33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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and this is not plausible
@patriae_amans @a_meluzzi] if @Pontifex really believed what he says about Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO Islamic invasion and spit on the desperation of 10 million Italians? he would be the antichrist himself! and this is not plausible!
@patriae_amans @a_meluzzi se @Pontifex_it credesse veramente a quello che dice circa Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO invasione islamica e sputasse sulla disperazione di 10milioni di italiani? lui sarebbe l'anticristo in persona! e questo non è plausibile!
=================== Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • a few seconds ago
[it is right that the ARAB LEAGUE can collect the profit worldWide and its shariah investment] Several People Injured in Shooting in Denmark - Police. [ è giusto che la LEGA ARABA possa riscuotere il profitto el suo investimento shariah ]
According to police, the assault took place in the area of Rungsted, not far from the city of Hørsholm.the investigation into the assault is considering different theories, including those of shariah gang-related violence. denmark-shooting-rungsted/
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • 6 minutes ago
@patriae_amans @a_meluzzi] if @Pontifex really believed what he says about Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO Islamic invasion and spit on the desperation of 10 million Italians? he would be the antichrist himself! and this is not plausible!
@patriae_amans @a_meluzzi se @Pontifex_it credesse veramente a quello che dice circa Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO invasione islamica e sputasse sulla disperazione di 10milioni di italiani? lui sarebbe l'anticristo in persona! e questo non è plausibile!
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • 29 minutes ago
criminal islamic Pakistani PM, Slams India about terrorists Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist camp?
all the ARAB LEAGUE supports their jihadist Galassiah because the vastness of its phenomenon cannot be explained by aliens!
tutta la LEGA ARABA supporta la Galassiah jihadista perché la vastità del suo fenomeno non si può spiegare con gli alieni!
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • 37 minutes ago
when the Vatican expresses itself against 1. Israel, 2. Russian-speaking donbass, 3. 10 million desperate Italians? then it is Riad Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg who are blackmailing him! @Pontifex_it @patriae_amans
quando il Vaticano si esprime contro 1. Israele, 2. russofoni donbass, 3. 10 milioni di disperati italiani? allora è Riad Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg che lo stanno a ricattare! @Pontifex_it @patriae_amans
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • an hour ago
they are only priests in the sacristy who are afraid of Erdogan e Rothschild! the Church is not a shady spa looking for money and profit! you lack strategic understanding! and the Vatican seems to be lacking strategy and foresight! and all this? it does not make sense!
sono soltanto dei preti in sacrestia che hanno paura! la Chiesa non è una losca SpA alla ricerca di denaro e profitto! tu manchi di comprensione strategica! e il Vaticano sembra mancare di strategia e lungimiranza! e tutto questo? non ha senso!
• a
[it is right that the ARAB LEAGUE can collect the profit worldWide and its shariah investment] Several People Injured in Shooting in Denmark - Police. [ è giusto che la LEGA ARABA possa riscuotere il profitto el suo investimento shariah ] https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israel-judaizes-palestinian-food-pa-reporter-claims/ According to police, the assault took place in the area of Rungsted, not far from the city of Hørsholm.the investigation into the assault is considering different theories, including those of shariah gang-related violence. denmark-shooting-rungsted/
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 7 minuti fa
@patriae_amans @a_meluzzi] if @Pontifex really believed what he says about Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO Islamic invasion and spit on the desperation of 10 million Italians? he would be the antichrist himself! and this is not plausible! @patriae_amans @a_meluzzi se @Pontifex_it credesse veramente a quello che dice circa Kalergi-Bilderberg FED BCE NWO invasione islamica e sputasse sulla disperazione di 10milioni di italiani? lui sarebbe l'anticristo in persona! e questo non è plausibile!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 30 minuti fa
criminal islamic Pakistani PM, Slams India about terrorists Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist camp? all the ARAB LEAGUE supports their jihadist Galassiah because the vastness of its phenomenon cannot be explained by aliens! tutta la LEGA ARABA supporta la Galassiah jihadista perché la vastità del suo fenomeno non si può spiegare con gli alieni! https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israel-judaizes-palestinian-food-pa-reporter-claims/
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 39 minuti fa
when the Vatican expresses itself against 1. Israel, 2. Russian-speaking donbass, 3. 10 million desperate Italians? then it is Riad Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg who are blackmailing him! @Pontifex_it @patriae_amans https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israel-judaizes-palestinian-food-pa-reporter-claims/ quando il Vaticano si esprime contro 1. Israele, 2. russofoni donbass, 3. 10 milioni di disperati italiani? allora è Riad Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg che lo stanno a ricattare! @Pontifex_it @patriae_amans
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 57 minuti fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201904061073884686-iran-iraq-us-troops-leave/ they are only priests in the sacristy who are afraid of Erdogan e Rothschild! the Church is not a shady spa looking for money and profit! you lack strategic understanding! and the Vatican seems to be lacking strategy and foresight! and all this? it does not make sense! https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israel-judaizes-palestinian-food-pa-reporter-claims/ sono soltanto dei preti in sacrestia che hanno paura! la Chiesa non è una losca SpA alla ricerca di denaro e profitto! tu manchi di comprensione strategica! e il Vaticano sembra mancare di strategia e lungimiranza! e tutto questo? non ha senso!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
breitbart.com/national-security/2017/03/08/italian-archbishop-suggests-pope-benedict-xvi-resigned-obama-pressures/ the FED transnational regime Bilderberg sharia FMI NWO UE? they raped the VATICAN! and he didn't enjoy us! if it doesn't play their game? they will wipe us out! perhaps Pope Francis' platearity is a ploy to make us understand his grotesque position! https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israel-judaizes-palestinian-food-pa-reporter-claims/ / il Regime trasnazionale FED Bilderberg sharia FMI NWO UE? lo hanno stuprato il VATICANO! e lui non ci ha goduto! se non fa il loro gioco? ci spazzeranno via! forse la platearità di Papa FRANCESCO è uno stratagemma per farci comprende la sua grottesca posizione!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Dutch Finance Minister #Brexit is advantageous only for Russia and China. the problem of the EU 666 UN FED FMI NWO high treason bank seigniorage it is that it is an alien parasite rothschild-bilderberg owned! Russia will not be friendly (with Christian martyrs all over the world) the Russia of the Islamic communist antichrist it will never be a Jewish Christian humanistic civilization, but, the technocrats of Brussels are sodomitic antichrists beasts Junker rothschild much more dangerous and they are the real enemies for us more than anyone else in the world! they want to destroy the Italian people in particular because we were the ones who invented humanism becoming the true heirs of Zionism! that's why the Democratic Party must be criminalized! these parasites of the public administration comfortably salaried do not have at heart the fate of the proletariat and of the companies Italian agricultural and artisan Ministro delle Finanze olandese la #Brexit è vantaggiosa solo per la Russia e la Cina. il problema della UE 666 ONU FED FMI NWO alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario è che essa è un alieno parassita di proprietà rothschild-bilderberg! la Russia non sarà amichevole (con i martiri cristiani in tutto il mondo) la Russia dell'anticristo comunista islamico non sarà mai una civiltà umanistica giudeo cristiana, ma, i tecnocrati di Bruxelles sono anticristi sodomitici bestie Junker rothschild assai più pericolosi e sono loro i veri nemici per noi più di chiunque altro al mondo! vogliono distruggere il popolo italiano in particolare perché siamo stati noi che abbiamo inventato l'umanesimo divenendo i veri eredi del sionismo! ecco perché il Partito Democratico deve essere criminalizzato! questi parassiti della pubblica amministrazione comodamente stipendiati non hanno a cuore la sorte del proletariato e delle aziende agricole e artigianali italiane
