Unius REI comanda sul mondo

tanto per incominciare, voi prima, siete andati a giurare, nella Massoneria, e poi, voi siete andati, sputare sulla Costituzione, e contro, la sua sovranità monetaria.. voi non avete nessun futuro, voi siete il più infame regime massonico gender della storia.. io vedo soltanto, i vostri cadaveri! io Unius REI, io sono con: 1. Mosca, 2. Pechino e 3. Gerusalemme! ] Mosca, "nostro intervento è legittimo". Usa, "è aggressione". 04 marzo, #NEW YORK, Scontro fra, Mosca e Occidente, al Consiglio di sicurezza sull'Ucraina. L'ambasciatore russo all'Onu, Vitaly Churkin, ha giustificato l'intervento nel Paese dicendo, che, l'Ucraina occidentale è in mano, a "estremisti armati e antisemiti (VERISSIMO)" e precisando, che, è stato Viktor Ianukovich, a chiedere aiuto militare a Vladimir Putin. La collega Usa, Samantha Power, ha risposto parlando invece di "aggressione" russa. Per la Francia, si tratterebbe di un bis dell'invasione sovietica della Cecoslovacchia. [ bla, bla, bla, visto che, è la guerra mondiale, che, voi cercate? ok! venitela a prendere! ] Viktor Fëdorovyč Janukovyč è un politico ucraino, Presidente dell'Ucraina dal 2010 al 2014... DESTITUITO DA UN GOLPE CONGIURA MASSONICA, che ha insediato un governo di traditori, senza legittimazione popolare! AMEN!

Ucraina: Obama, Russia fa errore storico [ tutte menzogne! ] Mondo sa che, "diritto è stato violato. Ora sanzioni economiche". 03 marzo, #NEW YORK, [ le armi americane, più sofisticate, sono con una data di scadenza, e possono essere disattivate, a distanza.. ] Il mondo (dei massoni Bildenbeg, jihadisti della galassia califfato sharia nazi, per uccidere Israele, ) e' unito nell'affermare, che, in Ucraina la Russia ha violato il diritto internazionale, ha affermato il presidente americano Barack Obama, aggiungendo, che, Mosca e' "dal lato sbagliato della storia" (bla, bla, bla, bla,). Gli Stati Uniti stanno considerando misure economiche, per, isolare la Russia, ha detto ancora Obama, ricevendo alla Casa Bianca, il premier israeliano Benyamin Netanyahu (che, è diventato alleato della Russia!! ).

Obama gender .. un ignorante come te? non avrebbe mai dovuto, diventare il Presidente! e perché, tu sei un burattino, che, Bush 322 Kerry ti hanno scelto! .. cosa dici, se, le tue due figlie, diventano due lesbiche? pensa, tu darai un buon contributo, per evitare la sovrappopolazione!

tutto il male, che, tu hai voluto fare ai nostri figli? cada pure sui tuoi figli!

The Voice of the Martyrs .[se, USA, UE, farisei Illuminati Spa, FMI, non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, massoni, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [ my JHWH, tutta questa feccia di pervertiti, li voglio vedere morire! ] The Voice of the Martyrs Canada. P.O. Box 608. Streetsville, ON L5M 2C1. Phone: 905-670-9721. Toll free: 1-888-298-6423. Fax: 905-670-0246

Email: thevoice@vomcanada.org Website: www.persecution.net

Twitter: www.twitter.com/vomc. Facebook: www.facebook.com/vomcanada

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented here,VOM is not accountable for errors made in its compilation. The actual number of Christians in prison is higher than we can list. News of arrests and releases can take weeks, if not months, to reach the West and must be verified. There are many prisoners whose names we do not know, but of whom we hear about indirectly or in general reports. Remember to pray for them too. Reproduction of this publication for commercial use is not permissible. For more information, please contact The Voice of the Martyrs. Last Updated: December 16, 2013. The Voice of the Martyrs. Introduction. Letter writing remains a highly effective method of raising awareness, encouraging action and also delivering hope to those who otherwise might feel forgotten. Today, thousands of Christians are languishing in prisons worldwide simply because they have refused to bow a knee to dictatorial governments and ideologies, insisting instead on pledging their allegiance to Christ. As Christians, we have a duty to "remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you are also in the body"(Heb. 13:3). Pastor Richard Wurmbrand (d. 2001), the founder of The Voice of the Martyrs, spent 14 years in prison in Communist Romania because he refused to deny his Saviour. While in prison, the idea of an organization that would speak up on behalf of the voiceless was born. He wrote in his 1967 book Tortured for Christ: When I was beaten on the bottom of my feet, my tongue cried. Why did my tongue cry? It was not beaten. It cried because the tongue and the feet are both part of the same body. And you free Christians are part of the same Body of Christ that is now beaten in prisons in restricted nations, that even now gives martyrs for Christ. Can you not feel our pain? Please consider taking up your pen and demonstrating in a highly practical and productive way your love and concern towards your brothers and sisters in chains. Become a voice for the voiceless and "do time for God"! Voice of the Martyrs. Writing to Government Officials Letters show officials that there are people who know and care what happens to prisoners. Their conditions may be improved as a result. If the authorities think no one cares, the Christian may be imprisoned with dangerous criminals, abused, deprived of food or denied rights to their mail, parcels and visits. Here are some tips for writing to government officials: Be brief.

•Use the correct honorific (see Appendix A).

•Be yourself.

•Be polite. You are representing Jesus Christ.

•Do not write about politics or criticize governments.

•State a general concern for persecuted believers.

•State a specific concern for one or more prisoners.

(a) Whenever possible, give the full name and hometown of the prisoner(s).

(b) State why you are concerned (perhaps they have been beaten).

(c) State what you would like to see done (released , given medical treatment, etc.).

•Remember to thank them in advance for their positive actions.

•Refrain from quoting Bible verses or preaching. Do NOT mention VOM or other organizations as it may be used against the prisoner. Never underestimate the power of your letter! Irrespective of location or economic situation, governments are extremely concerned about their reputation on the world stage. VOM believes that originality in writing is important. For this reason, we do not generally endorse the use of letter templates other than in occasional cases where repetition might be beneficial (i.e. postcard campaigns, etc.). We have provided a few sample letters to guide you. Please refer to Appendix B. Write to your Senator or M.P. Please consider writing letters to your Senator or Member of Parliament (M.P.). Mail may be sent postage-free to any Senator or M.P. at the following addresses: Name of Senator

The Senate of Canada Ottawa, ON K1A 0A4. The Voice of the Martyrs

Name of M.P. House of Commons. Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6. Find names, email addresses and phone numbers for your Senator or M.P. at www.parl.gc.ca/

Write to foreign embassies in Canada and the United States Please consider writing letters to government officials on behalf of prisoners listed in this guide. CHINA. His Excellency Junsai Zhang Ambassador Embassy of the People's Republic of China. 515 St. Patrick Street Ottawa, ON K1N 5H3. Canada. ERITREA. His Excellency Ghirmai Ghebremariam Abbai Ambassador. Embassy of the State of Eritrea. 1708 New Hampshire Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C., DC 20009. USA. KAZAKHSTAN. His Excellency Konstantin Zhigalov Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 150 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1603-1604. Ottawa, ON K2P 1P1. Canada. NEPAL. Ambassador Bhoj Raj Ghimire Embassy of Nepal 408 Queen Street Ottawa, ON K1R 5A7 Canada. The Voice of the Martyrs. PAKISTAN. His Excellency Akbar Zeb High Commissioner High Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan10 Range Road Ottawa, ON K1N 8J3. Canada UZBEKISTAN. His Excellency Ilhomjon Nematov Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan 1746 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C., DC 20036

USA. VIETNAM. His Excellency Anh Dung To Ambassador. Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 55 Mackay Street. Ottawa, ON K1M 2B2

Canada, Find links to regularly updated lists of government

addresses at: www.persecution.net/writegovernment.htm

The Voice of the Martyrs. The Voice of the Martyrs. Writing to Newspaper Editors

Writing short, yet concise, letters to newspaper editors is an effective way of raising awareness of current issues in the global Church. What should I write?

• Keep your letter friendly. Remember, you are Christ's ambassador.

• Keep your letter short. Concise letters with a single point are more likely to be


• Keep your letter clear. State your subject and purpose in the opening paragraph.

• Keep your letter relevant. Editors typically print letters that respond to recent articles in

their papers or that address current issues of interest. What should I NOT write?

• Avoid being confrontational, abusive or offensive.

• Avoid quoting Scripture. A wise and well-balanced biblical perspective, which serves to address a crisis, problem or other evil, can be conveyed without using Scripture.

• Avoid preaching. Readers do not buy newspapers to read a sermon.

Writing to Prisoners. Your words are never wasted when it comes to writing a letter on behalf of the persecuted Church. Mail sent by concerned believers can have a profound impact on those who are suffering and even on their persecutors.

Your letters to prisoners can do five things:

1. Indicate to authorities that you are aware of a Christian's situation, and you care!

2. Testify of the love and unity found among followers

of Jesus Christ worldwide. This is especially true when letters are opened and censored. God can use your letter to work in the lives of those in authority.

3. Prove our persecuted family is not forgotten. Throuh isolation and loneliness, the devil

can prey on imprisoned Christians' faith. When a prisoner receives a letter, whether

they can read it or not, they know someone cares.

4. Lead to better treatment of Christian prisoners.

5. Provide tremendous encouragement.

May I write in English?

Yes, you may write in English. Please print or write clearly. Your note must be legible to be translated. Many people study English, so there will likely be someone to translate your letter. VOM's sister mission in the United States offers

www.PrisonerAlert.com , an online resource that provides prisoner names and addresses

along with a translation tool that offers you the ability to write to imprisoned brothers and sisters in their own languages. What should I write?

•Share your name and that you know about the prisoner's situation.

•Be respectful and encouraging.

•Tell prisoners that they are not forgotten and that, you are praying for them.

•Include a Scripture verse. What should I NOT write?

•Do NOT discuss politics or criticize a government, as this could place prisoners in danger.

•Do NOT include your mailing address. (You may state your name and country.)

•Do NOT send money or respond to requests for money. Unscrupulous individuals,

claiming to be the prisoner or a family member, may steal letters and solicit funds.

•Do NOT mention VOM or any other source of information.

The Voice of the Martyrs. Anything else I need to know?

