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Nagorno-Karabakh, Stoltenberg "we observe that there are victims among civilians"
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im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎29 minutes ago
#Putin calls for a ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh "A huge tragedy" ANSWER
#Erdogan tears up legal documents against Greece;
but, Erdogan uses legal documents to complete the Armenian genocide!
surely you will all pay the bloody consequences of Erdogan!
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎39 minutes ago
cursed #DEM #Pd antichrist and anti-Zionist masons #bilderberg Soros Rockefeller lgbtq satanist jews with the #kalergi plan has Islamized the EU, and now the Muslims are driving them out of the EU, just for them it has become a death trap!
about demonic rothschild Jewish identity.
I think the Liberal are causing the problems.
Soros is one of them, if I am not wrong. Now they are persecuted by the Muslim and they leave Europe in thousands. However, Europe is NOT more their country as well.
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im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎an hour ago
Pence won the debate by a mile. Kamala looked like a kid who gives his parents a bad report card.
but in the NWO Nazi EU Bilderberg regime?
they said otherwise
Pence ha vinto il dibattito di un miglio. Kamala sembrava un ragazzino che consegna ai genitori una brutta pagella.
ma nel NWO regime nazi UE Bilderberg?
hanno detto il contrario
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blog2038an hour ago
OK, I'm impressed. Now go clean up the Golan Heights.
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im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎2 hours ago
Very true. All the Globalist Dictatorship are Satans Spawns and antichirist
antizionist 🕎 im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎 🕎 🕎 🕎 🕎
#criminals #BillGates, Soros SpA FED IMF NWO and his friends #Rockefeller Obama BIDEN
have invested shares in the creation of covid19 (CIA 2004 project) and
have invested shares in the vaccine so they are not the ones who can
solve the pandemic. 2. to address the complex and historical issue of racial injustice we must
first solve the problems of "herd and bullying and beatings" of blacks
against whites since the years of elementary school.because it is
undeniable that #BLM #Antifa was born as a devastating terrorist
movement that the #DEMs fueled to subvert the constitutional order and
to overthrow the government
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎2 hours ago
im Yitzchak Kaduri MESSIAH 🕎2 hours ago
Why is Kamala talking in third person the whole debate?
In reply to @Calvin_United
because they are a legion of Rockefeller demons:
DO NOT forget
They DO NOT forgive
perché loro sono una legione di demoni Rockefeller:
NON dimenticano
NON perdonano
Iran Warns of Regional War From Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned that the fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh, where more than three hundred people have been killed, could lead to a regional war. Turkey and Russia, allied with Azerbaijan and Armenia, respectively, could be drawn into the conflict (Reuters).
October 7, 2020
Fighting Escalates in Nagorno-Karabakh
Armenia and Azerbaijan’s conflict in the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh escalated yesterday, with both sides accusing the other of targeting civilians. Authorities in the territory said the capital Stepanakert and the nearby city of Shushi were hit with missiles and artillery. Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said the city of Ganca, the country’s second largest, was similarly attacked (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty).
October 5, 2020
Fighting Over Nagorno-Karabakh Continues Despite Calls for Cease-Fire
Four days after Armenian and Azerbaijani forces resumed fighting over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh, both sides show no signs of backing down, despite international calls for a cease-fire, and the official death toll has surpassed one hundred (Associated Press). France accused Turkey, which has vowed to support Azerbaijan, of sending Syrian mercenaries to the region. Turkey denied the claim (Reuters). Russia, an Armenian ally, joined France’s call for a cease-fire and offered to host talks on the conflict. Armenia and Azerbaijan have rejected such calls so far (Al Jazeera).
October 1, 2020
Clash Over Nagorno-Karabakh Continues
Armenia and Azerbaijan spurned peace negotiations and accused each other of firing across their border as fighting continues over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh (Al Jazeera). The UN Security Council and Germany called for a cease-fire (Deutsche Welle).
September 30, 2020
UN Security Council to Meet on Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict
The UN Security Council will hold emergency talks today about Armenia and Azerbaijan’s clashes over the long-disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh (Guardian). Nearly one hundred people, including civilians, have been killed since violence erupted Sunday (Deutsche Welle).
September 29, 2020
Armenia, Azerbaijan Battle Over Nagorno-Karabakh
Fighting erupted yesterday between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh; at least thirty people, including civilians, have reportedly been killed and more than one hundred others have been wounded so far in the countries’ heaviest fighting since 2016 (BBC). The conflict between the two former Soviet states threatens to escalate Russia-Turkey tensions. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who rebuked Turkey for vowing to support Azerbaijan. Russia, an Armenian ally, called for an end to the violence, as did the United States, France, and the European Union, among others (Al Jazeera).
September 28, 2020
Clashes Continue Between Armenia, Azerbaijan
Shelling along the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan continued today, with both sides accusing the other of launching attacks (Associated Press).
July 16, 2020
Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Clash Escalates
At least sixteen people, including an Azerbaijani general, have died in an escalating border conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan (Associated Press).
July 15, 2020
Calls for Calm After Clashes Between Armenia and Azerbaijan
Russia, the European Union, and the United States called for calm after two days of border clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan left at least four soldiers dead (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty).
July 14, 2020
Nagorno-Karabakh Holds Second Round of Elections
The disputed Nagorno-Karabakh territory commenced a second round of parliamentary elections after the first round yielded inconclusive results. The European Union and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group have condemned the electoral process in the region as invalid and counterproductive to ongoing efforts to end Armenia and Azerbaijan’s conflict over the territory (Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty).
April 14, 2020 https://unitedwithisrael.org/israeli-scientists-use-mutant-bacteria-to-find-and-neutralize-landmines/