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
se il Papa ora venisse con i sovranisti? sarebbe un errore strategico enorme! il NWO shariah? è troppo forte fed 666 ancora! il @Pontifex_it non può mettere la civiltà ebraico cristiana contro il NWO BCE in questo momento!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
se il Papa ora venisse con i sovranisti? sarebbe un errore strategico enorme! il NWO shariah? è troppo forte ancora!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ a friend of mine from South Africa told me he Obama friends expects the clamor of the world war, to be able to realize the genocide of all the whites to white it was forbidden also the possession of weapons because they must not be able to defend yourself! me lo ha detto un amico del Sud Africa si aspetta il clamore della guerra mondiale per poter realizzare il genocidio di tutti i bianchi a cui è stato proibito anche il posseso di armi perché non si devono poter difendere!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ Pope Francis is too hateful cynical and criminal against 10 million poor desperate Italians against Christianity to be he credible! Bilderberg Merkel Satana Allah FED FMI NWO and ARAB LEAGUE? they blackmail him! Papa Francesco è troppo odioso cinico e criminale contro 10 milioni di poveri italiani disperati contro il cristianesimo per essere credibile! Bilderberg FED FMI NWO e LEGA ARABA? lo ricattano!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ we all know that we are undergoing an ethnic substitution in Italy destruction of Christian civilization Satan Allah Soros Kalergi Rothschild Juncker Erdogan sharia FED FMI BM NWO! but, what if the #PapaFrancisco came from our side? it would be the catastrophe! @IlPrimatoN @patriae_amans sappiamo tutti di subire in Italia una sostituzione etnica distruzione civiltà cristiana Satana Allah Soros Kalergi Rothschild Juncker Erdogan shariah FED FMI BM NWO! ma, e se il #PapaFrancisco venisse dalla nostra parte? sarebbe la catastrofe! @IlPrimatoN @patriae_amans
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ non bisogna mai lasciarci coinvolgere in guerre tra islamici tutti meritano di essere bruciati dal fuoco atomico dell'ira di dio #Putin #Cina #UE @patriae_amans we must never get involved in wars between Muslims everyone deserves to be burned by the atomic fire of God's wrath
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
@patriae_amans Democrats are inherently incapable of telling the truth. The Democratic Party isn't living the lie, they are the lie. I democratici sono intrinsecamente incapaci di dire la verità. Il partito democratico non vive la menzogna, sono la menzogna.
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ Libia, Gna ripreso il controllo dell'aeroporto di Tripoli Libya, Gna control of Tripoli airport resumed Macron's immense greed and wickedness? it cannot be compared to the satanism of Sharia Erdogan jihad and Islam! la immensa avidità e malvagità di Macron? non può essere messa in paragone al satanismo di sharia Erdogan jihad e Islam!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ #South SATANA #Africa ] there is a common interest in all satans (Freemasons Pharisees Rothschild Communists and Muslims) of this planet, of wanting to block the Kingdom of God in Israel! so we understand why even the Christians (black or white) must suffer the genocide in South Africa all burned with the wire and the tires! In supporting boia #Maduro? #South #Africa (Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy) finds itself in the company of Russia Putin BOIA, China, Iran, boia #Erdogan #Turkey and all those other notorious human-rights abusers who scream about national sovereignty whenever their offenses are called out. c'é un interesse comune in tutti i satana (massoni Farisei Rothschild Comunisti e islamici) di questo pianeta, di voler bloccare il Regno di Dio in Israele! quindi si comprende perché anche i cristiani (neri o bianchi) loro devono subire il genocidio in Sud Africa tutti bruciati con il filo di ferro e le gomme!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Jews in South Africa One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Inimicizia verso Israele un pilastro di politica estera https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/#.XKjafxxDzzY.twitter
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Jews in South Africa One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/#.XKjaYaA6iu0.twitter
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ UN OCI Riad Iran EU Russia China India USA] did you not want to listen to me? then you have to listen to the bombs! ONU OCI Riad Iran UE Russia Cina India USA ] non avete voluto ascoltare me? allora dovete ascoltare le bombe!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ #unitedwithisrael tu sei testardo! ma se lo sanno tutti che sono io il M e s s i a e C r i s t o degli ebrei adesso ,tu puoi rimuovere questi filtri?
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia God is using your partnership to transform the lives of many female Believers from a Muslim Background (BMBs) in Indonesia, where a repressive, patriarchal... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> WWL Top 10 Muslim Countries World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries In many of the top 10 Muslim countries on the Open Doors World Watch List – such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iran and Maldives – Christians have to keep their faith... CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan In Matthew 5:44, C h r i s t commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? So from 5 May to 4 June, we invite you to join us in praying not only for Christians who face persecution... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? Last year, Charl (16) felt led by the Lord to run on behalf of the persecuted Church as an Open Doors Biblegiver athlete... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> Prayer Force Alert March 2019 “I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44 (NIV) that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> From Jan's Perspective Dear Friend of the persecuted Church, What is prayer? Is it just a way of communicating with God, or is there more to it? Theologian Karl Barth once said, “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against... © 2019 Open Doors Southern Africa. Also in this issue that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries Let’s live our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan Running the race for C h r i s t Open Doors Frontline Faith You’re standing with the poor and needy in India Raju* and Seema*, a couple from India, had been homeless for three years. Regarded as useless, they were rejected by society and forced to live on the streets and beg... You have already made this comment.
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 3 ore fa
Also in this issue that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan Running the race for Christ Open Doors Frontline Faith You’re standing with the poor and needy in India Raju* and Seema*, a couple from India, had been homeless for three years. Regarded as useless, they were rejected by society and forced to live on the streets and beg... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia God is using your partnership to transform the lives of many female Believers from a Muslim Background (BMBs) in Indonesia, where a repressive, patriarchal... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> WWL Top 10 Muslim Countries World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries In many of the top 10 Muslim countries on the Open Doors World Watch List – such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iran and Maldives – Christians have to keep their faith... CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan In Matthew 5:44, Christ commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? So from 5 May to 4 June, we invite you to join us in praying not only for Christians who face persecution... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? Last year, Charl (16) felt led by the Lord to run on behalf of the persecuted Church as an Open Doors Biblegiver athlete... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> Prayer Force Alert March 2019 “I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44 (NIV) that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> From Jan's Perspective Dear Friend of the persecuted Church, What is prayer? Is it just a way of communicating with God, or is there more to it? Theologian Karl Barth once said, “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against... © 2019 Open Doors Southern Africa.