You can send notes, postcards, bookmarks and Christian greeting cards. Express your

Christian love and mention that you are praying. You may also include a snapshot of

yourself, your family or prayer group.Please do not send your letters to VOM's office for

mailing. The letters are more effective when officials see persons have sent them from many different parts of Canada. Write letters to imprisoned Christians in their own

language using a translation tool found at: www.prisoneralert.com

The Voice of the Martyrs. The Prisoners' List. CHINA.[se, USA, UE, farisei Illuminati Spa, FMI, non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, massoni, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, li voglio vedere morire! ] more Christians have been and continue to be detained in China than in any other country. government officially recognizes five Catholic. It strictly controls the Church through the state, Movement (TSPM) and the Cath even these submissive structures were banned, and all religious activity was forced underground, giving birth to the house Today, there is much debate related to the current number of Chinese Christians, as the government releases only data from are officially 28.6 million Christians, experts estimate the real number to lie somewhere between 80 and 130 million. You can write to the following prisoners in China: AIQING ZHU Aiqing Zhu was arrested for "illegal evangelist sentenced to a 20-year prison term. Prison address: Aiqing Zhu The Public Security Department Xiang Xiang City Hu Nan Province 411400 China WANG ZHAOMIN Wang Zhaomin has been imprisoned since June 1999. Prison address: Wang Zhaomin Team #2, Qishan Lao Gai Camp Datong District Huainan City, Anhui Province 232000 China. XU FUMING Mr. Xu Fuming, a member of the South China Church, was sentenced to life in prison in 2002. Prison address: Xu Fuming Jingzhou Prison Jingzhou City, Hubei Province 434020 China. XIAO YANLI AND DENG XIAOLIN Ms. Xiao Yanli, a member of the South China Church, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2002. Ms. Deng Xiaolin is in the same jail. Prison address: [Name] No. 2 Division, Section 2. Wuhan Female Prison Wuhan City, Hubei Province 430032 China. GONG BANGKUN. Mr. Gong Bangkun, a member of the South China Church, was sentenced to 15 years in prison, in 2002. Prison address: Gong Bangkun No. 3 Division, Section 6. Jiangling District Jingzhou City, Hubei Province 434110. China. 13. YI CHUANFU Mr. Yi Chuanfu, a member of the South China Church, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2002. Prison address: Yi Chuanfu No. 2 Division, Section 6. Jiangling District Jingzhou City, Hubei Province 434110 China. DONG DAOLAI. Mr. Dong Daolai, a member of the South China Church, was sentenced to 10 years in 2002. Prison address: Dong Daolai. No. 1 Division, Section 6. Jiangling District Jingzhou City, Hubei Province 434110. China ALIMUJIANG YIMITI In January 2008, Alimujiang "Alim" Yimiti, a Muslim convert to Christianity, was arrested and accused of "subversion of the national government and endangering national security," a crime punishable by death. On May 27, 2008, Alim's case went to trial but it was referred back to the Public Security Bureau's prosecutors due to insufficient evidence. On October 27, 2009, Alim was handed a 15-year prison sentence for "providing. state secrets to overseas organizations." In November 2010, the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang accepted an appeal by Alim's wife and mother and decided to retry his case. In February 2011, the Higher People's Court of Xinjiang notified Alim that they upheld the original sentence of 15 years of imprisonment. Prison address: Alimujiang Yimiti Section 11, The Xinjiang No. 3 Prison No.1339, Dongzhan Road, Urumqi City Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 830013 China. CUI JIAXING Before dawn on Sunday, September 13, 2009, a crowd of 400 government officials, police and hired ruffians launched an attack on the Linfen-Fushan Church in Shanxi. With no warning, members who were sleeping at the church construction site were mercilessly beaten, with more than 30 left in critical condition. Bulldozers razed the factory and church building, and the 14 mob looted any valuables and smashed the remaining property. Cui Jiaxing, 44, served the church by managing church finances and helping with the distribution of funds to members according to need. On November 25, 2009, he was charged with unlawfully occupying land and tax evasion, and was fined and sentenced to five and a half years in prison. Write to Cui, care of his son. Prison address: Cui Jiaxing c/o Cui Zhichao Room #301, No. 3 Building, Home of Cement Factory Yimin Road, Yaodu District Linfen City, Shanxi province 041099 China. GAO ZHISHENG Since 2005, Gao has been repeatedly arrested, imprisoned and severely tortured by Chinese authorities, mostly for his human rights work. In 2006, Gao was sentenced to five years of probation for inciting "subversion of the state." After serving three years in prison, Gao was supposedly released on probation but he disappeared for extended periods of time. On January 12, 2013, Gao's brother and his father-in-law were allowed to visit him for 30 minutes during, which they were allowed only to talk about family matters. It was their first meeting in 10 months. Gao's wife and two children have left China and now live in the USA. Prison address: Gao Zhisheng Shaya Prison Shaya County Aksu Prefecture Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 842208. China PENG MING Peng Ming is an official UNHCR refugee from China who was resident in the US from 2001. As a Christian he has worked for Chinese democracy, freedom and human rights for many years. In May 2004, while travelling to visit his elderly parents in Thailand, Peng Ming, 52, was lured to Myanmar, abducted and taken to China where he was sentenced to life in prison in October 2005, charged with engaging in terrorism activities. Imprisoned in Han Yang prison, he suffers from serious medical conditions that have been ignored by prison officials. Prison address: Peng Ming No. 4. Branch Hubei Provincial Han Yang Prison Cai Dian District, Wuhan City Hubei Province China. The Voice of the Martyrs 15 LACHENG REN AND WENXI LI Lacheng Ren, a Christian sponsoring a new Christian bookstore in Taiyuan, and Wenxi Li, a Christian bookstore employee, were arrested and sentenced to prison terms for their role in the Enyu Bookstore in Taiyuan. Police raided the business and confiscated hundreds of books that Wenxi had brought with him from Beijing. On Dec. 19, 2012, Wenxi was asked to come to a police station to retrieve the $6,000 worth of books that police had seized. But when he arrived at the police station, he was immediately arrested and sent to prison. Police were quoted as saying Wenxi was denied bail because of the seriousness of his "crime." On June 17, 2013, Lacheng Ren was sentenced to five years in prison by the court of Xiaodian district of Taiyuan in central China. Wenxi's wife, Cai Hong Li, said police told her that her husband was arrested because he was involved in an "illegal business." However, Cai Hong said the bookstore had a legal license to operate and that her husband was not involved with, managing the business. He was "just sent to find a rental place for a new store," Cai Hong said. Prison address: [Name] 2nd Detention Center Xiaodian District, Beige Town Taiyuan City Shanxi Province China YANG RONGLI. On Nov. 25, 2009, Pastor Yang Rongli and four other Linfen-Fushan church leaders from Shanxi Province were sentenced to criminal detention. The five church leaders were accused of "gathering people to disturb the public order," because they organized a prayer rally on Sept. 14, the day after 400 military police raided the church's grounds. During the raid, more than 30 believers were seriously wounded and 17 buildings were destroyed. In August 2013, reports indicated that she is suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and hepatitis – she feels dizzy and disoriented all the time. The prison will not provide the medical care she desperately needs. Please pray for her health and that the prison officials will have mercy on her and allow her to receive treatment. Pastor Yang is scheduled to be released in 2017. Prison address: Yang Rongli Women's Prison Yuci City Shanxi Province 030600 China. The Voice of the Martyrs. ERITREA. [se, ameri-cani farisei Illuminati Spa, FMI, non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avranno parte, alla nostra eredità! ] There was a general freedom to practice religion in Eritrea until 2002, when the government announced it would recognize only four religious communities: the Orthodox Church of Eritrea, Sunni Islam, the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran Eritrea. From 2002 to 2010, the government has jailed, tortured and killed numerous Eritreans for political and religious reasons, and tortured and killed many of them extra estimated that between 2,000 and 3,000 Christians are in Eritrean deplorable conditions, including torture. Many are held in metal shipping containers with no ventilation or toilet facilities. Of thousands of Christians in detention, not one has been charged with a crime or faced trial. You can write to the following prisoners in Eritrea: HAILE NAIZGI Prior to his imprisonment on May 23, 2004, Rev. Haile Naizgi the Full-Gospel Church of Eritrea, the largest Pentecostal church in the nation. Previously, he was a senior accountant with World Vision in Eritrea. Naizgi, who is married with two children, was one the key organizers of the Church's activities in Eritrea. KIDANE WELDOU Pastor Kidane Weldou was imprisoned on March 18, 2005. He was the senior pastor at Asmara Full-Gospel Church. His wife and children have been unable to visit him in prison, and his exact whereabouts remain unknown. Formerly, he was a high school biology teacher. He was also involved in many gospel-related activities among students and professionals from v churches in the nation. Location Africa Population 6,233,682 (July 2013 est.) Religion (%) Muslim (50.26), Christian (47.31), Non religious (1.87), Ethnoreligionist (0.56) Leader President Isaias Afworki Government type Transitional government There was a general freedom to practice religion in Eritrea until 2002, when the government announced it would recognize only four religious communities: the Orthodox Church of Eritrea, Sunni Islam, the Roman Catholic Church and the Lutheran-affiliated Evangelical Church of From 2002 to 2010, the government has jailed, tortured and killed numerous Eritreans for political and religious reasons, and tortured and killed many of them extra-judicially. Today, it is estimated that between 2,000 and 3,000 Christians are in Eritrean prisons. Believers face deplorable conditions, including torture. Many are held in metal shipping containers with no ventilation or toilet facilities. Of thousands of Christians in detention, not one has been charged rite to the following prisoners in Eritrea: Prior to his imprisonment on May 23, 2004, Rev. Haile Naizgi was the chairman of the board of Gospel Church of Eritrea, the largest Pentecostal church in the nation. Previously, he was a senior accountant with World Vision in Eritrea. Naizgi, who is married with two children, the Church's activities in Eritrea. Pastor Kidane Weldou was imprisoned on March 18, 2005. He was the senior pastor at Asmara Gospel Church. His wife and children have been unable to visit him in prison, and his exact ain unknown. Formerly, he was a high school biology teacher. He was also related activities among students and professionals from v16 Muslim (50.26), Christian (47.31), Non-religious (1.87), Ethnoreligionist (0.56) There was a general freedom to practice religion in Eritrea until 2002, when the government announced it would recognize only four religious communities: the Orthodox Church of Eritrea, evangelical Church of From 2002 to 2010, the government has jailed, tortu red and killed numerous Eritreans for judicially. Today, it is prisons. Believers face deplorable conditions, including torture. Many are held in metal shipping containers with no ventilation or toilet facilities. Of thousands of Christians in detention, not one has been charged was the chairman of the board of Gospel Church of Eritrea, the largest Pentecostal church in the nation. Previously, he was a senior accountant with World Vision in Eritrea. Naizgi, who is married with two children, Pastor Kidane Weldou was imprisoned on March 18, 2005. He was the senior pastor at Asmara Gospel Church. His wife and children have been unable to visit him in prison, and his exact ain unknown. Formerly, he was a high school biology teacher. He was also related activities among students and professionals from various. The Voice of the Martyrs 17. DR. KIFLU GEBREMESKEL Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel was the pastor of South-West Full-Gospel Church in Asmara until his imprisonment on May 23, 2004. Dr. Kiflu, a former dean of science and lecturer of mathematics at Asmara University, left his job to serve the Lord as a pastor and Bible teacher in 1999. He has a doctorate in mathematics from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Ill. Dr. Kiflu was also the chairman of the Eritrean Evangelical Alliance, a union of all the churches belonging to the Baptist, Mennonite, Presbyterian, Pentecostal and other Charismatic churches. MUSSIE EZAZ Evangelist Mussie Ezaz had a growing ministry with young people in the Kale Hiwot Church before his arrest in 2007. He escaped from custody but was rearrested as he tried to flee to Ethiopia. REV DR TEKLEAB MENGHISTEAB Rev Dr Tekleab, a highly respected physician and a leader of the Medhane Alem Church, was arrested in November 2005. He is insulin-dependent and has been reported to be in poor health. He is married with four children. It is believed that all five of the above Eritrean Christians are being held in Karachele prison, Asmara: Prison Address: [Name] Karsheli Prison 2nd Police Station Zone 7 Northern East Asmara, Zoba Maakel Eritrea. The Voice of the Martyrs. IRAN.[se, americani farisei Illuminati Spa, FMI, non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avranno parte alla nostra eredità! ] Iran has the largest Shi'a Islam population in the world. Christians comprise one percent of the population. The Iranian attitude toward religion can seem contradictory chaste in public but much less so in private. The courts apostates and life imprisonment for female apostates. Effectively, Iran is a religious dictatorship where little of consequence can occur without the approval of the Guardian Council of Mullahs. Religious persecution of certain minorities has intensified since 2005. This is aimed at the Baha'i, Sufi Muslims and Christians, especially believers from a Muslim background. Almost all Christian activity is illegal, especially when it occurs in Persian languages Bible training to publishing Scripture and Christian books. Yet Christians only further fuels the flames of church growth. You can write to the following prisoners in Iran: ALIREZA SEYYEDIAN Alireza Seyyedian is a 37-year-old former Muslim who has been a Christian since 2006. Last year, security forces confiscated his computer during a raid on his apartment. Authorities then discovered video of Alireza's baptism in Turkey on the computer. In December 2011 he w sentenced to six years in prison, for crimes against national security and propaganda against the regime. The judge stated that since Alireza was baptized in Turkey, he was trying to express the lack of freedom in Iran and was therefore was propagating holding regular meetings with former Muslims and distributing Bibles among youth. They also said he had communication with Zionist satellite TV channels such as Mohabat TV and Radio Mojde and shared worship hymns he had written with them. The verdict also falsely accused him of being a member of the Jesus Only cult. Location Middle East Population 79,853,900 (July 2013 est.) Religion (%) Muslim (98.64), Christian (0.51), Baha'i (0.40), Other (0.45) Leader Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini- President Hasan Fereidun Ruhani Government type Theocratic republic Islam population in the world. Christians comprise one percent of the population. The Iranian attitude toward religion can seem contradictory chaste in public but much less so in private. The courts can impose the death sentence on male, apostates and life imprisonment for female apostates. Effectively, Iran is a religious dictatorship where little of consequence can occur without the approval of the Guardian Council of Mullahs. ertain minorities has intensified since 2005. This is aimed at the Baha'i, Sufi Muslims and Christians, especially believers from a Muslim background. Almost all Christian activity is illegal, especially when it occurs in Persian languages — from evangelism Bible training to publishing Scripture and Christian books. Yet , the regime's harsh treatment of Christians only further fuels the flames of church growth. You can write to the following prisoners in Iran: old former Muslim who has been a Christian since 2006. Last year, security forces confiscated his computer during a raid on his apartment. Authorities then discovered video of Alireza's baptism in Turkey on the computer. In December 2011 he w sentenced to six years in prison, for crimes against national security and propaganda against the The judge stated that since Alireza was baptized in Turkey, he was trying to express the lack of freedom in Iran and was therefore was propagating against the regime. He was also accused of holding regular meetings with former Muslims and distributing Bibles among youth. They also said he had communication with Zionist satellite TV channels such as Mohabat TV and Radio Mojde and he had written with them. The verdict also falsely accused him of being a 18 Muslim (98.64), Christian (0.51), Baha'i -Khamenei uhani Islam population in the world. Christians comprise one -half of 1 percent of the population. The Iranian attitude toward religion can seem contradictory —very impose the death sentence on male apostates and life imprisonment for female apostates. Effectively, Iran is a religious dictatorship where little of consequence can occur without the approval of the Guardian Council of Mullahs. certain minorities has intensified since 2005. This is aimed at the Baha'i, Sufi Muslims and Christians, especially believers from a Muslim background. Almost all from evangelism to the regime's harsh treatment of old former Muslim who has been a Christian since 2006. Last year, security forces confiscated his computer during a raid on his apartment. Authorities then discovered video of Alireza's baptism in Turkey on the computer. In December 2011 he was sentenced to six years in prison, for crimes against national security and propaganda against the The judge stated that since Alireza was baptized in Turkey, he was trying to express the lack of against the regime. He was also accused of holding regular meetings with former Muslims and distributing Bibles among youth. They also said he had communication with Zionist satellite TV channels such as Mohabat TV and Radio Mojde and he had wThe Voice of the Martyrs. 19 On March 14, 2012, Alireza was caught seeking to flee Iran for Turkey. He was arrested and transported back to Tehran where he was imprisoned in Evin prison. He was put in Section 350 of the prison, which is where political prisoners are held. Alireza has never been married. Prison address : Alireza Seyyedian Evin Prison Saadat Abad Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran BEHNAM IRANI Behnam Irani, a 41-year-old pastor from Kraj, Iran, was convicted of crimes against national security in January 2011 and sentenced to one year in prison. After voluntarily surrendering to authorities on May 31 to begin his sentence, he learned that he would be forced to serve five years in connection with a previous conviction. Officers from the Ministry of Intelligence and National Security (MOIS) raided Irani's house church on April 14, 2010, and assaulted him before taking him into custody. Although he was released on bail two months after his arrest, he later received the one-year prison sentence. Irani was first arrested in December 2006 and tried for crimes against national security. He was released in January 2007 but was soon re-arrested, tried and sentenced to five years in prison. Irani was never called to serve the sentence that is now being held against him. Prison address: Behnam Irani Ghezel Hesar Prison Karaj, Albourz State Iran FARSHID FATHI Farshid Fathi was arrested on Dec. 26, 2010 in a wave of arrests of believers in Tehran and other areas. Of the 22 believers arrested by security forces in Tehran, 10 were released after intense questioning and after they signed agreements to refrain from Christian activities. Eleven others were also later released. By the end of April, 2011, only Farshid remained in prison, though his family had paid an enormous bail sum. He spent near ly a year in solitary confinement. Farshid, a Christian convert from Islam, was charge d with "acting against national security through membership of a Christian organization, collection of funds, propaganda against the Islamic Regime by helping spread Christianity in the country," and sentenced to six years of imprisonment on March 5, 2012. Though the charge is for his Christian work, authorities tried to cast his activities as political offenses. Farshid's appeal against the charges was rejected in June 2012. He is due to serve the rest of his sentence in Evin Prison. Farshid is married to Leil a, and has two children, Rosana and Bardia. The Voice of the Martyrs 20 Prison address: Farshid Fathi Evin Prison Saadat Abad Tehran Islamic Republic of Iran MEMBERS OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH On Dec. 23, 2011, Iranian authorities raided the As semblies of God church of Ahvaz as church members gathered for a service. Everyone at the church was arrested, including children. All those arrested were released several hours later, with the exception of the pastor, Farhad Sabokrouh, his wife, Shahnaz Jayzan, and two church ministers, Davoud Alijani and Naser Zamen-Dezfuli. The four were transferred to a detention center for further interrogation. Shahnaz was released on temporary bail on Jan. 1, 2012, after spending nine days in prison. The pastor and the two men were held until Feb. 21, 2012, when they were also released on temporary bail. Granting prisoners release on temporary bail is a common tactic employed by the government in Iran. It allows the government to recall those previously arrested at any moment for more interrogation or to serve longer prison sentences. Those released on temporary bail live in constant fear of being called back to prison. At his release, Pastor Farhad was denied the right to hold any kind of a church service or visit Christians in Ahvaz, his hometown. He was also banned from living in Ahvaz and forced to move to Tehran. In October 2012, the four were each sentenced to serve a year in prison for the charges of "converting to Christianity, inviting Muslims to convert and acting against state security through evangelistic activities." On May 1, the court summoned the four. When they appeared, they were each arrested. Davoud Alijani was sent to Karoon prison in Ahvaz. Pastor Farhad, Shahnaz and Naser were transferred to Sepidar prison. After spending 220 days in prison in Ahvaz, Farhad Sabokrouh, the pastor of an Assemblies of God church, and another church member, Naser Zamen-Dezfuli, were released on Dec. 4, 2013. Davoud Alijani Karoon Prison Ahwaz, Islamic Republic of Iran Shahnaz Jayzan Sepidar Prison Ahwaz, Islamic Republic of Iran. The Voice of the Martyrs. [se, americani non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avranno parte alla nostra eredità! ] KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakhstan declared independence after the Soviet empire collapsed in 1991. Although a multiparty democracy, the only president since 1991 has continued his authoritarian rule and presided over recognizably tainted elections. Under Communism, all religion was suppressed. Kazakhstan's constitution has provided freedom of religion since 2002, but a prop organizations to register with the government. The law was declared unconstitutional in February 2009, but the president has proposed further amendments to help the law pass. Authorities consistently act as though registration is already required, despite the fact that the law has not yet been passed. Increased Islamist agitation has caused the government to consider increasingly oppressive religion laws. These laws subsequently have an effect on the newe denominations and can be used to limit, restrict and even persecute Christians. Orthodox Christianity is perceived as the religion of Russians, and evangelicals are often regarded as dangerous sects. BAKHYTZHAN KASHKUMBAEV, Pastor Bakhytzhan Kashkumbaev of Astana, Kazakhstan , was arrested on May 17, 2013 after allegations were made that he had harmed the health of one of his church members. Until his retirement in October 2012 at age 66, Pastor Kashkumbaev led the Grace Churc registered protestant church. After his arrest in May, he was freed on Oct. 8, 20. 13 to complete his pre house arrest. However, secret police waiting at the entrance to the prison rearrested the pastor as he left the prison. His family and wife had not seen him in five months. The pastor's trial was due to take place in November 2013. In July 2011, the mother of a church member asserted that prolonged influenced from the church undermined her daughter's mental state and resulted in schizophrenia. The church member herself, however, says she was erroneously diagnosed after having a forced mental examination. She has spoken up publically for Pastor Kashkumbaev and stated that the charges of harming her health are unfounded. In a long-running campaign against the church, state officials have accused the church of being involved in espionage, fraud, money laundering, distributing extremist texts and using hallucinogens in communion drink. On Oct. 3, 2012, the church was raided and officials seized valuables such as gold items, computers, DVDs and books that were declared to be "extremist literature." At the request of officials, church members voluntarily underwent blood tests to demons trate that they were not under the influence of any hallucinogens. The results of the tests were not made known to the church members. After his arrest in May 2013, a court mandated that Pastor Kashkumbaev undergo a psychiatric assessment on Aug. 9. He was then ordered to stay at the psychiatric hospital until Sept. 17. During his time in the hospital, there were grave concerns that the pastor would be subjected to psychotropic drugs and ruled mentally incompetent. While being held in the psychiatric facility, the pastor, who converted from Islam to Christianity in 1995, was repeatedly questioned about why he follow ed Jesus rather than Allah. Nearly a month went by before his transfer back to the Investigative Prison. Prison address: Bakhytzhan Kashkumbaev SI-12 (ETs 166/1) Alash Tas Zhol street 30/1010000 Astana Kazakhstan. The Voice of the Martyrs. NEPAL,[se, americani non erano satanisti, gender Bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, ONU Amnesty, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avanno parte alla nostra eredità! ] Civil unrest in 1990 led to liberalization of government controls, including freedom to profess and practice any religion, but not to evangelize. Despite Christians continued, particularly for those who shared their faith with Hindus. Those who converted to religions other than Hinduism face social rejection and the possibility of violence. In April 2008, Christians welcomed the victory of the Maoist party in elections held for an assembly to rewrite the constitution and make the nation a democratic republic. Many believers saw the Maoist party victory as a step to ward greater religious freedom. With the Prime Minister's resignation in 2010, the government remains insolvent, and constitutional reform remains delayed. While persecution is less acute than in the past, it remains. You can write to the following prisoners in CHHEDAR BHOTE 37-year-old Pastor Chhedar Bhote Lhomi and his wife were ministering in a remote part of Nepal among Tibetan people. They established a church the re which met regularly. beef is permissible, but in other areas, local Hindus do not eat beef because sacred as symbols of the gods. In October 2012, local villagers discovered that Chhedar and his family had eaten beef. In an uproar, they accused him of killing the cow himself, and they destroyed his home and everything he owned. The l called police and had him arrested. He was given a sentence of 12 years in prison. Prison address: Chhedar Bhote Nakkhu Kargar Sauybu-4 Cod No 44700 GPR Block Kakkhu Lalitpur Kathmandu, Nepal

The Voice of the Martyrs. The Voice of the Martyrs. PAKISTAN. Pakistan is an Islamic republic with a Sunni majority. Despite its infringement of the constitution, Shariah law is increasingly applied areas where Islamist groups have control or influence. While there is a notable degree of religious freedom promised to minorities by law, non Muslims and non-Sunnis must practice their faith cautiously. opposition from militant Islamic groups, including imprisonment, torture Pakistani Christians are falsely accused under the Blasphemy Law, or Law 295 . Law 295a, blaspheming Islam, and Law 295b, blaspheming the Qur'an, are criminal offenses. Law 295c makes blaspheming Mohammed a crime punishable by death. C militants have often pressured judges into returning a guilty verdict or continuing trials indefinitely. Christians are regularly barred from jobs or face troubles from their employers and co-workers. Christian merchants are often har. You can write to the following prisoners in Pakistan: ASIA BIBI Asia Bibi, 38, was arrested by police on allegations of blasphemy in the village of Itta Punjab province . On June 19, 2009, some Muslim women who work with Bibi by a local Muslim engaged in a heated discussion with Bibi about Islam. Bibi told them that, Christ died on the cross for their sins and asked them what Mohammed had done for them. "Our Christ is the true prophet of God and yours is not tru became angry and began to beat her. Some men then locked her in a room. Local Christians urged the police not to file blasphemy charges; how ever, police claim forward due to pressure from local Muslim lea On November 8, 2010, Bibi was sentenced to death. She is the first Pakistani woman ever to receive a death sentence for blasphemy hard-line cleric offered a $6,000 CAD reward to anyone who will k does not put her to death. In January 2011, the governor of Punjab province Location Asia Population 193,238,868 (July 2013 est.) Religion (%) Muslim (95.80), Christian (2.45), Hindu (1.60), Other (0.15) Leader President Mamnoon Hussain Government type Federal republic Pakistan is an Islamic republic with a Sunni majority. Despite its infringement of the constitution, Shariah law is increasingly applied — even to Christians and Hindus areas where Islamist groups have control or influence. While there is a notable degree of religious freedom promised to minorities by law, non Sunnis must practice their faith cautiously. Christians in Pakistan face severe opposition from militant Islamic groups, including imprisonment, torture and even death. Many falsely accused under the Blasphemy Law, or Law 295 . Law 295a, blaspheming Islam, and Law 295b, blaspheming the Qur'an, are criminal offenses. Law 295c makes blaspheming Mohammed a crime punishable by death. Courtrooms packed with militants have often pressured judges into returning a guilty verdict or continuing trials Christians are regularly barred from jobs or face troubles from their employers and workers. Christian merchants are often harassed. You can write to the following prisoners in Pakistan: was arrested by police on allegations of blasphemy in the village of Itta. On June 19, 2009, some Muslim women who work with Bibi on a farm owned by a local Muslim engaged in a heated discussion with Bibi about Islam. Bibi told them that Christ died on the cross for their sins and asked them what Mohammed had done for them. "Our Christ is the true prophet of God and yours is not true," Bibi said. The Muslim women became angry and began to beat her. Some men then locked her in a room. Local Christians urged the police not to file blasphemy charges; how ever, police claimed that they must go forward due to pressure from local Muslim leaders. , 2010, Bibi was sentenced to death. She is the first Pakistani woman ever to receive a death sentence for blasphemy . Her attorney has filed an appeal. In December 2010, aline cleric offered a $6,000 CAD reward to anyone who will kill Asia Bibi if the government In January 2011, the governor of Punjab province was assassinated 24 Muslim (95.80), Christian (2.45), Hindu (1.60), Pakistan is an Islamic republic with a Sunni majority. Despite its infringement of the even to Christians and Hindus —especially in While there is a notable degree of religious freedom promised to minorities by law, non- Christians in Pakistan face severe and even death. Many falsely accused under the Blasphemy Law, or Law 295. Law 295a, blaspheming Islam, and Law 295b, blaspheming the Qur'an, are criminal offenses. Law 295c ourtrooms packed with militants have often pressured judges into returning a guilty verdict or continuing trials Christians are regularly barred from jobs or face troubles from their employers and was arrested by police on allegations of blasphemy in the village of Ittanwali, on a farm owned by a local Muslim engaged in a heated discussion with Bibi about Islam. Bibi told them that, Christ died on the cross for their sins and asked them what Mohammed had done for them. e," Bibi said. The Muslim women became angry and began to beat her. Some men then locked her in a room. Local Christians that they must go, 2010, Bibi was sentenced to death. She is the first Pakistani woman ever to In December 2010, a ill Asia Bibi if the government was assassinated by his bodyguard for speaking out against the blasphemy law. In March 2011, Pakistan's Minister of Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, was assassinated as he also had spoken out against the country's blasphemy law. Asia Bibi was transferred to a new prison in June 2013, leaving her five hours away from her family. She was previously only an hour away. Her husband, Ashiq, met her on June 6, 2013. She again requested prayer, and told her husband she's been sick and in a lot of pain. Asia continues to await word on her appeal against her blasphemy sentence. Prison address: Asia Bibi. Central Jail Multan Multan City-Punjab Pakistan IMRAN GHAFUR On July 1, 2009, Pakistani police arrested Imran Ghafur in Punjab province after Muslims accused him of burning pages of the Qur'an. While cleaning his brother's retail shop, Imran removed the trash he had collected, intending to burn some of it. While burning the trash, pages of an Islamic book flew into the fire and burned. Imran's neighbour, Haji Liaqat, saw the burned pages of the Islamic book and alerted other Muslims in the area. Imran and his father were severely beaten before police arrested Imran. Following the arrest, news of the incident spread throughout the city, and angry Muslims threw stones at the police station where Imran was being held. "Give the death sentence to him who disgraces the Holy Qur'an, and hang him who disgraces the Holy Qur'an, " the Muslims said. On July 2, 2009, Imran. was moved to a jail. Prison address: Imran Ghafur, Central Jail of Faisalabad Faisalabad Pakistan.