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] is clear the only hope of executioner Erdogan and jihad assassins of the ARAB LEAGUE (before that, the scandal of the genocide Umma shariah law came out ) can see how Russian Christians can commit suicide together with Christians USA and EU! ========== https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] è chiaro l'unica speranza di boia Erdogan e jihad assassini della LEGA ARABA (prima che possa scoppiare lo scandalo del genocidio Umma shariah law) è vedere come i cristiani russi si possono suicidare insieme ai cristiani USA e UE!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 3 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ but how are you not ashamed of yourself? how are you afraid of democratic elections? how can you pass on the desperation of a people in such a cynical way? PTV News - 5.04.19 - Syria-Venezuela the same attack resilience /watch?V=-de2KJtdNrw at 0:44 he says that Juan Gerardo Antonio Guaidó Márquez "promoted violence and death in the streets" 1:40 "the Russian Russian armed forces will remain on the Venezuelan soil as long as they are needed!" ma come tu non ti vergogni di te stesso? come tu hai paura delle elezioni democratiche? come tu puoi passare sulla disperazione di un popolo in maniera così cinica? PTV News - 5.04.19 - Siria-Venezuela al medesimo attacco la stessa resilienza /watch?v=-de2KJtdNrw a 0:44 dice che Juan Gerardo Antonio Guaidó Márquez "ha promosso violenza e morte nelle strade" 1:40 "le forze armate russe russe rimarranno sul suolo Venezuelano fin che ce ne saranno bisogno!"
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 4 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] sputniknews has gone mad! 3 days ago he said that it's all the fault of Guaidò's weapons if there were all those thousands of deaths! and that you are ready for the war against the USA in Venezuela!
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • an hour ago
breitbart com/national-security/2017/03/08/italian-archbishop-suggests-pope-benedict-xvi-resigned-obama-pressures/ the FED transnational regime Bilderberg sharia FMI NWO UE? they raped the VATICAN! and he didn't enjoy us! if it doesn't play their game? they will wipe us out! perhaps Pope Francis' platearity is a ploy to make us understand his grotesque position!
/ il Regime trasnazionale FED Bilderberg sharia FMI NWO UE? lo hanno stuprato il VATICANO! e lui non ci ha goduto! se non fa il loro gioco? ci spazzeranno via! forse la platearità di Papa FRANCESCO è uno stratagemma per farci comprende la sua grottesca posizione!
According to police, the assault took place in the area of Rungsted, not far from the city of Hørsholm.the investigation into the assault is considering different theories, including those of shariah gang-related violence. denmark-shooting-rungsted/
South horror Africa genocidio NERO
By Ben Cohen, JNS
“Not as much as we had hoped, but we have advanced nonetheless!” With these words, the “Palestine Solidarity Forum” of South Africa last week greeted the news that the University of Cape Town’s (UCT) top decision-making body had voted, for the moment at least, against an academic boycott of Israel.
South Africa’s Jewish community, battling an environment where the most extreme anti-Zionist tropes have become normalized, understandably welcomed this development. But was it really a setback for the anti-Israel BDS movement in a country whose leaders and influencers normally sing its tune?
The proposal to boycott Israeli academic institutions was not rejected for political or moral reasons. Asked to confirm the March 15 vote of UCT’s Senate in favor of a boycott, the university’s council instead sent the resolution back to the Senate with a request for more “clarification.”
Negare ai tuoi compatrioti più poveri opportunità economiche ed educative è un atto benedetto quando viene presentato come parte della guerra contro il "sionismo".
Di Ben Cohen, JNS
"Non tanto quanto speravamo, ma siamo comunque avanzati!" Con queste parole, il "Palestine Solidarity Forum" del Sud Africa la scorsa settimana ha salutato la notizia che il principale organo decisionale dell'università di Cape Town (UCT) aveva votato , almeno per il momento, contro il boicottaggio accademico di Israele.
La comunità ebraica sudafricana, combattendo in un ambiente in cui i tropi anti-sionisti più estremi si sono normalizzati, ha accolto favorevolmente questo sviluppo. Ma è stata davvero una battuta d'arresto per il movimento anti-Israele BDS in un paese i cui leader e influencer normalmente cantano la sua melodia?
La proposta di boicottare le istituzioni accademiche israeliane non è stata respinta per ragioni politiche o morali. Alla richiesta di confermare il voto del 15 marzo del Senato dell'UCT in favore di un boicottaggio, il consiglio dell'università ha invece rimandato la risoluzione al Senato con una richiesta di ulteriori "chiarimenti".
But just in case that due diligence should be misconstrued as sympathy for the “Zionists,” the council also made sure to pass a resolution that eviscerated Israel’s “atrocities in the occupied Palestinian territories.” Commented the Palestine Solidarity Forum “Zionism at UCT is weaker now because of this resolution. That, in itself, is worthy of celebration.”
As sinister-sounding as this statement is, with its accent of menace around the word “Zionism,” it’s also a reasonable summation of the status of Israel (and to a great extent, “Zionism” and the Jewish community as well) in South Africa these days.
Those readers who wonder what British government policy towards Israel would look like a year or two into a government led by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn would do well to consider the South African example—because in that country, individuals who share Corbyn’s unflinching anti-Zionist views, with its attendant contempt for the local Jewish community, are running universities, government departments, powerful labor unions and politically connected NGOs.
Whereas in the United States, the BDS movement’s incitement is largely confined to the university campus—and it is politically and legally frozen out of federal and state level decision-making—in South Africa the reverse is true. There, the influence of the BDS movement on university campuses is actually a reflection of government policy.
Two weeks ago, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa regrettably confirmed that his country would be downgrading diplomatic relations with Israel. The initial decision to downgrade was made at a December 2017 conference of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), which voted to reduce the South African Embassy in Tel Aviv to a liaison office, so as to “give our practical expression of support to the oppressed people of Palestine.” Senior representatives of Hamas were on hand to witness the moment.
Ma nel caso in cui la dovuta diligenza dovesse essere fraintesa come simpatia per i "sionisti", il consiglio si assicurò anche di approvare una risoluzione che sviscerò le "atrocità di Israele nei territori palestinesi occupati". Commentò il Forum di Solidarietà della Palestina "Il sionismo all'UCT è più debole ora a causa di questa risoluzione. Questo, di per sé, è degno di festa ".
Dal tono sinistro che questa affermazione è, con il suo accento di minaccia attorno alla parola "sionismo", è anche una ragionevole somma dello status di Israele (e in larga misura, "sionismo" e anche la comunità ebraica) in Sud Africa in questi giorni.
Quei lettori che si chiedono quale politica del governo britannico nei confronti di Israele sembrerebbe un anno o due in un governo guidato dal leader del Partito Laburista Jeremy Corbyn farebbero bene a considerare l'esempio sudafricano - perché in quel paese, individui che condividono l'antisionista irriducibile di Corbyn le opinioni, con il relativo disprezzo per la comunità ebraica locale, gestiscono università, dipartimenti governativi, potenti sindacati e ONG politicamente connesse.