The Voice of the Martyrs. UZBEKISTAN,[se, americani non erano satanisti, gender bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avanno parte alla nostra eredità! ] Uzbekistan is a secular state, promoting a moderate, tightly controlled form of Islam. The growing Islamist movement is handled with venom by the state. Christians are third victims of this struggle. Ethnic Uzbek Christians, in particular, receive harsh treatment. Religious communities are required to officially register. Only approved religious organizations— Muslim groups, Jews, Russian Orthodox and some Protestant groups registered, and registration is frequently refused or delayed. Police make surprise visits to churches and forcibly close those who cannot immediately produce registration papers. Evangelism, missionary activity and religious ins have been fined, beaten and imprisoned for their faith. You can write to the following prisoners in Uzbekistan: TOHAR HAYDAROV On March 9, 2010, a criminal court in Uzbekistan sentenced 27 years in prison for the "illegal sale of narcotic or psychotropic substances in large quantities." Members of the Baptist church insist that the charges are fabricat ed and that Haydarov's sentence was punishment for his religious activity. It is unclear why sentence. Baptists insist that police planted drugs on Haydarov, and church members insist he is "a man with a pure conscience sentence. Prison address: Tohar Haydarov UYa 64/49 Otryad 13. Pos. Shaikh-Ali G. Karshi, Kashkadarya Region Uzbekistan Location Asia, Population 28, 661,637 (July 2013 est.) Religion (%) Muslim (84.93), Non-religious (13.80), Christian (0.75), Other (0.52) Leader President Islom Karimov Government type Republic; authoritarian presidential rule promoting a moderate, tightly controlled form of Islam. The growing Islamist movement is handled with venom by the state. Christians are third Ethnic Uzbek Christians, in particular, receive harsh treatment. nities are required to officially register. Only approved religious Muslim groups, Jews, Russian Orthodox and some Protestant groups registered, and registration is frequently refused or delayed. Police make surprise visits to and forcibly close those who cannot immediately produce registration papers. Evangelism, missionary activity and religious instruction are forbidden by law. Uzbek Christians have been fined, beaten and imprisoned for their faith. following prisoners in Uzbekistan: On March 9, 2010, a criminal court in Uzbekistan sentenced 27 year old Tohar Haydarov llegal sale of narcotic or psychotropic substances in large quantities." Baptist church insist that the charges are fabricated and that Haydarov's sentence was punishment for his religious activity. It is unclear why he received a 10 sentence. Baptists insist that police planted drugs on Haydarov, and church members insist he is "a man with a pure conscience & an honest Christian." Haydarov has appealed his G. Karshi,

The Voice of the Martyrs. VIETNAM. 3 marzo 2014. [se, americani non erano satanisti, gender bildenberg, tutti i massoni, UE, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e non voglio il loro ravvedimento, io li voglio vedere morire, loro non avranno parte alla nostra eredità! ] Vietnam is one of the world's few remaining from France in 1954, 30 years of war were followed by a reunder the Communist Party in 1975. The Communist Party retains supreme control of all state policy and activity, and, government and military are both tied closely to the party. Strong authoritarian rule brooks no dissent, especially not from ethnic or religious minorities. As a result, human rights violations continue to accrue. Though Vietnam's constitution provide restrict organized activities of many religious groups. Only government organizations are allowed. The Southern Evangelical Church of Vietnam and the smaller, Evangelical Church of Vietnam North are two of the largest officially recognized Protestant churches. Unregistered churches and ethnic minority Christians still suffer harassment, discrimination and, sometimes, outright persecution. You can write to the following prisoners in VNGUYEN VAN LY On Feb. 19, 2007, Father Nguyen Van Ly was arrested in Hue, Vietnam for distributing material "harmful to the state." In March, he was sentenced to eight years in prison. He has issued statements criticizing the government's confiscat training and the influence of the state in church teachings and has been a powerful advocate for Christian freedom. On March 15, 2010, Father Nguyen was released on medical parole after he suffered three debilitating strokes. He spent 16 months convalescing before the government demanded he return to complete his sentence. Location Asia Population 92,477,857 (July 2013 est.) Religion (%) Buddhism (52.5), Non-religious (23.3), Christianity (9.4), Ethnic Religions (8.9), Other (0.4) Leader President Truong Tan Sang Government type Communist state Vietnam is one of the world's few remaining Communist nations. After gaining independence from France in 1954, 30 years of war were followed by a re-unification of the North and South under the Communist Party in 1975. The Communist Party retains supreme control of all state policy and activity, and government and military are both tied closely to the party. Strong authoritarian rule brooks no dissent, especially not from ethnic or religious minorities. As a result, human rights violations Though Vietnam's constitution provides for freedom of worship, the government continues to restrict organized activities of many religious groups. Only government - controlled religious organizations are allowed. The Southern Evangelical Church of Vietnam and the smaller Vietnam North are two of the largest officially recognized Protestant churches. Unregistered churches and ethnic minority Christians still suffer harassment, discrimination and, sometimes, outright persecution. You can write to the following prisoners in Vietnam: On Feb. 19, 2007, Father Nguyen Van Ly was arrested in Hue, Vietnam for distributing material "harmful to the state." In March, he was sentenced to eight years in prison. He has issued statements criticizing the government's confiscation of church property, lack of seminary, training and the influence of the state in church teachings and has been a powerful advocate On March 15, 2010, Father Nguyen was released on medical parole after he suffered three debilitating strokes. He spent 16 months convalescing before the government demanded he return to complete his sentence. The Voice of the Martyrs. Read more about these restricted nations and others at: www.persecution.net/restricted-nations.htm

Seriously ill and weak, Father Nguyen was rearrested on July 25, 2011. Prison address: Nguyen Van Ly Nam Ha Prison Team 27. Ba Sao Village Kim Bang District Ha Nam Province Vietnam

3 marzo 2014. [se, americani non erano satanisti gender bildenberg, tutti i massoni UE, 322, la sinagoga di satana NWO? questo non avrebbe mai potuto accadere! ] [my JHWH, io non voglio la loro conversione, e, io non voglio il loro ravvedimento, non li perdonare! io li voglio vedere morire! ] Cristiani perseguitati. Pakistan, uccisa giovane cristiana: aveva aiutato un convertito dall'islam. Una giovane ragazza cristiana è stata uccisa dai talebani pakistani nella regione settentrionale del Pakistan. Come appreso dall'agenzia Fides, la ragazza, conosciuta con lo pseudonimo di Lily, aveva trascorso alcuni mesi in fuga e nel nascondimento con suo cugino, un musulmano convertitosi al cristianesimo alcuni anni fa. Dopo la conversione, l'uomo è considerato "apostata" e da allora è nel mirino dei talebani, che intendono eliminarlo. Nei giorni scorsi alcuni militanti hanno scoperto il nascondiglio dei due: nella fuga la ragazza è stata raggiunta da un proiettile e uccisa, mentre l'uomo, per ora, è riuscito a scappare. In una nota inviata a Fides, la comunità cristiana esprime sdegno e sconcerto, chiedendo l'intervento delle istituzioni per difendere i diritti delle minoranze e di tutti i cittadini contro le violenze talebane. Il Pakistan ha appena annunciato la sospensione dei raid aerei contro i talebani, in risposta al mese di tregua dichiarato dagli "studenti del Corano". Il governo ha precisato che comunque si riserva il diritto di "rispondere a qualsiasi attività violenta" condotta dai talebani. Il dialogo fra governo e talebani in Pakistan è in una situazione di stallo: nelle scorse settimane i militanti islamici hanno dichiarato al governo che "non vi è alcuna possibilità di pace nel paese a meno che il Pakistan cambi il suo sistema politico e giuridico e adotti ufficialmente la legge islamica". Il governo del primo ministro Nawaz Sharif sta cercando una "soluzione negoziata" dopo anni di conflitto con i militanti, ma i colloqui si sono interrotti a febbraio dopo una serie di attentati terroristici dei talebani. Di recente il governo pakistano ha presentato un disegno di legge in Parlamento, titolato "Linee di condotta sulla sicurezza nazionale", che intende porre fine a violenze e terrorismo nel paese. La lotta al terrorismo prevede attività quotidiane di repressione; analisi strategica; operatività sul campo. Presentando la legge, il premier Sharif ha spiegato che "il governo ha promosso il dialogo con i talebani" ma, se questi non dimostreranno di aver adottato e rispettato il "cessate il fuoco", "l'esercito risponderà in modo adeguato".© riproduzione riservata

Nigeria, Boko Haram fa strage: 129 morti. Un nuovo attacco causa 29 morti. Un centinaio le vittime di due sanguinosi attentati che sabato hanno colpito civili impegnati nella preghiera serale. Il presidente: «Siamo in guerra». The Voice of the Martyrs. Learn more about released prisoners on this list at www.prisoneralert.com Recently Released Prisoners of Faith

Praise the Lord for the release of his faithful servants! Below is a list of individuals who were

imprisoned for their faith and released. Your letters and prayers make a difference! Remember,

we only know the names of a very small number of Christians who are imprisoned for their faith

and then released. Please continue to lift up all imprisoned believers worldwide. You can find

out more about any of the individuals below at


Afghanistan: Said Musa (imprisoned 266 days) Azerbaijan: Zaur Balaev (imprisoned 304 days)

China: Li Ying (imprisoned 3,920 days)

Pastor Wang Xiaoguang (imprisoned 1,050 days)

Yang Xuan (imprisoned 1,232 days)

Zhang Huamei (imprisoned 1,116 days)

Iran: Pastor Vahik Abrahamian (imprisoned 360 days)

Mehdi "Petros" Forouton (imprisoned 474 days)

Youcef Nadarkhani (imprisoned 1187 days)

Mostafa Mohammad Bordbar (imprisoned 312 days)

Pakistan: Parvez Masih (imprisoned 1,951 days) Younis Masih Tanzania: Eva Abdullah (imprisoned 373 days)

Turkmenistan: Ilmurad Nurliev (imprisoned 868 days)

Uzbekistan: Pastor Dmitry Shestakov (imprisoned 1,461 days)

Vietnam: Pastor Y Wo Nie (imprisoned 2,652 days)

Persecution and Prayer Alert. "In prayer you align yourselves to the purpose and power of God.... For God has left certain things open to prayer, things which will never be done except as we pray." E. Stanley Jones. IRAQ: Christians Facing 'More than Desperate' Crisis. Sources: Release International, BBC. Canon Andrew White. Canon Andrew White, known as the "Vicar of Baghdad," has requested urgent prayer for the church in Iraq during this time of intense violence in the country. With frequent bombings and shootings in cities such as Baghdad and Mosul, monthly death tolls have soared recently. January's toll of more than 1,000 killed was the highest in almost six years. Canon Andrew, a partner of The Voice of the Martyrs, recently shared that some of the young people at the church he leads have been among those tragically killed. His Christian friends are leaving and begging him to leave too. "Hundreds of our people have left the church because they have left the country," he explains. "The hundreds left are those who cannot afford to leave, so the poverty and needs seem greater than ever. I honestly cannot tell you how terrible things are. We are in more than a desperate crisis. We need your prayers." Yet Canon Andrew remains resolute. "I will not leave my people here, however bad it is," he says. "I am not leaving, and neither is God." Trusting that God is indeed present and at work in Iraq, let us bring this country to Him in prayer. Pray that He will use Canon Andrew and other leaders like him to faithfully shepherd the dwindling Christian population. Through their example, may believers be encouraged to remain steadfast in their faith, despite the instability and the constant risks. May the church there be a vessel of God's peace, extending love to all their neighbours. Pray, too, for an end to the fighting and bloodshed in Iraq which have been mainly caused by tensions between Sunni militants and the Shia-dominated government. To learn more about Canon Andrew's ministry and the powerful ways in which God is at work in Iraq, check out VOM's recent 18-minute documentary at Persecution.TV.

KENYA: Pastor Murdered While Guarding Church. Sources: VOM USA, Morning Star News, World Watch Monitor. Assistant Pastor Lawrence Kazungu Kadenge was murdered in the early morning hours of February 2nd while guarding the Glory of God Ministries Church in Mombasa. Although police are still investigating the murder, it is believed that radical Muslims may have killed the 59-year-old pastor for alerting police about security threats and for preaching the Gospel near a mosque. Pastor Lawrence leaves behind his wife, Lydia, and their 13 children. "It is very hard for me because we worked very closely together," said the church's senior pastor. "His family has been hit very hard. All of us, the family and congregants, need prayer as we grieve his loss. We need God's comfort. Please pray for us." Several days before Pastor Lawrence's murder, a controversial mosque in Mombasa was raided by police on the suspicion that the mosque was being used to recruit Muslim youth to engage in terrorist acts against Kenyan civilians. Police arrested 125 young people during the raid. One person was killed, and two police officers were seriously injured. Pastor Lawrence's death has increased fears among other pastors in the area. Several other church leaders have been murdered, and radical Muslims, who are attempting to create an independent state along the coastal area, have attacked churches. As Lydia and her children, along with members of their Christian community, mourn the loss of Pastor Lawrence, pray that through Christ they will be able to share abundantly in His comfort (2 Corinthians 1:5). Pray for guidance and strength for the church's senior pastor, as well as the leaders of other area churches. May God grant them boldness to be 'salt' and 'light' to others of their community, especially to those who oppose them. Finally, intercede on behalf of the mosque leaders and the Muslim youths, asking God to open their hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To post a prayer of support and encouragement for this grieving family and congregation, please visit our Persecuted Church Prayer Wall.

RECENT PRISONER UPDATE. KAZAKHSTAN: Pastor Receives Suspended Prison Term. Sources: Forum 18 News Service, World Watch Monitor. Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev. Photo: World Watch Monitor. On February 17th, a retired pastor accused of harming the health of a church member was handed a four-year suspended prison sentence. Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev was also ordered to pay his alleged victim "moral damages" of two million tenge (approximately $12,000 CAD). The case against Pastor Bakhytzhan dragged on for months after his arrest in May of 2013, when he was charged with the psychological manipulation of Lyazzat Almenova, 34, through the use of a "red-coloured hallucinogenic drink." In reality, the drink was a harmless, non-alcoholic beverage used as part of the church's Holy Communion to represent red wine. Although she insists her pastor is "totally innocent," Pastor Bakhytzhan was arrested after Lyazzat's mother claimed that her daughter's mental health had been damaged due to attending the church. (For more information on his arrest, please visit this page.)"In my experience as a lawyer, this is one of the strangest cases I have seen in terms of legality," said the pastor's lawyer after the verdict was handed down. "It was not just strange but, from the standpoint of the law, all types of violations occurred when the case was opened, when it was being investigated, and during the trial." Pastor Bakhytzhan will reportedly appeal the verdict. As Pastor Bakhytzhan and his lawyers work towards appealing this latest verdict, pray that God will grant them wisdom and endurance. May the charges against him soon be dropped! Ask God to strengthen this pastor's faith, encouraging him to stand strong as he weathers this storm. Pray, too, for Lyazzat and her family. May her understanding and acceptance of the Gospel increase each day, and may her family members come to a saving faith in our Saviour. Finally, bring the country of Kazakhstan to God in prayer, asking that He will enable His church to grow in faithfulness and in number. Countless Christians around the world are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs Canada stands alongside persecuted brothers and sisters worldwide. We help Christians who are, or have been, persecuted for their involvement in spreading the gospel; we love and support believers who are willing to invite their fellow men, even their persecutors, to Jesus Christ; and we encourage persecuted Christians by giving their testimony a voice, informing Christians in Canada to know how to help. Join us in raising awareness of and reaching out to the persecuted Church!

tutti i nazi Paesi, senza libertà di religione, da sottoporre al voto di sterminio, il sangue innocente di martiri cristiani innocenti, che, loro hanno versato, o hanno permesso, con il loro silenzio, che, fosse da altri versato, sull'altare di satana Obama gender, 666 Rothschild, 322 Bush senior: "noi vinceremo il cazzo nel culo! " tutto sotto egida: Onu Amnesty? tutto questo, grida vendetta, continuamente, presso il Trono di Dio: JHWH holy, holy holy. .. ed i miei occhi? non avranno pietà! ] AFGHANISTAN ALGERIA ARABIA SAUDITA AZERBAIGIAN BANGLADESH BHUTAN BRUNEI CINA COMORE COREA DEL NORD, CIPRO CUBA EGITTO INDIA INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ KUWAIT LAOS LIBIA MALAYSIA MALDIVE MAROCCO MAURITANIA BIRMANIA NEPAL NIGERIA OMAN PAKISTAN QATAR SIRIA SOMALIA SRI LANKA SUDAN TAGIKISTAN TIBET TUNISIA TURCHIA TURKMENISTAN UZBEKISTAN VIETNAM YEMEN EMIRATI ARABI,

03/03/2014. #ISRAELE. la guerra mondiale è vicina! questi parassiti, vigliacchi, che sconfessano tutti i loro ideali, su una cosa hanno ragione, devono far parte, di una brigata, unicamente dedicata a loro ed unicamente maschile! e questo corpo militare specifico, deve essere realizzato immediatamente! infatti, proprio loro hanno bisogno di dare l'esempio! ] [ Ebrei ultraortodossi manifestano, contro, il servizio militare: "Un attentato alla Torah". di Joshua Lapide. Almeno 500mila persone, adulti, giovani, bambini, hanno bloccato Gerusalemme per alcune ore. Secondo gli Haredim, il servizio militare blocca gli studi della Bibbia e mette a rischio l'educazione morale dei loro giovani. Ma, il mondo laico israeliano li accusa di essere "parassiti" perchè, vivono con le sovvenzioni statali. Gerusalemme (AsiaNews) - Centinaia di migliaia di ebrei ultraortodossi (Haredim) hanno invaso ieri il centro della città di Gerusalemme, per contestare la bozza di una nuova legge che prevede il servizio militare per un maggior numero di loro studenti e multe e arresti per chi si sottrae. La legge dovrebbe entrare in vigore a metà del 2017. Gli Haredim rifiutano di sottostare al servizio militare perché in tal modo essi "non possono dedicarsi in modo completo allo studio della Torah (la Bibbia ebraica)" e perché la promiscuità della vita di caserma, in una mescolanza di maschi e femmine, mina la loro educazione morale e li espone alle tentazioni. La manifestazione di ieri è stata abbastanza pacifica. Almeno 500 mila persone vi hanno partecipato: rabbini, giovani, adulti e famiglie con i loro numerosi figli. Vi sono stati momenti di preghiera coi salmi e poi la recita della professione di fede ebraica, lo "Shema Israel". Alla fine si è data lettura ad alcune risoluzioni, chiedendo al governo di non far passare la bozza di legge, in discussione nelle prossime settimane perché essa "potrebbe danneggiare coloro che studiano la Torah, costringendoli a lasciare gli studi fino a gettarli in prigione, ciò che è uno sradicamento della Torah e un sacrilegio contro il Cielo". Gli Haredim sono esenti dal servizio militare fin dal 1948, data della nascita dello Stato d'Israele. A quel tempo vi erano sono 400 studenti di yeshiva (scuole rabbiniche ortodosse). Al presente, dato anche un alto tasso di crescita demografica al loro interno, gli ultraortodossi sono divenuti il 10% della popolazione. La maggior parte degli uomini, che si dedica allo studio della Bibbia, sono sovvenzionati dallo Stato e da donazioni di privati. Pesando sul bilancio pubblico e non avendo il servizio militare, essi sono invidiati e criticati dalla popolazione laica, costretta a tre anni di ferma obbligatoria e a pagare tasse. Per questo gli Haredim vengono spesso definiti dei "parassiti". Fino ad ora, alcuni dei partiti ultraortodossi, con pochissimi deputati alla Knesset, sono stati spesso necessari per le alleanze di governo, riuscendo a garantire aiuti governativi alle loro comunità. Con le elezioni dello scorso anno, per la prima volta non vi sono partiti ultraortodossi nel governo e così alcuni partiti stanno spingendo il premier Benjamin Netanyahu a prendere provvedimenti perché anche gli Haredim partecipino a sostenere "gli oneri sociali".