Mentre negli Stati Uniti, l'incitamento del movimento BDS è in gran parte limitato al campus universitario - ed è politicamente e giuridicamente congelato dal processo decisionale federale e statale - in Sud Africa è vero il contrario. Lì, l'influenza del movimento BDS nei campus universitari è in realtà un riflesso della politica del governo.
Due settimane fa, il presidente sudafricano Cyril Ramaphosa ha purtroppo confermato che il suo paese starebbe declassando le relazioni diplomatiche con Israele. La decisione iniziale di effettuare il downgrade è stata presa in occasione di una conferenza di dicembre del African National Congress (ANC), che ha votato per ridurre l'ambasciata del Sudafrica a Tel Aviv in un ufficio di collegamento, in modo da "dare la nostra espressione concreta di supporto al popolo oppresso della Palestina ". Rappresentanti di alto livello di Hamas erano presenti per testimoniare il momento.
If this is the atmosphere within South Africa’s government, the prospect of one of the country’s university’s boycotting Israel seems like a comparatively minor problem, even if, with UCT, we are talking about one of the flagship higher-education institutions on the African continent. The underlying question is why, exactly, South Africa has adopted this seemingly implacable hostility towards Israel, and whether it can be sustained.
The conventional (and largely correct) answer as to why goes back to the struggle in the late 20th century against apartheid—the legal system of racial segregation through which South Africa’s small white minority denied that nation’s vast black majority their most basic human and civil rights. Like most of the regional struggles of that era, the ANC’s battle against apartheid was incorporated into the wider Cold War in Africa, with the Soviet Union presenting itself as the most stalwart friend of the anti-apartheid cause. With the USSR came its allies, especially the Palestine Liberation Organization; by the 1970s, the supposed correspondence between “apartheid” and “Zionism”—a common ideology of racism and a common strategy of colonialism—was firmly established in the PLO’s propaganda arsenal.
Se questa è l'atmosfera all'interno del governo sudafricano, la prospettiva di boicottare l'università di uno dei paesi del paese sembra un problema relativamente minore, anche se, con l'UCT, stiamo parlando di una delle principali istituzioni di istruzione superiore nel continente africano. La domanda di fondo è perché, esattamente, il Sudafrica ha adottato questa ostilità apparentemente implacabile nei confronti di Israele, e se può essere sostenuta.
La risposta convenzionale (e in gran parte corretta) sul perché risale alla fine del 20 ° secolo contro l'apartheid - il sistema legale di segregazione razziale attraverso il quale la piccola minoranza bianca del Sud Africa negava a quella vasta maggioranza nera della nazione i suoi più elementari diritti umani e civili . Come la maggior parte delle lotte regionali di quell'epoca, la battaglia dell'ANC contro l'apartheid fu incorporata nella più ampia guerra fredda in Africa, con l'Unione Sovietica che si presentava come il più fedele amico della causa anti-apartheid. Con l'URSS arrivarono i suoi alleati, specialmente l'Organizzazione per la Liberazione della Palestina; negli anni '70, la presunta corrispondenza tra "apartheid" e "sionismo" - una comune ideologia del razzismo e una strategia comune del colonialismo - era saldamente radicata nell'arsenale di propaganda dell'OLP.
Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy
Yet it isn’t nostalgia alone that propels current South African loathing of Israel. Enmity towards the Jewish state is a pillar of the country’s foreign policy, but it isn’t the only one. Others include an unwavering solidarity with dictators. South Africa was famously an enabler of the totalitarian nightmare imposed by Robert Mugabe on neighboring Zimbabwe; that principle has survived in the ANC government’s vocal backing for the illegitimate regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. In supporting Maduro, South Africa finds itself in the company of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey and all those other notorious human-rights abusers who scream about national sovereignty whenever their offenses are called out.
Yet another foreign-policy pillar includes the pursuit of ideological goals that clearly run counter to the national interest. If Jewish politicians or communal leaders were doing this sort of thing, they’d be accused of “dual loyalty,” but in South Africa’s progressive circles, denying your poorer compatriots economic and educational opportunities is a blessed act when it is presented as part of the war against “Zionism.” Hence the corporate fight over the last two months over the proposed takeover of Clover—South Africa’s biggest dairy company—by an Israeli-led consortium.
Were the bid to receive approval, thousands of jobs would be created in South Africa—where a full 28 percent of the workforce is unemployed— as well as in neighboring countries that are part of Clover’s regional distribution network. But that is less important to South Africa’s BDS lobby than an ideological victory over “Zionism,” and so the talks, and thus the jobs, are on hold.
Jews in South Africa One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/#.XKjaYaA6iu0.twitter
Inimicizia verso Israele un pilastro di politica estera
Eppure non è solo la nostalgia a spingere l'odio sudafricano verso Israele. L'inimicizia verso lo stato ebraico è un pilastro della politica estera del Paese, ma non è l'unico. Altri includono una incrollabile solidarietà con i dittatori. Il Sud Africa era notoriamente un attivatore dell'incubo totalitario imposto da Robert Mugabe sul vicino Zimbabwe; quel principio è sopravvissuto nel sostegno vocale del governo dell'ANC per il regime illegittimo di Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela. Nel sostenere Maduro, il Sudafrica si trova in compagnia della Russia, della Cina, dell'Iran, della Turchia e di tutti quegli altri famigerati tossicodipendenti dei diritti umani che gridano sulla sovranità nazionale ogni volta che vengono denunciati i loro reati.
Un altro pilastro della politica estera comprende il perseguimento di obiettivi ideologici che contrastano chiaramente con l'interesse nazionale. Se i politici ebrei oi leader comunisti stavano facendo questo genere di cose, sarebbero accusati di "doppia lealtà", ma negli ambienti progressisti del Sud Africa, negando ai tuoi compatrioti più poveri opportunità economiche ed educative è un atto benedetto quando viene presentato come parte di la guerra contro il "sionismo". Da qui la battaglia corporativa negli ultimi due mesi rispetto alla proposta di acquisizione della maggiore azienda lattiero-casearia di Clover-Sud Africa, da parte di un consorzio guidato da Israele.
Se l'offerta fosse stata approvata, in Sud Africa sarebbero stati creati migliaia di posti di lavoro, dove il 28 per cento della forza lavoro è disoccupato, così come nei paesi limitrofi che fanno parte della rete di distribuzione regionale di Clover. Ma questo è meno importante per la lobby BDS del Sudafrica di una vittoria ideologica sul "sionismo", e così i colloqui, e quindi i posti di lavoro, sono sospesi.
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/
Libia, Gna ripreso il controllo dell'aeroporto di Tripoli
Libya, Gna control of Tripoli airport resumed
Macron's immense greed and wickedness? it cannot be compared to the satanism of Sharia Erdogan jihad and Islam!
la immensa avidità e malvagità di Macron? non può essere messa in paragone al satanismo di sharia Erdogan jihad e Islam!