03/03/2014 CINA e Pyongyang? anche se tardivamente, anche, Pyongyang ha capito, chi è: Unius REI, è lui che comanda sul mondo! ] Strage di Kunming, una veglia per ricordare i 29 morti e gli oltre 130 feriti. Un centinaio di persone si è riunito in modo spontaneo nella stazione dove è avvenuto il massacro. Gli aggressori hanno fatto irruzione armati di machete e mannaia, colpendo in modo indiscriminato i presenti. Per Pechino i responsabili sono "indipendentisti" di etnia uighura, ma non vi sono prove a sostegno di questa tesi.03/03/2014 COREA. Pyongyang libera il missionario australiano John Short: Atto umanitario, ha confessato. Il missionario, 75 anni, era stato arrestato lo scorso 16 febbraio per aver distribuito materiale religioso. Altri due missionari, Kenneth Bae e Kim Jeong-wook, ancora nelle mani del regime.

satana rothschild kill Arab League sharia only in WW3

The open practice of any religion other than Islam is forbidden here, and conversion to another faith is punishable by death. Most Christians are ex,pats from Asia or Africa. During 2013, several Christian migrant fellowships were raided by police, and tens of worshippers detained and deported. Muslim,background believers run the risk of honor killing if their faith is discovered. Yet a small but growing number of Muslims are coming to Christ and sharing their faith on the internet and satellite TV.

PRAY: Widespread unemployment and increasing discontent amongst young people makes this a breeding ground for extremists. Ask God to halt the spread of extremist views.

That more Muslims will meet Jesus through satellite TV or dreams and visions of Jesus.

In 2013, two men were convicted of proselytizing, and were sentenced to a few hundred lashes and several years in prison. Pray for their release.

Give to Persecuted Christians. Leave a Prayer or Comment. NOTE: Comments which use inappropriate language or attack any individual based off of religion, ethnicity, belief etc will be removed. Take the World Watch List Challenge. Make a huge impact for persecuted Christians.

The World Watch List Challenge is a three part challenge designed to inspire prayer, awareness, and financial support to impact the lives of persecuted Christians around the world.

"We didn't know that people outside of Nigeria knew about the crisis. It is so encouraging to know that other Christians around the world are praying for us."

About Persecution. And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22. Persecution is defined as a policy or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate a people because of their religion, race or beliefs. According to The Pew Research Center, almost 75% of the world's population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians. So, who are the 75%? Where are Christians facing persecution? Persecution occurs whenever believers are denied the protection of religious freedom, prevented from converting to Christianity because of legal or social threats, physically attacked or killed because of their faith, forced to leave their job or home because of the threat of violence, or imprisoned and interrogated, and often tortured for refusing to deny their faith.

Christians face persecution in more than 60 countries around the world. Each year, Open Doors ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted in the annual World Watch List. You can learn more about Christians who are persecuted (and how you can help them) here at: http://www.worldwatchlist.us It can be disheartening to learn that so many Christians are being persecuted for their faith. But it is key to remember that Christ was persecuted and suffered, to the point of death on the cross. He tells us that if we follow Him, we will be persecuted (John 15:18,21). In 1 Corinthians 12:26, the apostle Paul talks about Christians (as the Body of Christ) facing persecution: "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." Though we may not face persecution, we are called to be united with the part of the Body of Christ that does face persecution daily. The most important way to unite with our brothers and sisters who do face persecution is through prayer.

Romans 15:30 says, "I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me."

One Nigerian widow said, "I didn't know that anyone outside of Nigeria knew what was happening to us Christians. Now that I know that others are praying, I am greatly encouraged."

You can learn more about praying for persecuted Christians, and sign,up for free resources at:


About Open Doors. Open Doors works in the world's most oppressive countries, strengthening Christians to stand strong in the face of persecution and equipping them to shine Christ's light in these dark places. One of the greatest challenges to Christians living under tyranny and oppression is isolation – from God's word and from the body of Christ.

Where other Christian organizations cannot enter or have been forced to flee by oppressive governments or cultures, Open Doors can be found – supplying Bibles, training Christian leaders, developing Christian communities and ensuring prayer, presence and advocacy for these suffering believers. When the Christians are strengthened in the Lord, they begin to demonstrate God's forgiveness and reach out in love, even to their oppressors.

The witness of the persecuted church has a unique power to reach lives and communities that would otherwise never be open to the gospel – but they cannot do it alone.

OUR MISSION. We are a non,profit organization working in the most oppressive countries, providing Bibles and literature, media, leadership training, socio,economic development and ensuring prayer, presence and advocacy for Persecuted Christians.

We strive to raise awareness of global persecution, mobilizing prayer, support and action among the Christians around the world. Every year, we publish our World Watch List which ranks countries by the severity of persecution. Learn more about World Watch List and how Open Doors ranks countries of persecution. About Christian Persecution. "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights. WHAT IS CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION?

Christian Persecution is any hostility, experienced from the world, as a result of one's identification with Christ. From verbal harassment to hostile feelings, attitudes and actions, believers in areas with severe religious restrictions pay a heavy price for their faith. Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and in employment, and even death are just few examples they experience on the daily basis.

According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world's population live in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians. Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in the person of Jesus Christ.


In the United States, it's easy for believers to take for granted the rights they so regularly enjoy. From praying and worshiping in public to attending Sunday worship services, practice of one's faith is generally accepted in America.

But this isn't the case in many nations such as North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Mali, Syria, etc. in which religion, itself, is banned or where one faith system is permitted and touted, with all others being continually denigrated. The persecution is so severe in many localities, Christians are systematically targeted and mistreated because of their religious beliefs. According to The Pew Research Center, The Economist, Christians today are the most persecuted religious group in the world.


Every year, we release our annual "World Watch List," a ranking of 50 countries that exposes the places Christians are most persecuted across the globe. World Watch List includes individuals in all Christian denominations within an entire nation.


According to this graph, the statistic shows the index of the persecution of Christians in the top unfriendly countries around the world 2013. North Korea is the country with the strongest suppression of Christians with an index value of 87.The survey for the World Watch List included various aspects of religious freedom: the legal and official status of Christians, the actual situation of Christians living in the country, regulations from the state as well as factors that can undermine the freedom of religion in a country.

WHY IT OCCURS? AUTHORITARIAN GOVERNMENTS SEEK TO CONTROL ALL RELIGIOUS THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION. There are variety of reasons why Christians are persecuted. One of the reason it occurs, is when severe abuse of Christians takes place under the authoritarian government. In the case of North Korea and other Communist countries, authoritarian governments seek to control all religious thought and expression as part of a more comprehensive determination to control all aspects of political and civic life. These governments regard some religious groups as enemies of the state because they hold religious beliefs that may challenge loyalty to the rulers.


Another reason why Christians are persecuted is hostility towards nontraditional and minority religious groups. For example, in Niger more than 98 percent of the population are Muslims and hostility comes more from society than from the government. Historically, Islam in West Africa has been moderate, but in the last 20 years dozens of Islamic associations have emerged, like the Izala movement which aims to restrict the freedom of 'deviant Muslims' and minority religious groups like Christians.

THE LACK OF BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS. The lack of basic human rights is another significant part of persecution in some countries. For instance, in Eritrea violations such as lack of freedom of expression, assembly, religious belief and movement; extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, extended incommunicado detention, torture and indefinite national service cause many Eritreans to flee the country. Freedom of religion, like all freedoms of thought and expression, are inherent. Our beliefs help define who we are and serve as a foundation for what we contribute to our societies. However, today many people liver under governments that abuse or restrict freedom of religion. Christians in such areas suffer deeply, and are denied basic freedoms that humans should be entitled to. In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration came as a result of the treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany. The document states that every person is entitled to basic human rights. This reaffirmed the dignity and worth of all human beings no matter what a person's race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status. In 1966, the United Nations developed the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights in addtion to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 18 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights focuses on four elements of religious freedom:

Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.

No one shall be subject to coercion which would impair his freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

Freedom to manifest one's religion or beliefs may be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health, or morals or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.

The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to have respect for the liberty of parents and, when applicable, legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions

The Bible calls us to be advocates of human rights. Psalm 82:3 says "Stand up for those who are weak and for those whose fathers have died. See to it that those who are poor and those who are beaten down are treated fairly." As Christians we need to see that all people are entitled to basic human rights.


As Christians in the free world, we are to take stand for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a simple matter of compassion and justice to speak up for the suffering (Zechariah 7:9, Luke 11:42, Matthew 25:35,36). In following Christ's example, we are to show mercy to those who are suffering, especially those in the household of faith (I Corinthians 12:26,27).

Financial & Annual Reports. Open Doors USA 2013 Financials. Open Doors with Brother Andrew, Inc. is a 501c(3) tax,exempt organization. All donations made to the organization are tax,deductible. At Open Doors, stewardship is an integral part of everything we do, because we recognize that every resource entrusted to us can transform the lives of persecuted Christians. In 2012, millions of Bibles and training materials have been delivered to children, families and communities in need. Open Doors is a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. To check up on us, please feel free to view our 2012 Annual Financial Report, 990 Form, and our Audited Financial Statements Report.

We believe to strengthen and equip the body of Christ living under or facing restriction and persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ, and to encourage their involvement in world evangelism by providing Bibles, literature, media, leadership training, socio,economic development, and intercessory prayer.


A boy receives his bible from Open Doors.

In 2012, Open Doors continued its commitment to placing Bibles and other biblical literature into the hands of the persecuted Church. We have never wavered from our commitment to the principle that the Spirit of God uses the Word of God to do the work of God in the hearts and minds of people. Over 2.4 million Bibles, study materials, and children's curricula were delivered to waiting hands and hearts in 2012.

In the Middle East, over 830,000 Bibles and study materials were distributed while in Africa 50,000 children received their own Bible from Open Doors. One Nigerian boy joyfully exclaimed "now that I have my own Bible I can read it anytime I want!" In Egypt, where Christ,followers are facing increased persecution, Open Doors brought critical assistance with the distribution of more than 160,000 Bibles. In Central Asia, Christian coloring books produced by Open Doors in several native languages were distributed to thousands of children who were introduced to the stories of the Bible for the first time. The delight of owning a Bible was dramatically felt in the words of a young Sri Lankan student whose seminary career had never included a Bible of his own until Open Doors gave him one. "My Study Bible has helped me understand Bible passages better," he shared. "Especially those I preach about on a Sunday."

LEADERSHIP AND PASTORAL TRAINING. Training Leaders to become effective ministers of God's Word for Sama Believers., The conviction that the church is only as strong as its leadership has been a driving value at Open Doors since the beginning. In 2012, over 219,000 church leaders received assistance from Open Doors through seminars offering training in theology, teaching the Bible, leadership, perseverance through trial, discipleship and counseling.

Open Doors took advantage of opportunities in the Middle East to introduce a Trauma Counseling Training course called Captivity and Release. With imprisonment becoming a daily reality in many areas, this training course addresses the unique needs of those who survive the miseries of confinement, interrogation and even torture. Through these sessions church leaders are equipped to come alongside those who are being overwhelmed with waves of despair and spiritual emptiness. We are seeing many find physical, emotional and spiritual healing, and restoration.

Where persecution is rampant, the only hope is a strong biblical foundation and through people,to,people training Open Doors continues to see this hope grow among those whose faith in Christ can mean the reality of daily persecution.

CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. Open Doors distributed bicycles to needy pastors and evangelists. Often the broader effects of religious persecution go unrecognized by those whose only contact with the persecuted church comes through stories of imprisonment and torture. But many more suffer being ostracized from their neighbors and ruthlessly prevented from making a living, gaining education for their children, and even getting the basic necessities of life.

In 2012 Open Doors served more than 207,000 people through community development projects designed to provide job training, educational opportunities, financial support, church restoration, and medical assistance. In Egypt, 29,500 Christ,followers found themselves in immediate and desperate need. Open Doors was there to help, both spiritually and with the provision of daily essentials. In Central Asia, a young couple was forced from their jobs when the authorities found a Bible in their home. Open Doors stepped in to help them purchase enough livestock to begin a small farm that, under the blessing of God, now supports the family as well as a local church. The wife declared "Helping us in this way gives us wings to continue! Thank you for making all this possible."

PRAYER, PRESENCE AND ADVOCACY MINISTRIES. Praying for Persecuted Believers at National Open Doors Day. Open Doors has always been about being with those who follow Christ at great personal cost. We are privileged to share their suffering, learn from their courage, and champion their cause. In all this, prayer stands at the beginning, at the end, and everywhere in between. Through our prayers God builds His heart in us even as He moves miraculously in the lives of our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters. Through our commitment to being with people we have the privilege of reminding them that they are loved by God, and by our prayer partners around the world. They are not forgotten. Our worldwide teams are actively sharing the grace and truth of Christ with the widows, orphans and prisoners, reminding them that the valley of death can't derail the love and provision of our Savior. The Persecuted Church remains strong, and we are advocating for them at the highest levels of government, using every means possible to promote justice and mercy. Yet, our strongest weapon remains the faithful, heart,felt, and informed prayers of God's people, as we intercede for those who share our faith but not our freedom.

DOWNLOADABLE REPORTS & AUDIT FORMS. "What Do You Want Me To Do For You?" Posted on February 14, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories. Communism, deep spiritual allegiance and persecution are all challenges that Christians in Vietnam face. It is a mainly Buddhist country (52.48%), with a population of over 90 million people. Vietnam is ranked 18 on the Open Doors World Watch List, which is three spots up from its ranking in 2013. Though these challenges are difficult for Christians in this country, they are also opportunities for us to join together and pray for these believers. Jesus had a heart for listening to and learning about the problems that each person he encountered was facing. In Mark 10:51, Jesus asks the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus obviously knew that the man was blind, yet just like He does today, he waited for the man himself to declare his need to Jesus.Through this example, we know that we must learn to pray for specific needs on behalf of the persecuted, so that our prayers will rise like incense to God, and we will see change in the world. Here are two stories from Vietnam that we can pray for.

Last January, local authorities refused to grant believers in South Vietnam a permit to hold Sunday worship. Their pastor, Hoan*, had been renting a house for their weekly fellowship for the past eight months. The officers claimed that there was no "red paper"—indicating it was for lease—attached to the said house. The religious pressure took its toll on Hoan's health. "When Hoan learned about Tien's case," said a local source, "Hoan got sick."

In Central Vietnam, a police officer knocked down the door of another house church while it held its worship service on January 5. He demanded that believers write their names on a piece of paper. The youths, for fear of their names reaching their schools, rushed and hid in another room.

The rest of the congregation, however, stood their ground and refused to give their names. The officer pressured the pastor to give the names, and that if he did, the house church would be allowed to continue their worship. The pastor refused and said that the religious regulations—referring to Decree 92—required churches to report only the number of the members, but not their names.

God, we pray for these believers to continue in their boldness, and to not fold underneath the weight and pressure that these local authorities are putting on them. We thank you for their witness, and we pray that many people in their community want to know Jesus because of what these believers are doing. In Central Vietnam, a Christian student Thanh* was estranged from her mother, who had discovered a portrait of Jesus in her daughter's closet. Thanh had just come home from a youth prayer meeting on January 17 when her mother confronted, mocked and cursed her about the portrait. She forced Thanh to recant her faith on paper, and to choose between Jesus and her family.

"Thanh kept quiet," said another local source. "So, her mother got even more infuriated, and told Thanh to leave the house, but she stayed.". The mother would not speak to Thanh since, and the 23 year old university student had to take on a job, so she could continue and finish college. Thanh became a follower of Jesus at the age of eight, and had always wanted to share the gospel to her family. We are so encouraged, God, by the stand that Thanh has already taken. We ask that you would continue to pour Your strength into her. We ask so boldly for You to soften Thanh's mother's heart, and that the gospel would begin to be so beautiful and unavoidable to her.

*Names have been changed and certain details withheld for the believers' protection.

Growing Faith: Letter Writing Campaigns, Posted on February 13, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories. Letter Writing, Ethiopia. When Daniel, a student from Oregon, heard about our letter writing campaigns, he was instantly hooked. His faith has been strengthened through his experience connecting with the persecuted church through letters. He had a project to do for school, and he found a way to incorporate letter writing into it. Here, Daniel shares his experience with us:

When I first heard David's story, I was emotionally disarmed. David, a church leader in Ethiopia (17 on our World Watch List), was attacked by a group of men one fateful morning in his home community. Miraculously, David survived this violent attack and lives on to share his testimony of his love for Jesus Christ and the power of faith. As David so courageously asserts, "The Lord has given me another chance to serve Him. The bullets didn't get me. There were more than 30 attackers. It is by the prayers and support of other believers we survived so far. I can only say God wants me to continue His work here. I have some unfinished business here."

These brave people often live in environments of dire poverty with high crime rates and a complete lack of religious freedom. In spite of the conditions they have to endure, these people clutch firmly onto their faith and rise above the darkness that surrounds them. What they all have in common is not just faith, but hope. I then chose to participate in a letter writing campaign with Open Doors.

When I first began my project I had been given a list of people to write letters to, but I knew that I would need to do a lot of research before delving into my letter writing. I really didn't want to commit the mistake of commenting on situations in places in the world that are very foreign to me without fully understanding the social, political and spiritual climates of the countries where my letters would ultimately be sent. So, off I went, researching places like Ethiopia and Kenya, trying to understand what it is like to live in those parts of the world and what words of encouragement could I offer to the people living there. When the time came to start drafting my letters, I found it to be less intimidating than I had initially thought. Although I struggled at first to find the right words, I quickly discovered that all I really needed to do was speak from the heart. The message I was relaying was simple, but nonetheless important: To keep trusting God no matter what life throws at you. What I discovered in the process of writing these letters was that the things I wrote didn't just have the effect of helping the intended audience; they also had a profound effect on me at a time in my life when I have faced a number of personal crisis's and have had my faith tested.

The most profound realization I came to after engaging with those in the margins is with the right kind of mindset, I have the power to make the world a better place. In the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "We have for once learnt to see the great events of world history from below, from the perspective of the outcast, the suspects, the maltreated, the powerless, the oppressed, the reviled—in short, from the perspective of those who suffer."

In the end, I found something that caused my faith to be challenged and gave me a much fuller understanding of the impact that faith, hope and the fight for social justice have on the world. I learned that these three things are closely intertwined and really can't exist without each other. Therefore, I now understand that I have a great responsibility and opportunity to help make the world a better place through my faith and newly enlightened philosophy that hope is the driving force to all positive change in this world. It is a light that God shines down into our darkness that gives us the strength to fight for what matters; for what is true, for what is good, for what is fair and for what is right. He started out with an open mind and a willing heart. That is something that we all can have, and with God's grace, we will begin to learn and see what life is like for the persecuted. We will develop compassion for them in incredible ways, just as Daniel has. We are so humbled by his heart for those in chains around the world, and we pray that all who read his story would be similarly challenged by God, and allow Him to beautifully interrupt their lives.

What Would Your Life Be Like In The Top 10 Countries?

Posted on February 12, 2014 by Daniel in Countries, Stories. feb_newsletter_header. Imagine walking to Bible study, constantly looking over your shoulder to ensure you aren't being followed. Imagine getting ready for church, knowing that nearly 300 churches have been attacked in your country. Imagine knowing that not only you, but your parents, your children and your grandchildren have been sentenced to life in a prison camp because your faith was discovered. These thoughts never cross our minds as we get ready for Bible study, sit in church or when someone discovers our faith. But this is reality for many Christians around the world.

So what's it like to live in the worst places on earth to be a Christian? Take a deeper look at the top ten countries on the 2014 World Watch List: North Korea. For the 12th consecutive year, this is where Christian persecution is most extreme. The God,like worship of Kim Jong,Un and his predecessors leaves no room for any other religion. Forced to meet only in secret, Christians dare not share their faith, even with their families. Anyone discovered engaging in secret religious activity may be subject to arrest, torture or even public execution. Somalia. Islamic leaders and government officials publicly reinforce that there is no room for Christians in Somalia. The Islamic extremist group, al,Shabaab, targets Christians and last year reports indicate that at least ten believers were killed by the group. Christians often hide their faith from one another, for fear of betrayal. Syria. As the conflict inside Syria worsens, targeted violence against Christians has escalated. Many Christians have been abducted, physically harmed or killed, and many churches damaged or destroyed. In October, Islamic extremists invaded the ancient Christian settlement of Sadad, killing at least 45 people, and injuring many more.

Iraq. Islamic terrorist groups are increasing and are aiming to rid the country of Christians. According to a local source, every two or three days a Christian is killed, kidnapped or abused. As a minority group, Christians are an easy target for kidnappers.

Afghanistan. The country remains unstable, and Islamic extremist groups continue to gain power. Christianity is considered a 'Western' religion and those who leave Islam face pressures from family, society and local authorities. An Afghan politician recently called for the execution of converts to Christianity. There is no public church.

Saudi Arabia. The open practice of any religion other than Islam is forbidden and conversion to another faith is punishable by death. During 2013, several Christian migrant fellowships were raided by police, and many worshippers were detained and deported. In spite of all this, a growing number of Muslims are coming to Christ. Maldives. To be Maldivian is equated with being Muslim, so officially there are no Maldivian Christians, only expatriate Christians. The law prohibits conversion to other faiths, and those who do so face losing citizenship. There are no church buildings, and the few Maldivian Christians must hide their faith to avoid being discovered.