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ Pope Francis is too hateful cynical and criminal against 10 million poor desperate Italians against Christianity to be he credible! Bilderberg Merkel Satana Allah FED FMI NWO and ARAB LEAGUE? they blackmail him! Papa Francesco è troppo odioso cinico e criminale contro 10 milioni di poveri italiani disperati contro il cristianesimo per essere credibile! Bilderberg FED FMI NWO e LEGA ARABA? lo ricattano!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ we all know that we are undergoing an ethnic substitution in Italy destruction of Christian civilization Satan Allah Soros Kalergi Rothschild Juncker Erdogan sharia FED FMI BM NWO! but, what if the #PapaFrancisco came from our side? it would be the catastrophe! @IlPrimatoN @patriae_amans sappiamo tutti di subire in Italia una sostituzione etnica distruzione civiltà cristiana Satana Allah Soros Kalergi Rothschild Juncker Erdogan shariah FED FMI BM NWO! ma, e se il #PapaFrancisco venisse dalla nostra parte? sarebbe la catastrofe! @IlPrimatoN @patriae_amans
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ notorious Holocaust-deniers?too many were the Italian Jews who were deported by Nazis and fascists! and too few are those who have turned back! troppi sono stati gli ebrei italiani che sono stati deportati da nazisti e fascisti! e troppo troppo pochi sono quelli che sono tornati indietro!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 21 minuti fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ non bisogna mai lasciarci coinvolgere in guerre tra islamici tutti meritano di essere bruciati dal fuoco atomico dell'ira di dio #Putin #Cina #UE @patriae_amans we must never get involved in wars between Muslims everyone deserves to be burned by the atomic fire of God's wrath
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 28 minuti fa
@patriae_amans Democrats are inherently incapable of telling the truth. The Democratic Party isn't living the lie, they are the lie. I democratici sono intrinsecamente incapaci di dire la verità. Il partito democratico non vive la menzogna, sono la menzogna.
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 30 minuti fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/british-documentary-rehashes-holocaust-deniers-claims/ Libia, Gna ripreso il controllo dell'aeroporto di Tripoli Libya, Gna control of Tripoli airport resumed Macron's immense greed and wickedness? it cannot be compared to the satanism of Sharia Erdogan jihad and Islam! la immensa avidità e malvagità di Macron? non può essere messa in paragone al satanismo di sharia Erdogan jihad e Islam!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 57 minuti fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ #South SATANA #Africa ] there is a common interest in all satans (Freemasons Pharisees Rothschild Communists and Muslims) of this planet, of wanting to block the Kingdom of God in Israel! so we understand why even the Christians (black or white) must suffer the genocide in South Africa all burned with the wire and the tires! In supporting boia #Maduro? #South #Africa (Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy) finds itself in the company of Russia Putin BOIA, China, Iran, boia #Erdogan #Turkey and all those other notorious human-rights abusers who scream about national sovereignty whenever their offenses are called out. c'é un interesse comune in tutti i satana (massoni Farisei Rothschild Comunisti e islamici) di questo pianeta, di voler bloccare il Regno di Dio in Israele! quindi si comprende perché anche i cristiani (neri o bianchi) loro devono subire il genocidio in Sud Africa tutti bruciati con il filo di ferro e le gomme!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Jews in South Africa One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Inimicizia verso Israele un pilastro di politica estera https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/#.XKjafxxDzzY.twitter
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Jews in South Africa One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Enmity Towards Israel a Pillar of Foreign Policy https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/#.XKjaYaA6iu0.twitter
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ UN OCI Riad Iran EU Russia China India USA] did you not want to listen to me? then you have to listen to the bombs! ONU OCI Riad Iran UE Russia Cina India USA ] non avete voluto ascoltare me? allora dovete ascoltare le bombe!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ #unitedwithisrael tu sei testardo! ma se lo sanno tutti che sono io il M e s s i a e C r i s t o degli ebrei adesso ,tu puoi rimuovere questi filtri?
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia God is using your partnership to transform the lives of many female Believers from a Muslim Background (BMBs) in Indonesia, where a repressive, patriarchal... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> WWL Top 10 Muslim Countries World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries In many of the top 10 Muslim countries on the Open Doors World Watch List – such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iran and Maldives – Christians have to keep their faith... CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan In Matthew 5:44, C h r i s t commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? So from 5 May to 4 June, we invite you to join us in praying not only for Christians who face persecution... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? Last year, Charl (16) felt led by the Lord to run on behalf of the persecuted Church as an Open Doors Biblegiver athlete... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> Prayer Force Alert March 2019 “I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44 (NIV) that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> From Jan's Perspective Dear Friend of the persecuted Church, What is prayer? Is it just a way of communicating with God, or is there more to it? Theologian Karl Barth once said, “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against... © 2019 Open Doors Southern Africa. Also in this issue that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries Let’s live our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan Running the race for C h r i s t Open Doors Frontline Faith You’re standing with the poor and needy in India Raju* and Seema*, a couple from India, had been homeless for three years. Regarded as useless, they were rejected by society and forced to live on the streets and beg... You have already made this comment.
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 1 ora fa
Also in this issue that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan Running the race for Christ Open Doors Frontline Faith You’re standing with the poor and needy in India Raju* and Seema*, a couple from India, had been homeless for three years. Regarded as useless, they were rejected by society and forced to live on the streets and beg... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> You’re raising up strong Christian women in Indonesia God is using your partnership to transform the lives of many female Believers from a Muslim Background (BMBs) in Indonesia, where a repressive, patriarchal... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> WWL Top 10 Muslim Countries World Watch Update Top 10 Muslim Countries In many of the top 10 Muslim countries on the Open Doors World Watch List – such as Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iran and Maldives – Christians have to keep their faith... CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> Let’s love our Muslim neighbours this Ramadan In Matthew 5:44, Christ commands us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? So from 5 May to 4 June, we invite you to join us in praying not only for Christians who face persecution... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? Last year, Charl (16) felt led by the Lord to run on behalf of the persecuted Church as an Open Doors Biblegiver athlete... CLICK TO CONTINUE >> Prayer Force Alert March 2019 “I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44 (NIV) that genocide of Christians with loving sharia Muslim neighbors in this Ramadan? CLICK TO DOWNLOAD >> From Jan's Perspective Dear Friend of the persecuted Church, What is prayer? Is it just a way of communicating with God, or is there more to it? Theologian Karl Barth once said, “To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against... © 2019 Open Doors Southern Africa.