Pakistan. The notorious blasphemy laws continue to have devastating consequences for Christians. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable, and sexual assaults against underage Christian girls by Muslim men continue to be reported. A twin bomb attack on Anglican All Saints Church in Peshawar left 89 people dead. Iran, Since Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's warning of the ever,expanding influence of house churches, the treatment of Christians has rapidly worsened. The regime monitors church services, arrests converts, bans Farsi language services and has closed some churches. However, the church continues to grow. Yemen. There is some religious freedom for foreigners here, but evangelism is prohibited, and Yemenis who leave Islam may face the death penalty. Muslim,background believers are forced to meet in secret. Christians are believed to be under surveillance by extremists. World Watch List Challenge, 5 Afghanistan. Posted on February 10, 2014 by Emily in Countries, Stories. Afghanistan. "When Satan fell to earth, he fell in Kabul." This saying is sadly heard all too often in Afghanistan. Life in war,torn Afghanistan is hell on earth for many of its citizens. And for Christians, it's even worse… All Afghan Christians come from a Muslim background. If it becomes known that someone has converted to Christianity, he or she will face discrimination, hostility and severe persecution from their family, friends, community, local authorities and Muslim leaders. Due to this severe persecution, not a single official church remains in Afghanistan. Secret believers in Afghanistan are asking Christians worldwide to join them in prayer for their country. Here are their top five prayer requests: 1. The Christians in Afghanistan form a small church. Many are not part of a network of Christians. They feel isolated, and often do not know who to trust. Pray that the underground church is able to unite and to grow. 2. Christians are extremely vulnerable. Their families feel obliged to save the family honor by forcing them to reconvert. If that does not happen, Christians can be disowned, banished, abused, kidnapped or even killed. The authorities and extremist groups form another threat to the lives of Christians. 3. In 2014, the American troops will pull out of the country. There are many scenarios of what could happen. Extremists could seize power, or the government could work together with these extremist groups. Unless God intervenes, freedom of religion does not seem probable. 4. Thank God for the many Afghans who listen to Christian radio stations or download Christian materials from the internet. Some are genuine (but isolated) believers, others are disappointed in Islam and want to know more about Jesus Christ.

5. Every year, Christians lose their life for their faith. Often, these cases go unreported, but the pain and trauma of those who are left behind are immense. Pray that God heals the families of martyrs and makes them strong so they can endure in these difficult times.

*Names, photographs and other information have been changed for security purposes

Thoughts From Our Founder: 5 Essential Questions About The World Watch List

Posted on February 7, 2014 by Janelle in Stories

Brother Andrew. In 1955, a young man responded to God with obedience to help those being persecuted in the world. 60 years later, our founder Brother Andrew (85) still has that contagious yearning to be right alongside our brothers and sisters experiencing on,going persecution worldwide. Brother Andrew cannot help but be concerned about what is going on in the world. For the Open Doors Magazine, he shares his perspective of the new World Watch List.

What does the new World Watch List show you?

Persecution is not decreasing, but in 2/3 of the countries on the World Watch List, it is only increasing. In this respect, the World Watch List worries me, even though it is a good means of gaining ideas for prayer. Do you then pray for all the countries that are on the list?

I focus on the countries with which I am still closely involved: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Syria has joined these. I find it very worrying that a country like Syria, with a Christian background, is being destroyed like this. We must be present in these countries, as witnesses to Christ, in the same way that we must make the Word of God heard in all the places where we are in the world. In the Netherlands and Belgium, we can certainly do this by making the news of the list heard: these things are happening to our brothers and sisters around the world. Looking back on the year 2013, which event made the greatest impression on you? That I was able to pray with leaders of terrorist movements in the Middle East. They know full well that I do not agree with them, and still I am welcome there. I prayed for various leaders. They allowed this, and I can tell that they are seeking. I recall that I prayed with one and clearly mentioned the name of the Lord Jesus. When I said "Amen", he also confirmed the prayer with a sincere "Amen". Which development on the World Watch List worries you? That countries where previously there was previously no persecution are now suddenly shooting up. I am referring specifically to countries in Africa, such as the Central African Republic. This increase mainly has to do with the growing influence of Islam. No one will be able to do anything about this as long as we keep calling Muslims 'terrorists' and 'the enemy'. Anything you oppress and reject is actually going to grow. You see this happening with the persecuted Church, which is growing despite oppression, but you also see it happening with radical Islam. How can we bring about a change in this? We must bring about a change in our thinking. As long as we make out all radical Muslim groups to be terrorists and condemn people in advance, tension will continue to exist between Christianity and Islam. I have difficulty with putting groups into boxes. On a political level, it is so quickly decided who the enemy is and whom we must support. But who is it about? Everyone falls under the great commission in Matthew 28:19, 'Go and make disciples of all men, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that I have taught you.' I keep to this and feel called to sincerely to love people because God loves them. Even if you are treated discourteously, remember your own attitude: show yourself to be a Christian. Do what Jesus did. Being a man devoted to prayer and involvement, Brother Andrew sets the tone for Open Doors. He understands the importance of being one with those being persecuted worldwide, and the importance of loving their persecutors. Through his example, we can learn so much. Join us in prayer for not only our own eyes to be opened to the role we must individually play, but also for these brothers and sisters to stand strong amongst their intense circumstances. Check out our World Watch List to find out how you can be praying specifically for each nation. President Obama Talks About Persecuted Christians At The National Prayer Breakfast

Posted on February 6, 2014 by Joshua in News

20130207, prayer, breakfast, (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA in Washington D.C. sharing his thoughts on President Obama's remarks. Today, at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama spoke about the global persecution of Christians. "Yet even as our faith sustains us, it's also clear that around the world freedom of religion is under threat," said President Obama. The President went on to speak about countries such as North Korea, Iran, The Central African Republic and Nigeria (where nearly 300 churches were attacked last year). During his speech, he highlighted the peril of those enduring religious persecution. He specifically urged North Korea to release Christian missionary Kenneth Bae and for Iran to release Christian pastor Saeed Abedini. "I am encouraged by President Obama's support for persecuted Christians and other faith groups in such places as North Korea, Iran and other countries around the world," Curry says. "With the number of martyred Christians almost doubling last year from 1,201 to 2,123, according to Open Doors researchers, it is past due for a new focus in the State Department and our entire government to support the value of religious freedom worldwide and in our own country." Open Doors unveiled the 2014 World Watch List (which ranks the top 50 countries where Christians face the greatest persecution) in January at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Of the countries on the list, 66% saw an increase in persecution from the previous year. North Korea topped the list as the most difficult country in the world to be a Christian for the 12th consecutive year. The global persecution of Christians is increasing and cannot be ignored. Join with us in spreading the word about their plight and coming along side our brothers and sisters in prayer. You can sign up to receive more resources at http://www.worldwatchlist.us.

You Can Do Something For Christians In The Central African Republic

Posted on February 5, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories. Central African Republic

"The pastor of the first site told us that 4,000 people are packed into the church compound," says the Open Doors Field Director for West and Central Africa. He is in Bangui, capital of war,torn Central African Republic (CAR), to encourage believers, assess the needs of persecuted Christians and to meet with senior church leaders. "The numbers are swelling day by day. The French and African Union troops are limited in number, and the Seleka have not yet been disarmed. Although the ex,rebels know their time is up, they still cause trouble in various places. New families keep arriving in the camps, indicating that security remains a problem in many areas in town. For camp staff, major challenges include the provision of water, sanitation and food. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has provided some large shelters, and the Red Cross has dug some pit latrines and set up improvised washing areas."

As his report indicates, the situation in CAR is dire. Sometimes when we read reports like this, we feel hopeless, like there is nothing we can do to help our suffering brothers and sisters.

However, there is a way you can help Christians in CAR (and it will take less than a minute to do)!

Last week, several organizations started advocating for more troops on the ground in CAR. Join with us and these other organizations by sending tweets to Dlamini Zuma. Zuma is a South African politician, and is also the chairperson of the African Union Commission, the executive/administrative branch of the African Union.

Join with us and ask your colleagues, friends, family and others to tweet and raise their voice for the Central African Republic. Here is a tweet to get you started:

@_African Union Please approve UN Peacekeeping Operation to CARcrisis with at least 10,000 soldiers to prevent disaster DlaminiZuma ODCAR. Thank you for standing with persecuted Christians in CAR! World Watch List Challenge, 4 Iraq. Posted on February 3, 2014 by Emily in Countries, Stories. Iraq. The body of Salem Dawood Coca was found in his truck on the 8th of July, one month after he had been abducted. Salem was a 63 year old water truck driver known for his kindness. He left behind his wife and three children. Since his truck was rigged with explosives, the police believe that he was killed after he had refused to do a suicide bombing. A fieldworker says that this suicide bombing wasn't the only thing the kidnappers tried to force Salem into: "I believe that they also wanted to force him to convert to Islam and attack Christians, which this man very bravely refused. This man seems to have stood for his faith until the last moment."

The kidnappers had contacted Salem's family, saying that Salem was a 'Christian infidel,' but didn't demand a ransom. According to the same fieldworker, this shows that the kidnappers' intention was to intimidate and scare the Christians of Nineveh. Sadly, this isn't the first incident indicating this. "Muslim extremists often come from the outside with the clear goal of driving the Christians away," shares the field worker. "An example is the kidnapping and killing of the former Archbishop of this area, Paulos Faraj Rahho, that happened three years ago. Despite these incidents, Christians are unashamed to wear the cross in what Muslims feel should be an Islamic state.

*Names, photographs and other information have been changed for security purposes

Quotes of Hope: Iraqi Social Media Posts. Posted on January 29, 2014 by Janelle in Countries, Stories. While you may be the biggest fan or most outspoken against Facebook or Twitter, we are praising God today for His hand in using social media to bring people around the world to Himself. As you may recall from the revolution in Egypt a few years ago, social media is undoubtedly playing a key role in the organization and execution of social movements. In this unique blog post, our fieldworkers have gathered some posts for social media discussing persecution in Iraq, and the hope for the church within all of it. Young IDP (Internally Displaced Person): "That people have died because they rather die than deny their faith gives me hope: it shows me that Christianity is strong." Bishop Nicodemos of the Syrian Orthodox Church: "I have faith that one day all Christians that have fled will return to Iraq." IDP that has fled from place to place because of the violence: "In all these years I have been moving around, I never felt like my life was difficult, because God was with me all the time. When I was in need, he provided for me in miraculous ways. Like the time that I had to give birth to one of my children, and there were a lot of bombs outside. I had to bring myself to the hospital because there was no electricity, and the doctor asked me, "How is it humanly possible that you reached this hospital alive in your state of pregnancy?" I said, "God is always there." Sister from Erbil: "Yes, being a Christian is difficult in this country. When I was a child, I had to attend Islam classes because they taught Arabic at the same time, and if I would leave the class, the teacher wouldn't explain the Arabic to me. Still I have always felt strong and special as a Christian because I know I belong to God." Muslim background believer: "The presence of Christ gives me hope. I feel His presence even in places where people aren't good to me. Humans don't give hope, only Christ does." Brother from Erbil: "As a human I have no hope left. But because of Christ, I have hope." Brother from Baghdad: "Even if there is a bomb attack today, tomorrow we will go back to work, because we are convinced that Jesus cares for us. He will restore His Kingdom one day, this is my hope." Kurdish background believer: "Living as a Christian in a Muslim world isn't easy; I have to hide my Bible, but the contact with my fellow believers makes me strong." IDP who experienced violence from nearby: "I can't imagine living without my faith. Prayer helps me so much in this situation. I can overcome my problems when I pray. I feel God's power in me when I ask God to help me." Fieldworker: "I have hope because I see God is working in the hearts of Muslims in Iraq. Even if all the Christians from traditional churches leave Iraq, Christianity will stay, because God is building a church with Muslim background believers."

Priest of a small Christian village: "I have hope because God answered my prayers. I asked God to send me someone to help me to educate my congregation, and he sent you!"

Syrian Orthodox Clergyman: "Most of my family left the country, but I don't feel alone, because I see the church as my family." God, we ask You to open our eyes to strategic ways that we can use social media for Your glory. Teach us to depend on You for each moment, just as these brothers and sisters do. Help us to keep these believers always on our mind so that we can be praying continually for them, because we believe that prayer changes things. We praise you for who You are, and for the great mercy you have shown us. In Jesus' holy name, Amen.

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Questa NON è una testata giornalistica

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PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse http://a.msn.com/07/it-it/AAPTFNS?ocid=st Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.


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domande alle quali non aveva mai risposto nessuno: moneta, credito, usurocrazia e valore indotto.

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