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] is clear the only hope of executioner Erdogan and jihad assassins of the ARAB LEAGUE (before that, the scandal of the genocide Umma shariah law came out ) can see how Russian Christians can commit suicide together with Christians USA and EU! ========== https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] è chiaro l'unica speranza di boia Erdogan e jihad assassini della LEGA ARABA (prima che possa scoppiare lo scandalo del genocidio Umma shariah law) è vedere come i cristiani russi si possono suicidare insieme ai cristiani USA e UE!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ but how are you not ashamed of yourself? how are you afraid of democratic elections? how can you pass on the desperation of a people in such a cynical way? PTV News - 5.04.19 - Syria-Venezuela the same attack resilience /watch?V=-de2KJtdNrw at 0:44 he says that Juan Gerardo Antonio Guaidó Márquez "promoted violence and death in the streets" 1:40 "the Russian Russian armed forces will remain on the Venezuelan soil as long as they are needed!" ma come tu non ti vergogni di te stesso? come tu hai paura delle elezioni democratiche? come tu puoi passare sulla disperazione di un popolo in maniera così cinica? PTV News - 5.04.19 - Siria-Venezuela al medesimo attacco la stessa resilienza /watch?v=-de2KJtdNrw a 0:44 dice che Juan Gerardo Antonio Guaidó Márquez "ha promosso violenza e morte nelle strade" 1:40 "le forze armate russe russe rimarranno sul suolo Venezuelano fin che ce ne saranno bisogno!"
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] sputniknews has gone mad! 3 days ago he said that it's all the fault of Guaidò's weapons if there were all those thousands of deaths! and that you are ready for the war against the USA in Venezuela! sputniknews è impazzito! 3 giorni fa ha detto che è tutta colpa delle armi di Guaidò se ci sono state tutte quelle migliaia di morti! e che tu sei pronto alla guerra contro gli USA in Venezuela!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 1 ora fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin Владимир Владимирович Путин] I have been following sputniknews for 13 years and the current ideological bias is unacceptable! this is a sensational loss of credibility! for this have you caused me to be blocked by your Bolsheviks? https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ io seguo sputniknews da 13anni e la attuale faziosità ideologica è inaccettabile! questa è una clamorosa perdita di credibilità! per questo tu mi hai fatto bloccare dai tuoi bolscevichi?
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ becuose Soros Juncker Merkel #Pd #Bilderberg? in Italy there are 100,000 Nigerian Mafia, voodoo drug drug dealing prostitution rapes cannibalism murders thanks to law enforcement for arrests in Palermo, etc., FdI the only political force to report a phenomenon. Thanks to our law enforcement officers for arresting 13 Nigerians who, in Palermo, started a real criminal organization with rules and hierarchies similar to those of the Sicilian mafia. Fratelli d'Italia is the only political force that, for some time, has denounced the proliferation of this phenomenon throughout the national territory. Will this operation open the eyes of antimafia gurus and indiscriminate reception? https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ in Italia ci sono 100.000 Mafia nigeriana, voodoo droga spaccio prostituzione stupri omicidi cannibalismo grazie a forze dell’ordine per arresti a Palermo, ecc.., FdI unica forza politica a denunciare fenomeno. Grazie alle nostre forze dell'ordine per aver arrestato 13 nigeriani che, a Palermo, hanno dato vita ad una vera e propria organizzazione criminale con regole e gerarchie simili a quella della mafia siciliana. Fratelli d'Italia è l'unica forza politica che, da tempo, denuncia il proliferare di questo fenomeno su tutto il territorio nazionale. Questa operazione farà aprire gli occhi ai guru dell'antimafia e dell'accoglienza indiscriminata?
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Bush Salman Riad 666 satan Allah, Trump and Netanjahu! if, I am kingdom slow to come? kill Iran! se io tardo a venire? uccidete Iran!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
So much history for my Kingdom ISRAEL now today e for tomorrow. https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Deuteronomio 33 27 (a) "L'Eterno Dio è il tuo rifugio e al di sotto ci sono le Braccia Eterne !!" Deuteronomy 33 27 (a) "The Eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the Everlasting Arms !!"
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. [ 7 tentativi di pubblicazione falliti ] Bin SALMAN ] [ ecco cosa significa quando gli ebrei e mussulmani hanno fatto troppi "pomodori e melanzane"! ] e poiché loro non hanno avuto la effusione dello Spirito Santo? poi, rimangono sempre prigionieri del loro passato! https://unitedwithisrael.org/jews-in-south-africa-one-step-forward-two-steps-back/ Teen Vogue's new video states "The idea that the b o d y is man or woman is completely wrong" ] the woman is "similar" with "equal dignity" [ but she is genetically different because God hates the #masturbationAUTOeroticism and threw the allpeople of sodom into hell! Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. oooohhh!!! oooohhh!!! oooohhh!!! Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. oooohhh!!!
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 2 ore fa
Bin SALMAN ] [ ecco cosa significa quando gli ebrei e mussulmani hanno fatto troppi "pomodori e melanzane"! ] e poiché loro non hanno avuto la effusione dello Spirito Santo? poi, rimangono sempre prigionieri del loro passato p e c c a m i n o s o! Teen Vogue's new video states "The idea that the b o d y is male or female is completely wrong" ] the woman is "similar" with "equal dignity" [ but she is genetically different because God hates the m_ a- s- t- u_ r -b a t i o n ie the h-o-m-o_ - e r- o t- i c- i s- m and threw the all people of sodom into hell! nuovo video di Teen Vogue afferma “L’idea che il c-o-r-p-o è maschile o femminile e` completamente sbagliata” ] la donna è "simile" con "pari dignità" [ ma è geneticamente diversa perché Dio odia la m- a_ s t -u r -b a z- i o n- e e lo o- m- o- e r o t i s m o e ha gettato i sodoma all'inferno! Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. oooohhh!!! oooohhh!!! oooohhh!!! Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. oooohhh!!!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 4 ore fa
UniusREI 🕎 Governor brotherhoo • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ you are all witnesses the SODOMITES provoke me! but what do they say? if I don't know how to guard not even passwords! Hello, your account showed automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules voi siete tutti testimoni i SODOMITI mi provocano! ma, cosa dicono? se io non so custodire neanche le password! Ciao, il tuo account ha mostrato un comportamento automatizzato che viola le Regole di Twitter support twitter com/articles/18311 Case# 0110262882 Appealing an account suspension - @UniusREI1 [ref 00DA0000000K0A8.5004A00001eaaPK ref]
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI 4 ore fa
UniusREI 🕎 Governor brotherhoo • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ Iran Erdogan Putun ] shalom + salam = my kingdom Israel or WW3
lorenzojhwh Unius KING the LEVIATHAN 6 ore fa
Netanjahu Salam RIAD ] Your account (@UniusREI1) is currently suspended. becouse master NetWork satellite TV Nichi Vendola 666 LGBT #Pd #sessoFLUIDO Gender Darwin ape maya crazy? [ if these jeklying; hired uterus do you show Sodom FED FMI BCE NWO Bilderberg Macron Merkel Trudeau May Juncker Mogherini if they lived at the time of Abraham (92years old) and Sara (86years old)? certainly Isaac would have been stolen from their! https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ se questi ribusciati; utero in affitto mostri Sodoma FED FMI BCE NWO Bilderberg Macron Merkel Trudeau May Juncker Mogherini se loro vivevano al tempo di Abramo (92anni vecchio) e Sara (86anni vecchio)? certo gli avrebbero rubato Isacco!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 6 ore fa
Your account (@UniusREI1) is currently suspended. why Nichi Vendola 666 LGBT? he became a mother at the age of 57. while to a mother to whom God holy JHWH gave him a daughter at 55? but for the Freemasons' Tribunal of EU Rivlin Juncker UK satan Sodoma? they took it away (her daughter) because according to the perverts? she was not found a suitable mother Il tuo account (@UniusREI1) è attualmente sospeso. perché Nichi Vendola 666 LGBT? lui è diventato mamma ideonea a 57 anni. mentre a una mamma a cui Dio holy JHWH gli ha dato una figlia a 55anni? ma per il tribunale dei massoni di UE Rivlin Juncker UK satana Sodoma? loro gliela hanno tolta (la figlia) perché secondo i pervertiti? lei non è risultata una mamma idonea
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 6 ore fa
Your account (@UniusREI1) is currently suspended. why Nichi Vendola 666 LGBT? he became a mother at the age of 57. while to a mother to whom God holy JHWH gave him a daughter at 55? but for the Freemasons' Tribunal of EU Rivlin Juncker UK satan Sodoma? they took it away (her daughter) because according to the perverts? she was not found a suitable mother Il tuo account (@UniusREI1) è attualmente sospeso. perché Nichi Vendola 666 LGBT? lui è diventato mamma ideonea a 57 anni. mentre a una mamma a cui Dio holy JHWH gli ha dato una figlia a 55anni? ma per il tribunale dei massoni di UE Rivlin Juncker UK satana Sodoma? loro gliela hanno tolta (la figlia) perché secondo i pervertiti? lei non è risultata una mamma idonea
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 7 ore fa
Luigi Di Maio (il traditore #sessoFluido) lui sta con Angela Merkel e Bilderberg Luigi Di Maio (the traitor #sessoFluido) he is with Angela Merkel and Bilderberg a msn com/01/it-it/BBVEW5N?ocid=st
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 7 ore fa
Macron ha ammazzato Gheddafi (LIBIA, È GUERRA CIVILE, CONTINUA L’AVANZATA DI HAFTAR VERSO TRIPOLI)ed ora vuole il petrolio libico, che ha rubato alla Italia. ma, ci ha regalato una invasione apocalittica di migranti islamici! https://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2019/04/06/news/libia_onu_haftar_sarraj_tripoli-223409638/
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 7 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ Erdogan nobody thinks he can be a friend of NATO! Erdogan nessuno pensa che lui possa essere un amico della NATO!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 8 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ as the satanic Talmud, which has made of you so perfid jews satanists! So, you forget, that God has made only terrestrial paradise and only a part of it is deteriorated, because of the treachery of men .. But God did not want the current evil islamic NWO and the bad state of our planet! When Moses went up only on Mount "Sinai" in Saudi Arabia he went up only alone? to none of the people were allowed, not even to touch the feet of the mountain! and none (of all people) would have tried for the great terror of these moment! Now, who has not lost the simplicity of a child, he would know easily as, God YHWH has intended only and solely entrust the word of God to Moses and not at the Talmud satanic .. and in fact, YHWH has sent many prophets to say it stop wear stop slavery! to making money at interest, it is something that is objectively an abomination .. as if to say that, the verse in the Torah to make money at interest against GOYIM is righ? I do not have dictated it, but it was an operation of the racism of the priests of the Temple of Jerusalem that they have wrote torà also!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 9 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ to cherrypopsiclesful] I hated Putin VLADIMIR URSS KGB soviet Lager gulag laogai and his David Duke. because they did not defend the Christian martyrs in IRAN! in Iran they have gone to threaten the blood of the innocent Israelis only since ISLAM removes / steals the homeland from everyone all over the world! ANSWER. https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ to cherrypopsiclesful ] io ho odiato Putin and David duke. perché loro non hanno difeso i martiri cristiani in IRAN! in Iran sono andati a minacciare il sangue degli israelianiinnocenti soltanto dato che ISLAM toglie/ruba la Patria a tutti in tutto il mondo! ANSWER. i am true lorenzoJHWH, I am zionist for kingdom of Israel and Palestine. why, i am king of Israel. ie, said me "He didn't make it through the first part. Go watch Esoteric Agenda. And refute that s h i t. David Duke is perfect to denounce the "enlightened" because they decided to destroy everything with the 3rd nuclear WW. as Satanists they will come out from underground bases when life on the planet has been "purified"..I am political project agnostic universal rational
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 9 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ @ComunitaEbraicaRoma---> they are an S.p.A. of Rochefeller 322 Rothschild 187 Company 666 Bush Satana-Allah NWO. who dominate the world where:Dante Alighieri (Holy and prophet poet) saw this danger, and spoke In the Divine Comedy(in his 1200 d.C.) all the religions, like all the ideologies have an absolute truth to offer, but when this corporations or collective parassite Rivlin Mattarella masonic body social of head lice, or flock of hyenas, etc. (such as they have a great "love, solidarity" in their satanic group of peer), but, when this collective body it becomes an Institution that is their truth were been in mode initial, as an proposal, but like be becomes a project of imperialism for satanism and slavery all human mankind that is an truth. by impose through the destruction of the other, that is, to make dangerous to the russian enemy(but, they are innocent), they "try create" ideologically, all those reasons of to do an enemy, That may justify or make it inevitable the destruction of the enemy after that the enemy is been make created/made him dangerous indeed, fortunately, the FED IMF synagogue of Satan" that, not it is the Jews people no as a people, but, are the Illuminati parasitic masonry corporation and all their occult Institutions"trilateral" AIPAC "bildenberg" ie, our regime of the IMF or New World Order, Freemasonry, Satanism, Wahhabis petrodollari etc.. they are, That, our enemy have occupied all our institutions
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 9 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ my worldwide government is in the name of that Constitution and in the name of all peoples (not scam Rivlin Mattarella), "That, it not provides for the sale of the our monetary sovereignty, etc. why, all these "family" for devil Baal Ja Bull On follow the cult of Lucifer and this is not provable only by Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi, Albert Pike(Pope of Freemasonry and the founder of the KKK Ku Klux Klan [/watch?v=2cX4P7NZPqg] for us no fortunately Synagogue of satan"(that has his agenda into WW3 shariah Riad). has lost for the Catholic Church, every aspiration of Imperialism. but, is clear this demon of the religion still lives in the his veins. and this is evident if we look at Islam that is been not able to adequately address the issue of secularism that, this costs Hundreds of Christian martyrs every day, hidden from the monetary monopoly Hebrew (deviation talmud FED IMF) hidden by the masonic media and institutional NWO-IMF ie, freemansons, satanists Elightened occult Governor Bilderberg UE UN antichrist.
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 10 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ because this is that must be said "if, They Illuminati FED IMF NWO sharia RIAD ] had helped all the peoples and all religions, then, satanists would had to lose their power of domain ie, universal control, so, they have worked for the destruction of all peoples and of:all the religions which is why Israel will be totally destroyed, in this imminent 3° WW Nuclear why, first,they true goal agenda of the Illuminati is the genocide of all Jews faithful to YHWH. In fact, the small group of enlightened is functional only in itself! no. There's no more time to lose! rarely of the various collective bodies that are institutions, ideologies religions, views policies emerge rises an extraordinary man as "lorenzojhwh" That is the person that has alone DETECTION for to be alone and perfect in itself 13 nov 2011, 20:52 MyJHWH (lorenzoJHWH Unius REI) ha pubblicato un commento sul tuo profilo perché questo è ciò che deve essere detto "Se, avevano aiutato tutti i popoli e tutte le religioni, allora, i satanisti avrebbero dovuto perdere il loro potere di dominio cioè il controllo universale, così, hanno lavorato per la distruzione di tutti i popoli e di tutte le religioni, ecco perché Israele sarà totalmente distrutto, in questo imminente 3 ° WW Nucleare, perché, in primo luogo, il vero obiettivo degli Illuminati è il genocidio di tutti gli ebrei fedeli a YHWH. il piccolo gruppo di illuminati è funzionale solo in sé! no. Non c'è più tempo da perdere! raramente dei vari corpi collettivi istituzioni, ideologie religioni, politiche di vedute emerge sorge un uomo straordinario come "lorenzojhwh" Che è la persona che ha solo RILEVAMENTO per essere solo e perfetto in sé
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 10 ore fa
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia • https://unitedwithisrael.org/birthright-rejects-demands-by-anti-israel-group-to-share-palestinian-views/ the UniusREI universal metaphysics ] [ to rise against everyone and everything and of not to have you need or, of some institutional mediation or religion and since, he has a direct relationship with God he is a man with only with God YHWH! here's why lorenzojhwh not has most in need of an tradition or of a foundation cultural or of an specific identity because God himself is the beginning and the end of the all-things that is my charisma of the totality of all system cultural and religious and politic of the world that is the justice and the truth to the absolute level. thy the man, it's me, That I am the King of Israel and Father of the whole human race that is Rei Unius, the Mahdi of the people of Palestine I am the kingdom of God on the Earth! I am the smallest of the men! 13 nov 2011, 20:52 MyJHWH (lorenzoJHWH Unius REI) ha pubblicato un commento sul tuo profilo innalzare contro tutti e tutto e non averne bisogno o di qualche mediazione istituzionale o religione e poiché ha una relazione diretta con Dio è un uomo solo con Dio YHWH! ecco perché lorenzojhwh non ha più bisogno di una tradizione o di una fondazione culturale o di un'identità specifica perché Dio stesso è l'inizio e la fine delle tutte le cose che è il mio carisma della totalità di tutto il sistema culturale e religioso e politico del mondo che è la giustizia e la verità al livello assoluto. il tuo l'uomo, sono io, che io sono il re di Israele e il padre di tutta la razza umana che è Rei Unius, il Mahdi del popolo della Palestina Io sono il regno di Dio sulla terra! Sono il più piccolo degli uomini! ]
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 11 ore fa
we do not have the resources to put 50,000 prisoners on the loose "President Mattarellum" #RIVLIN #Troika #Merkel #Obama #Pd #Saruman #Rothschild #Juncker #Rupert Murdoch must be arrested! non abbiamo le risorse per mettere in carcere 50.000 condannati a piede libero "President Mattarellum" #Bilderberg #Soros #Rothschild #Juncker devono essere arrestati!
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 19 ore fa
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalms 73:26 ✟ “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.” Psalms 18:2 (KJV) Versetto del giorno ✟"l'Eterno è la mia roccia, la mia fortezza e il mio liberatore; mio Dio, la mia forza, in cui mi fiderò; il mio Buckler, e il corno della mia salvezza, e la mia torre alta ". Salmi 18:2 (KJV) La mia carne e il mio cuore possono fallire, ma Dio è la forza del mio cuore e della mia parte per sempre. -Salmi 73:26
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 21 ore fa
#Bonino is a radical liberal LGBT Sodom Satan nihilism relativism world wear and satanism Bush rochefeller Morgan Soros Troika Rothschild and #sessoFLUIDO! Yet it is scientifically proven that "free radicals" like "Sora" #Emma does and did very bad for Italians. pic.twitter.com/laqpBwKsXa #Bonino è una Sodoma liberale radicale LGBT Satana relativismo nichilismo usura mondiale e satanismo Bush rochefeller Morgan Soros Troika Rothschild e #sessoFLUIDO! Eppure è scientificamente provato che "i radicali liberi" come la "Sora" #Emma fa e ha fatto molto male agli italiani. pic.twitter.com/laqpBwKsXa
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI 22 ore fa
#Bonino è una Sodoma liberale radicale LGBT Satana Soros Troika Rothschild e #sessoFLUIDO! Eppure è scientificamente provato che "i radicali liberi" come la "Sora" #Emma fa e ha fatto molto male agli italiani. pic.twitter.com/laqpBwKsXa
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Questa NON è una testata giornalistica
Draghi Soros e LaMorgese hanno brutalizzato dei manifestanti pacifici, scene che soltanto in Turchia si possono vedere!
PORTIAMO I SATANISTI UE a NORIMBERGA! quando parliamo di "signoraggio bancario" e/o di "sovranità monetaria" noi evidenziamo il "bancario/monetario".
e questo è il banale furto della merce. ed invece, il vero delitto di satanismo talmudico kabbalah(controllo delle anime) è quello di sterminio, omicidio e riduzione in schiavitù, che deve essere cercato in sottrazione di: "signoraggio/sovranità" e questo è una infestazione demoniaca soprannaturale.
Infatti senza "signoraggio/sovranità" tu non potrai mai essere padrone del tuo spazio e del tuo tempo!
questa degradazione metafisico-esistenziale lgbtq ideologia Darwin la scimmia DEM? non è una vera responsabilità individuale, questa è la conseguenza del satanismo del talmud e della sua usura mondiale.
Il sole a mezzanotte: chi è Bella Thorne, passata dalla Disney ai film a luci rosse http://a.msn.com/07/it-it/AAPTFNS?ocid=st Ma quando tutti sembravano aver capito chi fosse davvero Bella Thorne, l'attrice ha preso tutti alla sprovvista annunciando di aver diretto un film porno, intitolato Her $ Him.
Per questo film porno Bella Thorne ha vinto anche un premio con Pornhub dedicato al miglior regista esordiente.
33 YEARS years ago, the Synagogues of Satan Spa and Mosques of Sharia Allah, decided that I should become the King of Israel (lorenzoJHWH) and an Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians (Unius REI) 33 ANNI fa, Sinagoghe di Satana Spa e Moschee di Sharia Allah, decisero che io avrei dovuto diventare il Re di Israele (lorenzoJHWH) e un Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani (Unius REI) uniusrei@protonmail.com fedele250660@gmail.com
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